world #3

101st Marien Palace
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chp; 3/-

words; 4804



        Sehun sent his foot inside building and threw Minju with himself inside. He wrapped her inside his chest and they fell on the floor together. Vacuuming feel started right after they get inside. And goddamn lights. "I'll be blind because of lights." Sehun talked on top of Minju's head. She buried her face into Sehun's chest and they didn't move till that odd vacuum in tube feel disappear.

And they jumped to another world. Minju was the one talking.

"Sehun! We should take care of your wound." She stand up but Sehun couldn't move. "It actually hurt a bit." He said inside his squeezed teeth. Kai quickly started to check first aid kit and kneeled down next to him. Yuna ripped Sehun's tshirt shoulder part. One single bullet was moving inside his flesh with every move of Sehun's muscles. "Oh my.." Yuna turned her eyes to another side. She couldn't look. Yuna moved other side of Sehun and held his hand. "It will be alright Sehun." Yuna said.

"It may hurt a little." Kai said while the emptiness of his skin, which bullet made. Sehun clenched his fist, the one Yuna still holding. And closed his eyes. Kai took off the bullet. Minju was holding Sehun's head and shoulder for him not to move. Brave action from a small girl.

"It would poison you if it stay a bit longer." Kai explained.

"Believe me my pain threshold is higher than you can imagine." Sehun answered. Nobody was knowing that he's a street fighter and he didn't want to tell them. It's better in this way.

"Okay, just hold on a bit more. Count till 20 inside." Kai said while preparing the stitches. "Hold on Sehun." Minju couraged him while brushing off his sweat on forehead. Yuna surprised by her bravery because if you look at her from outside, you say she'd just sit there and cry at a scene like this. Sehun was keeping an eye on his deep wound. Minju reached and turned his head to other side when Kai stabbed the pin on his skin. He clenched Yuna's hand once more.

"20 19 18 17.." he murmured between his teeth.

It had done after half of an hour first aid operation.

"We will take you hospital at this world. If there's one.." Yuna said.

 "But it can be dangerous in any world. We should be careful." Kai said. Yuna reached and held the door's handle. She stopped with Minju's voice.

"I really want to go home.." she was standing right next to Sehun. As always. Kai was a step forward them. He turned his head to Minju..

"Don't you get it darling?.." he changed his looks to Yuna.

"..There's no home." Kai said.

Yuna gulped. Because she knew that one was totally true. She swirled the handle.

This world was totally different.

High buildings, big screens on the buildings. Looks like Time's Square. "Wow..." Sehun grasped. "It future." He was helding his shoulder still. He wore his hoodie back. For covering his arm. "But it's not. It's not home nor future.. We have 30 hours. But in worlds 30 hours not passed like actual 30 hours, it's quicker. Just be here as quick as you can. Okay?" Kai explained. "At least..There's no one trying to kill us." Yuna said.

"Yet." Kai corrected her.

"I'm gonna take Sehun to hospital." Minju said. "Ah..Okay. We should try to reach my father, Kai. He lead us to here. I need to find him." Yuna said to Kai. "We can look at your home. If it's still there." Kai answered. "Let's look if the streets has same name." Yuna said.






Minju held Sehun's arm and lead him to closest hospital around.

"Ah hey. It's a bit emergency situation. He need help." She explained the nurse. "Okay, Mister, follow me. And young lady you should made check in at entrance." Minju got nervous with her "check in" reference. Because she didn't know how is this world's patient record system. "Okay.." She nodded.

"Ahn Minju. And the patient name Oh Sehun." She explained while  taking off her credit card from wallet. "What's this?" the assistant girl asked. "Credit card for payment." Her brows lowered. "Only 'bigeno' is accepted. What is credit card?" She asked again. "What's bigeno, God! Okay. What should I do?" Minju sighed. "Biometric Genetic Paymet. Put your hand here please." Assistant girl showed Minju a hand printer. She couldn't believe how she forget it's not their world. Because it seems so a like with her world, with a slight more technologjcal issues. She confused. She even could find that hospital with same name at her original world.

Minju placed her hand on hand scanner. A little green light with click voice followed her action. Screen wide open at air. It was a hologram. She tried to touch it with her other hand. She had a picture of herself with lighter and shorter hairs. She doesn't remember herself like this. "That's..other me." She said while touching the hologram screen.

"Ahn Minju. Credit transferred." words appeared. She sighed and relieved. They both Minju had same hand print and face. They were actually same person with different choices and lifes. She shook her head and go right back to Sehun. His wound cleaned and wrapped with fabrics. He looks better now. When they were leaving to hospital she stopped at in front of assistant girl and took her(Ahn Minju's) adress. "Thanks." Minju thanked and said "Sehun-ah..I've got an idea." She gulped because she didn't know if it's a good idea or not. "We're gonna visit, me."






"Kai look! It's a fast food trunk. I'm starving. Come over.." Yuna screamed when she saw the trunk. They had one person before them and Kai carefully watched the guy. He took the foods and placed his hand right above the trunk. There was a hand scanner. "Yuna you will place your hand there. Look at him. You take the snacks. I'm gonna look around for any adress taking place." Kai explained. He doesn't want to her get into an awkward situation. They were developing their relationship slowly. Yuna nodded and gave orders. She waited and placed her hand in the scanner.

