3. Feast and Fate- Joseon

알찬열매 [Ripe Fruit]

A/N: This is the longest chapter so far. (4000 words?) Super sorry about that! However, that is also the reason I am posting this chapter without its modern counterpart (which I have yet to write). It's as long and as satisfying as two chapters. Thank you to the new subscribers! ❤

Anna Danielle Sabine

To no one's surprise, and to everyone's glee, the Prince, no- Chanyeol and I became dear friends.  He had helped me adapt to filthy floor toilets, massively uncomfortable beddings among many others. He even had me understand some gibberish! When he was not busy doing his princely duties, which included a three- hour class with each of my parents daily, he kept the erts of this country at bay when near me- namely, the palace guards and some scholars who visit the palace occasionally. But, t'is a faux and hyprocrisy. I would be, in terms of Greek mythology, a Hundred- Handed One, had I successfully counted with my fingers the innumerable times he had shown his true erted colors to me. In exchange for such sweet treatment, I am at his disposal. Not ual disposal, if I may add. It was a voluntary decision- to be there whenever and wherever Chanyeol needs me, to be, in no other better word, his friend. It has been almost three months since the day he invited me to feed the fish. In that time, I accepted the palace as my second home, the Emperor as my second father and the little prince as my sibling so long as nobody separates me from my books and, more importantly, Chanyeol- whose status as my second whatever is unknown. Truthfully, that is because I only think of him as a first. 


The Emperor's birthday, as I have heard, was unbelievably simple- excluding, maybe, the fireworks which he had delighted in. Despite the fact that he had to feed all of his officials and the rest of the public who were allowed to enter the palace's court yards on this specific day, it was not grand. The food he asked to be prepared were humble dishes- just the staples during Korean birthdays such as seaweed soup. That is why his people loved him. 

This festive spring day dawned upon Joseon. The air was evidently merrier as I had been woken by the sound of quick footsteps outside. My room had already been enveloped by the smell of fresh fruits from this year's harvest. I proceeded to my morning routine of folding the beddings and fixing myself. It is amusing to see how these small things have become so normal to me now. 

The Emperor and I had an uncle-niece relationship since he treated my father like a brother as well. Things being so, I am granted the right to enter his throne room whenever as long as he was not meeting anyone important. I prepared my gift for him and made my way to the main building where he would now be.


"Ah, then go with Lady Anna!" The Emperor exclaimed happily from his seat as he saw me enter his throne room.

Chanyeol turned to look at me as well. "I would love to have Anna accompany me, Father, but would she not be easily identified?"

"What does that supposed to mean?" I walked towards both of them. Chanyeol was staring at my s again. Fantastic way to greet 'good morning', is it not? 

"I was referring to your appearance. You have a taller nose, slightly lighter hair and a more pinkish complexion. Not to mention you are taller than most women and you have refused to wear a hanbok since you came here. You definitely cannot accompany me to the town." Chanyeol said.

"The town?! I definitely can accompany you and I will, as a matter-of-fact," I said sternly. The possibility of finally leaving the palace for the first time in three months excited me. Chanyeol plastered a defiant look on his face.

The Emperor laughed loudly. "Anna, child, you are dear to me so I will allow you only if you really want to." 

"But father!" Chanyeol panicked.

"My son, in the first place, is it not your fault that you have to leave the palace? On my birthday moreover?" The Emperor chuckled. "Anna." He then turned to me. "You see, my son Chanyeol had given me a present especially purchased from the Qing Dynasty. Quite extravagant, yes, but I have no need for these things. Genuinely, too, I think it does not fit the decor of the palace." He laughed once more. "He had taken it upon himself to search the town for a more fitting gift which, of course, he will have to do in disguise. If you decide to join him, I will be most glad!"

Before I could respond, Chanyeol declared, "Anna, you will have to wear a hanbok. Think about this." 

He knew how to manipulate me. My silent protest to keep, if none, at least my clothing that of a French woman is only known by him. However, this is an exception. The last I have seen of the outside world was when I had seen it in the carriage, on that first day, three months ago. If I was not dying, I was living to get out. 

"I shall join the crowned prince, Your Highness," I said. Chanyeol just stared.

"Wonderful! I shall have the royal seamstress fit you a nice hanbok," he said happily. 

"I am grateful. But before anything else, please accept my gift." I took out the white, silk handkerchief which I had personally embroidered with  the national flower of Joseon- the mugunghwa or the rose of sharon. The Emperor took it in his hands and wept. It came as a surprise though I know him to be emotional.

