world #2

101st Marien Palace
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words; 3058



               Everything was determined and looks like abandoned. Buildings looks like they exploded and only skeleton left. But 101th Marien Palace was safe and sound. Like it's not belong here.

Actually it was truly not belong that time and environment.

"What the ?" Sehun asked with parted lips. They all shocked. "Seriously what happened?!" Minju's eyes narrowed and checked around. "Is it possible that someone attacked us with an atom bomb? When we were inside the building?" Yuna asked because she couldn't find any other sane explanation.

"Don't be stupid Yuna. If it was an atom bomb, we would be on cellular level. Like organisms. We are breathing, still." Sehun answered because he found that explanation so stupid. There was no sun. Only clouds and day light. They heard a car motor voice. Yuna waved hands to two guys inside car.

          Until they see the guys have guns.

One of them randomly shooted the sky. It was a warning.

Minju held Sehun's arm and hide behind him. Yuna was still few steps ahead them. Three of them runned till inside of building when they understand the guys are not so friendly. They climbed the stairs quickly. At linkage stairs between 7th and 8th floor there was chain-wire fences and a door from chains. There's no way other than elevator to climb higher than 7th floor. And elevator wasn't working. Minju already tried it 3 times.

"! We trapped here!" Sehun protested while sending a shoulder to chained door. It made a great voice. Minju closed her ears. They runned till the window and looked outside. Their car was there. Actually their car looks like the only working thing in this "world". Two of the guys are in front of entrance but they didn't even try to open door.

"Look. They are not even coming inside." Yuna showed them. "It's so strange. And why even they want to catch us? No sense."

"Did you find anything actually sense here?"

A familiar voice answered to Yuna. But she couldn't tell who's voice was that. She turned back and saw tanned guy with plump lips.

"Jongin?" Yuna asked with a shock expression.

"Do I know you?" Kai pouted. Because he really didn't know her.

"Do you know who he is? Yuna?" Sehun asked this time. Because his brother was surprised that her sister knew a random guy at a building which jump through "worlds".

"Kim Jongin? Seoul University? Law student? Don't you remember me? The girl on the bus?" She was trying to convince him that they've met before. She jogged through him when she was saying that all.

"What? No..My dad wanted me to study Law. I'm dancer. I actually..I was a dancer. Call me Kai. I hate Jongin name and law." She was totally confused by his words.

"But..You were carrying Collage of Law books."

"Which me? I have thousands of them." He smirked. Because he knew more than three of them.

"Can you stop playing that mystery game. And explain what the hell is going on?" Sehun bumped into conversation.

"Okay. I'll but..You should shut your girlfriend's mouth for a moment." Kai said as referring Yuna.

"No..What? Wait. He's my brother." Yuna protested. And Minju nodeed along her.

"How rude of you.." Yuna whispered under her breath. She absolutely liked Law student Jongin more. He was kind and cheerful. That Jongin guy was cold and restless.

"Whatever. Do you want to learn what will happen next?" he asked while checking a watch on his arm. It wasn't like a usual watch. It was doing a countdown backwards. When Yuna glanced his watch,


"Why are you carrying a 'minutes' clock? To backwards?" Yuna asked. Kai reached and pressed his index finger on her lips.

"Can't you stay quiet? For a bit?" he said while looking at Yuna's widened eyes. How could that stranger touch her that randomly? She slapped his hand. "Don't touch me again. And tell everything after your show is over?" she raised a brow.

"Well, I don't care if you guys will believe or not.." he pouted on her action and put his hands to pocket of black jeans.

"..But that building is jumping between parallel universes." he put one of his hand out and placed it on the wall of building.

"Parallel what?" Sehun asked with lowered brows.

"Universes. Now it makes sense.." Yuna said, blinked few times to accepting situation. "Can you explain a bit more?" Minju offered to Kai. But Yuna was knowing more than Kai because she's studying a collage of it. That's her time to make him shame on his show off.

"It's not like jumping in time--" Kai started but his words cutted by Yuna.

"Yes, It's nothing like time travel. Time travelling is all about breaking the time line. That called parallel universe for a reason. Every parallel is a world which caused by our decisions. It's all about making choices."

"What choices?" Sehun asked.

"Well I should explain easily like this, if there's two choices on you. Think like you're going to go a party. If you go to party, you'll meet with love of your love and marry her. But if you don't go, you stayed at home and never gonna meet her and die alone. At every choice, another parallel world appears. Is it clear?" Yuna asked to his brother.

"But I can meet with her another time? Which we called fate?" Sehun said. He was showing Minju without even realizing. Minju a bit flattered and her cheeks turned a slight pink.

"That's another choice brother. Than three parallels appeared. One of them you met with her at party, other one you've never met and third one you're meeting her with another choice and under different circumstances.The quantum-mechanical "Schrödinger's cat" paradox." Yuna explained.

"Than that's mean.." Minju was shocking at every word of Yuna..She couldn't say the end of sentence.

"..that's mean there're millions of parallel universes." Yuna completed her half sentence.

Claps started from Yuna's behind. She turned her back and catched gazes with Jongin..Or this one was Kai version.

"Bravo. Congrats." He was clapping. And put his hands next sides of his waist.

"My majority..Physics." Yuna explained while breaking the gaze connection. "Jongin..I mean you were already knowing it."

"I must say that I impressed. I bet Jongin impressed too..At the bus?" Kai asked with a upper brow.

"Who knows.." Yuna nodded.

Sehun was still confusing and looking around with narrowed eyes. "Now, tell me. Do you know my sister or not?"

"My homeboy and kind version, who made a choice like studying Law, knew her. I didn't. I just met her. But..In the end. All of them, all of the versions are me. You are the dumb kid of family, right?" Kai said with a mocking voice.

Sehun get angry and walked through Kai. Minju tried to hold Sehun because she didn't want fight. Sehun was too strong and she failed..Yuna already knew she can't stop Sehun when

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Chapter 5: I took so much time re-read this chapter again and again....this is so yura is yuna? And yuna is yura? And yura's father know about sehun and yuna's father, doojoon...what will happen when the elevator door open..... I don't know what to really did amazing work makes me want to read more and more....even though everything feel so hard to understand and to imagine....
Chapter 4: This is so exciting....thanks for the curious though....
Chapter 3: Wahhh this story is really makes me think....and kai or jongin past story really makes me curious...
Chapter 1: This chapter's pretty good! I can't wait for the next chapter.
kpoplover38 #5
update soon chingu~~
joowonlov #6
the plot seems interesting^^
niceguy12 #7
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #8
waiting for update^^
kaisooshipper12 #9
cant wait fighting:D
xiuhanisreall #10
excited to read this^^