Ying Dong's Story (Part 1)

Cruel Romance Stories

      "Ying Dong.....what are you doing here?" I asked the tall man before me. You would think that in a situation like this, he would be serious, but no. As always he stood towering over me, that prize-winning smirk forever carved into his face. He stepped closer pushing me farther against the wall, if that's even possible, and leaned down close enough that I swore his lips would touch my ear. "I think you know exactly why I'm here." His voice had the power to make a grown women, such as myself, melt instantly. It took every single ounce of willpower I had left to not slap him or completely fall into his strong arms that had me caged against the wall. Instead, I remained stoic, fighting all urges to run straight for the window, though I guess in my position, that would have been impossible anyway. "I told you already, you can't keep coming around here and screwing with me!" My words echoed within my office. I had worked my off for nearly three years here in Shanghai in order to finally get to where I am now, and I'm not about to let this chaotic being ruin all of my hard work. As I was so lost in my own rage and thoughts, I didn't notice his hand slowly creeping up from his side. That was until it came down and wrapped itself around my throat, forcing me to stare into his eyes. "I'm pretty sure I can do whatever I want...do you forget who I am and who my family is?" His grip was slowly tightening with his words, his facade was slowly fading as his anger instead took over. Despite all of this, I showed no emotion, and that's what was getting to him. I know this man and his stupidity. He was raised in a way where if he even looked at something or someone, he got it. He never had to struggle to rise to power, it was handed to him all wrapped up and topped with a pure gold bow. His brother always looked after him and made sure that he always was happy. His power and name was nothing but a fancy title handed to him and I hated everything about that. "Don't bring up your family to me. I don't care who you think you are and I'm pretty sure your own family doesn't either! I mean....why else would Ming Zhu leave you for your brother? You're nothing in their eyes...so why should you be someone to me?"

       Before I knew it, I was flung harshly against the floor. "How dare you?!" I had completely broken whatever shred of dignity he had left, his screams probably reached the rest of China. "I'm nothing?! Have you even looked into a mirror lately? I'm Xiang Ying Dong! My family owns all of this filthy town! I'm friends with the largest mob base in the country! Who do you think you are questioning me and what power I have?!" A small laugh...no....cackle rang through the room, and it wouldn't be until later that I realized it was mine. "I don't recall questioning your authority," I hissed, "No...I didn't question it, because in order to question something...it has to exist or at least have the possibility of existing...but any power that claims to be owned by you? Please...don't make me laugh." I slowly looked back up to him, and instead of being greeted with his usual playful demeanor, I saw a man with enough rage to start any war he wanted to...and I'm pretty sure he would win. But here, I would come out on top...and I had exactly the means to do so. "I mean, hell, let's just take Mingzhu as a prime example," I continued, somehow finding the strength to stand up and walk towards him. "I'm pretty sure I recall...oh how long ago was it? Ah! Yes, I recall that about a year ago you came running to me, saying how Ming Zhu left you for your brother. And please, refresh my memory, why did she leave you?" My back was quickly against the wall again, and his hand captured my throat in a grip so strong that I was actually finding it hard to breathe. "You have no right to bring Ming Zhu into this!" He practically growled at me. "Oh but I think I do," I said. "You see, I think she left you for power. She left you because she knew that your brother had more power than you and for once in you life you couldn't have something that you wanted." I did it. I hit his weak spot, and this is where he crumbled. "You know nothing about me!" He shouted, all control completely gone now. "I can have everything and anything that I desire! And there's no one in this town, this country, or even this whole world who can stop me!" His face grew redder and his hand grew tighter with each word. I knew that if I were to continue killing his pride, I might end up dead in the floor of my own office, but I don't care. I will die fighting in honor here then go later knowing that I was defeated by Xiang Ying Dong, Shanghai's wealthiest brat. "If that's the case," I gasped "Then why are you here with me, a common business women with nothing but money and a small bit of power to her name? Your family has more than mine, yet here you are, fighting for your own worthless pride in a building smaller than your own living room, and oh right, no Mingzhu fighting by your..." I couldn't finish my statement as his hand fully closed off my airways.                  

          "Shut it." He stated coldly, and then he did something odd. His faces pulled away slightly, but his hand remained. Yingdong began to smile again and even chuckled. "Having trouble breathing there?" He asked, laughing after words. I fought, but to no avail, he was much stronger than me, so I just settle for wiggling and kicking which didn't work either I guess as he continued to laugh at my struggles. "Look at you," he started "talking big, yet here you are, against the wall of your own office fighting a game you're obviously to small for, and let me tell you a secret darling," he moved his face so that his lips were once again close enough I touch my ear, "I'm going to win."

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Chapter 1: I can't wait for the update.