"It is sad yet heartwarming at the same time, that someone outside of my family knows and respects my simple preferences. It is beautiful and personal, Anna. Thank you." He stood up and hugged me. When I first saw the Emperor, he looked so stern but as the days passed, he had turned into a cheerful and loving old man.


"We are going extra lengths just so we can disguise you. Are you happy now, Anna?" Chanyeol said sarcastically as we walked towards the seamstress' home in the palace.

"Yes, I am." I smiled at Chanyeol. His face showed all signs of disbelief. "I am happy because I get to do something this weird with you." 

His eyes opened more widely and then slowly, he smiled until all his teeth were showing. 


"Anna, are you dressed yet?" Chanyeol asked the first time from the adjacent room of the seamstress' home. 

"Not yet. I did not fathom that there would be so many layers!" I shouted back. It was easy for him to say as he had been attended to earlier and is already in disguise.

"Anna, are you dressed yet?" The second time.

"You just asked that!"

"Anna, are you dressed yet?" The third time.

"My, my... was the crowned prince always this impatient?" I spoke to the seamstress this time.

"Your attempt to turn her against me is futile. Her family has been loyal to the royal family ever since I could remember," he laughed.

The seamstess now placed me under the care of the hairdresser. They made sure to give me a simple braid so that I would not stand out more than I need to. 

"Anna...Anna...Anna..." Chanyeol said in the most bored tone. 

"I am done! I am done!"

The seamstress slid the screen door that opened to the adjacent room where Chanyeol was waiting. "Prince," she said then motioned to me behind her like she was presenting me, "Lady Anna."

The hanbok had a dark red top and a long black skirt which she said would be more inconspicuous during the night. The silk felt good against my skin. However, I felt extremely uncomfortable. This was not me. I knew that and accepted that fact in the deepest parts of me. But I am doing this for Chanyeol, for the Emperor. "W-What do you think?" I asked him shyly, hoping that he thinks this is flattering.

His cheeks were turning red. Chanyeol turned to the seamstress instead of responding to me. "Sh-She... she stands out too much," he said quite annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness. But this is the best we could do." The seamstress said sincerely. Then as if she had a light bulb idea, she went straight to the drawers on the right side of the room. She took out a pastel colored hand fan and opened it in front of my face. "My Lady, this is how we hold it." The seamstress put the fan in my hand and guided my arm to cover my face. This is her idea of a perfect disguise? 

"I am unsure about this," I said frankly. The seamstress looked dismayed.

"Do not mind her. Thank you for your efforts," he said to the seamstress who automatically changed her expression. He then faced me. "It is already the afternoon. This is no time for doubts, Anna. We must be on our way." With that, Chanyeol once again took my hand (not the one that held the fan) as he always had when he had determined to drag me some place else. Not that I mind, though. 


If my eyes could look at separate directions at the same time, I would wish to do so now. The town reminded me of the bustle of a French marketplace. There were merchants of food and produce lined up in the streets. Small, dark shops mostly belonged to blacksmiths. There was an assortment of small decors for homes. The only difference would be the design of everything and the people. The stark contrast between here and the palace was undoubtedly how the people acted. For three years, I have thought that all Korean people were formal. In this chaotic town, I find some solace that it is not so.

Chanyeol was not really looking at anything in particular. He just walked the dusty path, dragging me alongside him. At first, I felt annoyed that he is taking such a chance lightly so I took it upon myself to stop him if I ever find a suitable gift for his father. However, I realized that he was doing so because some, if not all, the women we pass by are looking at him longingly. They fail to see through his disguise particularly. They are not aware that he is the crowned prince but they know he is as good-looking as any crowned prince should be. One had even snarled at me because we still held hands. His guards were close by so we really do not have anything to worry about in case something untoward happens. But I felt...defensive? For the first time, I am obliged to share Chanyeol's existence with so many women. I had wanted to keep him all for myself because that was how it has always been. I was his and he was mine. Not legally, not romantically, just a state that stands that even the Emperor does not question.

I feigned fatigue on the arm that has held the fan in front of my face for an hour now. "I have had enough," I said. We stopped on our tracks and he quickly examined me. Chanyeol eyes grew wide again when he realized I was putting my arm down, risking our disguise. In panic, he tried to get my arm back to that position but I stopped him. He was a good feet taller than I so there was a good point in hiding behind him. I snuggled closely to his side and placed my fan hand on his forearm while I kept my other hand in his. It was an attempt to appease my jealous sentiments but now, I just feel silly. Blood rushed to my face. I quickly hung my head low. "If you do not mind, I will keep this position from now on. My arm is tired." Despite the cool weather, Chanyeol's body was warm. I had never been this close to him and being so is creating new sensations within me. 