"No match. Try again." Hologram appeared. Yuna scared at first. Then she realized the hologram. "There's no match." Cashier girl explained like Yuna didn't see it already. "Ah..Maybe an error occurred." She tried to put her hand again but girl cut off her words "It's impossible. Bigeno never fails." She didn't let Yuna take the sandwiches. Kai appeared at corner and runned through her. He saw Yuna's troubled expression because she didn't know what to do. Kai held Yuna's shoulders.. He made a head movement to Yuna for her to get back. Kai put his hand on the scanner. "Ah sorry. She had a surgery on her hands." Kai smiled to girl. He knew that smiling is his weapon. She immediately smiled back. "No problem." Cashier girl smiled, that confused Yuna because she's acting totally different now.

"Kim Jongin. Credit transferred." That creepy hologram, again. Kai sighed and took the tuna fish sandwiches. They quickly move to another street for not causing problems. There was two Kim Jongin with same appearance and it may cause problem. "Which street you were living? Streets names are same with you've told before. That world is a bit similar to the one you lived." Kai smiled to Yuna for encouraging her. Because what happened two minutes ago was something..confusing for her. And sad at same time.






"That's my home." Minju showed to Sehun. "Your?" Sehun chuckled for mocking with her.

"Stop it..That's me in the end." She smiled back while putting her finger on scanner. That's the kind of biometric key. Click voice came. Sehun held her hand on the door's handle. "Wait..What if you are at home?" He asked as whisper. She whispered back.

"She should come to look for door till now if she was at home. I am kind of getting inside my home. That's not a break in issue. Don't worry." Minju tried to courage him. Sehun was still nervous when she opened the door "Wow. I'm seriously more fashion sensed in this world." She mocked with herself. Everywhere was white decorated and shiny grey colors. Only ceiling was black and there was a milky way on it. There was a picture of herself on the wall which pictured at studio. "Ah..That one..Nice." Sehun showed the picture and said with his wide open mouth. Minju a bit blushed on his compliment. "Aha..I was looking for this." Sehun sat on the chair. There was a table and a laptop on it. ". It want password." Sehun turned his head to Minju for an answer. "What was your password Minju-yah?" Sehun asked quickly. Because he was still nervous.

"It doesn't work. It won't be same." Minju answered. "Come on. That's you in the end? Didn't you say like this? Come on Minju-yah..I need to call my dad. I can find a way for reaching him. What was your password? Your birth date? School number?" Sehun insisted with lowered voice. He looks desperate. Minju started to rip of the little skin pinches on her finger. She looked other side than Sehun.

"OSH.0412" she said with a sigh. Minju still couldn't look at Sehun. Sehun's eyebrow went to upside. "Oh.." was all he could say. He entered password and it accepted. "That means, even at another world, I would find you huh?" Minju said while turning her face to Sehun, finally. Sehun smiled back and they both shocked with the wallpaper picture of laptop.

Sehun and Minju..Hugging. Sehun is kissing her top of hairs and Minju leaned cheek on his chest. "Wow.." Sehun said. He couldn't look at her too. "We are dating. Here.." and he added. He shooked his head and opened the internet searching section. Minju was still playing with her fingers, biting and plucking the skin on them.

"Oh Dojoon." He wrote and pushed enter button. He slowly read the informations.

"Only son Oh Sehun will be the next heir of company. Their company is searching and developing metaphysical issues. And government is also supporting them." when he stopped their eyes locked with each other. "Only son.." Minju repeated. "Yuna. She didn't born in this world." Sehun's lips parted open because that world was so close to theirs. But that exception changes everything. They can't go to see their father in this world. "I'm gonna wait you in front of apartment. I gotta find a phone for calling your dad..Take the number." Minju said with putting one hand on Sehun's shoulder. She was still want to get off that home they live with other Sehun. It felt so odd and awkward. She found that excuse for escaping there. He nodded and started to search for number finding websites. She closed the house's door behind.

Sehun want to scribble down the number he found but he couldn't find any pen or paper. "For God's sake are you not using.." he stopped when he saw a pen shaped glass piece. "Wow.." he too

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Chapter 5: I took so much time re-read this chapter again and again....this is so yura is yuna? And yuna is yura? And yura's father know about sehun and yuna's father, doojoon...what will happen when the elevator door open..... I don't know what to really did amazing work makes me want to read more and more....even though everything feel so hard to understand and to imagine....
Chapter 4: This is so exciting....thanks for the curious though....
Chapter 3: Wahhh this story is really makes me think....and kai or jongin past story really makes me curious...
Chapter 1: This chapter's pretty good! I can't wait for the next chapter.
kpoplover38 #5
update soon chingu~~
joowonlov #6
the plot seems interesting^^
niceguy12 #7
looks interesting can't wait
romancefanfics #8
waiting for update^^
kaisooshipper12 #9
cant wait fighting:D
xiuhanisreall #10
excited to read this^^