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I suggest you to read this chapter with this song here at the background, the song will repeat itself until you stop it. Hope you enjoy. ^^


I was surrounded by darkness. They had locked me into a safe placed in the middle of a crowd. I was screaming, crying, but there was no response. They were seeing me, hearing my cries but no one was answering.

Sometimes some of them would approach, and I would rejoice thinking that maybe they were coming to save me, but then I would hear their mocking laughter. 

Some would just pass by, glancing shortly over the metallic surface of the safe, and I could feel the pity in their eyes even though I couldn't see anything.

However, never did one try to reach for me to see that what they believed to be steel was actually nothing but a thin paper. And as time went on, I understood better. Even if they knew that I wasn't surrounded by steel, they wouldn't come to my help. The would just watch from afar as I would fade day by day, from their pure, untainted life.

Because so were the rules of Life.

Nevertheless, I couldn't stop listening to that small and weak hope which always wandered somewhere inside me.
"Wait," it always said when I decided to give up, "He will come."

So I waited. For 7 years. But no one came.

There was just Chanyeol, my only friend.


"They'll gossip about you." I warned him after he took his coffee and started to talk   more precisely telling me what each person entering the coffee shop had done. "Secret s" he would call them, it was the first day we met.

"What will they say? That his majesty Chanyeol slept with the coffee shop boy? Oh that, who cares? It won't change the fact that they would all my for me to be with them for the semester projects." he answered me as he took a sip from his macchiato.

I guess that day I smiled showing my teeth for the first time since I was 15. When Chanyeol saw me grinning, he joined by winking secretly.

From then he frequently started to hang out at the cafe. Sometimes he was just sleeping, sometimes talking nonsense for hours. Some days he would come with his precious guitar, and once the shop would be empty he would sit by the fireplace, make compositions or simply, sing.

Chanyeol was strange. He was tall, handsome, talented and popular. Although he spent his childhood far from here, his family was established, rich and well-known in the city. 

Despite all the things he had, his eyes would always show a weary expression. It went away only when he took his guitar in his hands.

He would close his eyes and get lost in his own world with his singing fairies. One would understand only at that moment why he was the most popular and the most wanted in the music department, let it be by the teachers or students.

"Why?" I asked him on a cold winter day. "You can have everyone if you want, why are you alone?"

He left off sipping his coffee and turned his head from the window covered in snowflakes, looking in my eyes for a long, long time. For a moment I wasn't sure if he had heard my question or not.

Then he smiled but it was a smile full of sadness that didn't reach his eyes. I couldn't see the mischievous sparks always present in his irises when he was with me.

A heavy grief and longing spread to his face.
"The problem is, I don't want every one."

At that moment I realized it. Chanyeol was in love, madly even. But I didn't dare to ask who was that person, who hurt him so much or why they weren't together. I just couldn't.

Maybe if I had a little bit more courage to ask him on that day, none of this would have happened.

But this was Life, I couldn't complain. My destiny was written, nobody could change it. And my destiny was Jongin.

He was the one who made my life upside down just in a few months, he was the one opening my eyes, tearing apart the paper safe I was locked in, pulling me up from the darkness, taking me in his arms and making me believe that he was my savior.


He had finished the iced latte in one shot on that hot summer day, I still remember how his sweat was shining on his neck and the way his Adam's apple moved as he drank. That short time was etched in my mind like a picture.

"Seriously, I didn't have an iced latte as delicious as this in such a long time." he was astounded when he looked at my face. "I don't go anywhere until you tell me your secret."

Would you stay forever with me if I didn't? I couldn't ask.

"W-well...There's nothing special, I guess. I just mix coffee with milk before water, its flavor become more permanent then."

"Woah, I didn't know there was a professional barista around here, I'm so glad I found you." he extended his hand to me with a smile, "My name is Jongin, I'm attending SD Art Academy here."

Oh my... He didn't know who I was and he wanted to meet.

I held his hand and only said "Kyungsoo." before pulling it back immediately fearing that he could feel my heartbeats as turned my eyes away. I didn't really... communicate with people so I wasn't used to meetings.

I tried to answer his questions about me hoping that he didn't find my attitude strange. When I saw that he listened with attention and that he was still smiling, I was relieved and to be honest, I had never been so happy in my life.


"It takes a lot of courage to leave high school and start working directly. But what about your family ? Didn't they say anything ?"

My family? Haha, the one that beat and left me? The one who claimed that "I was only a shame to them" after the rumors about me sleeping with men for money started to spread in the city?

"They died seven years ago." I said, trying to hide the coldness in my voice.

"Oh... I'm uh... I'm sorry, I didn't know..." Jongi

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It is interesting! : D kai be bad?
Why my Chanyeol suffers ?!
Stamina the chansoo! LOL XD
I hope the update!