Chanyeol chuckled, his laugh reverberating throughout his entire body. We resumed our stroll. He was more focused now. Hours passed by unnoticed. The merry atmosphere from the Emperor's celebration seems to have spread across the whole town and we were merry with them. Our connected bodies stop in every store to look. He bought me several rice and potato treats from the vendors. 

He halted in front of a musical instrument store. 

"Chanyeol, why are we stopping?" He did not respond and for the first time since we left the palace, he let go of my hand. He walked towards a drum-like instrument. 

He raised the entire thing. "I found it," he exclaimed as he faced me again. He squatted and tapped the instrument expertly. 

"When did you learn to play that?" I squatted next to him.

"My father had always liked music so when I was a young boy, he personally taught me how to play this, the djembe, despite being busy. I had others teach me everything else I needed to know. I remember that on the day he started teaching me, I was so scared because to me, he was more the Emperor than he is my father. Obviously, I did not do good on the first try so I thought I was going to get punished but he just laughed it off. I clearly remember his warm smile." He stood up so I did the same. He carried the djembe to the merchant. "At that time, it was the only chance we had to bond so I treasured that half hour, every Sunday night. But one day, when I was around 13, the storage room where I kept the djembe after every class burned down. My father insisted on getting a new one of course, but his ministers advised him to start teaching me the ways of governance instead. I agreed to stop as well. After all, I am next in line. The sooner I prepare, the better leader I become...... Maybe today, for at least one more time, I could play with him. You think it would be possible?"

"Undoubtedly." At that moment, I realized Chanyeol relied on his father so much. He is his last connection to being normal, to being a son- not the crowned prince. Despite that, Chanyeol knew his place. He knew that there was a whole empire in need of him. His role as a future leader takes precedence over having a happy life with his family. I only fear that if he ever loses the Emperor, once he himself becomes the ruler of this land, he will lose love for himself and give all his love to his people.

"Ahjussi..." Chanyeol purchased the djembe from the merchant.

The merchant may have been newly-sober. He did not even notice I am not Korean. "Young love!! What I would give to be twenty again! Ahhhckkk! You kids, while you are still ripe and robust, make sure you engage in... you know?" He raised both his eyebrows suggestively. "Lad," he put his arms around Chanyeol and walked a few feet away from me, "Do you know the first time a woman does it feels the best? The female private parts will still be tight around yours! Cherish it! CHERISH IT!"

"Excuse me? The length you have walked does not make a difference if you talk that loudly." I said.

He paid me no attention. The merchant continued, "once she gives birth- AIGOOOOO! It will be loose- not so stimulating if you ask me!"

"Then we better make sure we do it soon, Anna, " Chanyeol played along. I stared at him in disbelief, though I could feel my cheeks burning.

At the same time, a middle-aged woman emerged at the door of the small shop. "YA! KIM JONGIN! YOU OLD ERT! WHY ARE YOU SAYING SUCH LEWD THINGS TO OUR CUSTOMERS?!" She turned to me. "Ahgassi, I am truly sorry on behalf of my husband."

I assure her it is alright. 

"Chanyeol, I think it is time we make our way back. Dusk is upon us." He and I leave the store. We both hear the merchant's wife continue to scold her husband. "IT IS AS IF YOU JUST TOLD THEM MY PRIVATE PARTS ARE LOOSE AND UNDESIRABLE!" 

With both his hands on the djembe, it became impossible to hold hands. There was longing left in my hands.

I just trudged closely behind Chanyeol in a feeble attempt to hide my features.

The sky had already turned dark. We did not notice the time until someone announced that the fireworks were to begin in half an hour.

"We are not going to make it to the palace in time. Let us just find a good place to view them," he said. Luckily, the city walls were a few meters away. The ground beyond it remained high so it was the perfect spot to watch the fireworks. 


"It has been a decade since I was this happy," he said. We sat side by side on the hill, talking but not really looking at each other.

"You are most welcome!" I replied immediately.

"I did not even say it was because of you!" He exclaimed.

I frowned at him. "So you are not happy because of me?"

He laughed. "Fine. It may be because of you." I am clueless as to how a few words could make me feel...happy? Special? Loved? Chanyeol paused for a while. We were alone for now. His guards remained at the doorstep of the city gates. "Anna Danielle Sabine de Montailles, thank you." We faced each other now. "Not just for today but also for the past three months. I almost gave up on becoming happy again. My time with you is, in reality, not that long so we should make it longer because if it were not for you and your immaculately weird and annoying personality, I would be as cold as my little brother by now."

