Jimin sunbae-nim

Play around

Manager sign in*

Jimin sign in*


Jimin:Hey, hyung what's up?

Manager:You've been pretty popular recently,Jimin!

Jimin:Huh?Of course BTS make a lot of good song ^-^

Manager:Haih..stupid its you not BTS i'm talking about!

Jimin:Ouch..that hurt hyungie~

Manager:That's not going to work at me...only your member fall easily to that you give...

Jimin:Fine stupid manager :P

Manager:Say the person to the mirror...

Jimin:What do you mean i'm popular?by who?

 Manager:Jimin do you know TARGET?

Jimin:hmm nope...a new debut idols?

Manager:No...they do not debut..yet

Other member except Namjoon and Suga sign in*

Jungkook:what's up with them?

Hoseok:Did they over heels of Jimin?...i would't let them be near Jimin then....don't know what they will do to this hottie.

Taehyung:Excuse me!it was  95 liner of BTS is the hottest...

Jin:Can't denied that!

Manager:The bunch of stupid are here,heh?What ever look at this link:


....5minute later.....

Jimin:Okay,so the guy who cover for our song who is name Boun idolize me and freaking call me JIMIN SUNBAE-NIM! OMG! OMG!


Jin:I'm in Hoseok..

Taehyung:Me too..

Jungkook:Damn it...i need to see them before they meet Jimin and tell them to not touch my boyfriend!


All sign out*




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luvarin #1
Chapter 8: Im laughing hard.. seriously.. now i am looking fwd to next chapter.. fighting dear.. :)
Chapter 8: Omg!!!!! So cute!!!!! i can totally imagine this chapter you know?!!!! Aaaaaaahhhhhhh i love this!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: Aww cute!!!! Make chapter of this!!!
Maram_Bangtan #4
Chapter 5: This fanfic is really unique!! I really love it and HWAITING!!! I wish u'd be able to update soon!
Chapter 5: omg!!!!!!!!! guys!!! guys guys guys its only a story base on a making plot but~!! why does it sound so real??!!!!!! like in a life form I could totally imagine Jungkook saying 'jibaby' towards Jimin with his own voice like hell man!!! Ill die!!!!
Chapter 5: Looovveee it XD ♥♥♥♥♥
omg hwaiting! I like it so far. had a good laugh :)