"Do not talk like that!" I tried to hit him (which I am now also legally allowed to do lightly) but he caught my hand and held it tight in between both of his. I continued, "Prince Kyungsoo is not as cold to me anymore, you know?" We both laughed. "Crowned Prince, Park Chanyeol, I am also grateful to you for numerous reasons such as feeding me delicious food everyday, randomly dragging me to places, supplying educational books though it is not custom to make women learn in Joseon. However, above these petty reasons, I wish to thank you for accepting me even when I have insulted you and your culture so many times just because I was homesick."

We were both looking deeply at each other's eyes for some time until he broke the silence. "Anna, would you still be there for me?" For the first time, I saw sadness in Chanyeol's eyes. It was raw loneliness mixed with doubt and fear, with no pretense of happiness or contentment. "When I become the Emperor-"

"I know you are going to change." I cut him off. "Of course you are. It cannot be helped. But by that time, I would have changed too. And I would like to believe we will both change for the better." I paused. I was convincing myself for both our sakes. "If you are afraid that I will leave, I wish for you to calm your heart because I had long decided that I will not give up on you." 

He held my hand more firmly now. "Eh, when did we become so serious," I joked, trying to lighten the mood. "By the way, I still feel quite hurt from what you said earlier."

"Which one?" He still sounded serious.

"Earlier at the seamstress' home. You said I still stand out too much." I feigned a hurt tone.

"Babo! I did not mention anything about you looking bad! I only said you stood out because-" He declared defensively.

I cut him off once more. "As if that is going to make me feel better! But fine. I get it. I stand out because-" I copied his exact words and exaggerated my expressions, "I have a 'taller nose, slightly lighter hair and a more pinkish complexion'. You know it would be nice if-"

I was in mid-sentence when he pulled me into an embrace. His sweet, faint cherry blossom smell had not changed. "You stand out because you are you. You are beautiful. Too beautiful, my heart has been jumping since I saw you in that hanbok."

He was not lying. I could feel his heart beating rapidly in his chest.

It was a relief that he could not see my face at the moment. I must be red as a tomato.



"Do you think I am lacking as man for only having noticed now that I have feelings for you," he asked shyly, still no plan to release me from his arms.

"How do you expect me to respond to that?" I asked frankly.

He chuckled. "Would laying my lips on yours under all these stars make up for that lack then?"

"I suppose we could try."

He smiled. Raw sadness was now replaced by raw happiness. This moment meant the world to us right now. Chanyeol's hands cupped my face, gently guiding me closer and closer to his lips. 

The fireworks started just as our lips touched. I could almost feel the explosions in my own heart. Truthfully, it had always been just moments, never an official condition, that I liked Chanyeol. My feelings towards him were like hot molten magma underneath a volcano just waiting to burst and now that it has finally found its release, it is overwhelming me. Now I realize, there is nothing more true. I find comfort in knowing that he, too, feels this way.


We make it to the palace gates an hour later with the djembe, a thousand swirling butterflies inside us and no memory of ever witnessing the fireworks. 

However, it was eerie. The town remained festive but the palace which should have also been in a similar state was calculating. Every single person was walking swiftly, talking in hushed tones and sporting heartbroken faces. 

When Chanyeol and I had reached the central courtyard, my father approached us and bowed to the prince. In my head, I had envisioned that once Chanyeol and I got back, we would tell our respective parents of what has transpired between us but the aura seemed to kill even the butterflies inside. 

"Crowned Prince," my father addressed Chanyeol with a sad and serious face. "I regret to inform you that...the Emperor, his Highness, had died of a heart attack just a few minutes ago."

There were no words to describe Chanyeol's face. And as if to add to the gravity of the situation, he added. "You are thus hereby, from this day forth, no longer the crowned prince, but the Great Emperor of Joseon Park Chanyeol. It would be my honor to serve you."

The palace guards and government ministers had assembled in front of Chanyeol. My father led the synchronous bow followed by the ministers and the next ranks. They all proclaimed, "I am honored to serve you, Your Majesty."

Then I, too, hesitantly bowed to the broken man right in front of me. Tears continuously drop from my eyes. I said, in the most quiet voice, "I am honoring my promise to stay by your side, my Love." 

He spoke for the first time since we had arrived, "I can no longer allow you to keep that promise, Lady Montailles." 











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hydesoso #1
Chapter 5: Wow this is turning around so fast omg
hydesoso #2
Chapter 4: Wow this is one of the most interesting stories I've read super looking forward!!
Chapter 1: ooohhh this sounds really nice!!! Please update more!