end: ii ver 2

Skateboards and Glasses

Mark placed his hands on his hips, smirking smugly at Irene’s surprised face. “Welcome,” he waved his hands to show off the monstrous 4-story wooden cottage, “to Eos Cottage.”


Wendy punched the back of his knees and he stumbled forward. “You idiot,” his sister scowled. “It’s not even yours to show off.”


“Nuh-uh,” he wagged his fingers at her as he stood up. “It’s our aunts’, so technically we do have ownership in it. Besides, we’ve been going to this place before the cottage became the cottage.”


True, Mark and Wendy had been visiting their aunt’s cottage ever since they were little. They were there every winter, as well on every holiday. Since their parents were often abroad save for the siblings’ birthday, the pair always celebrated with their aunt.


Their aunt Tiffany was probably the second reason why Eos became popular, with good reviews and high ratings. Mainly because she was just in her late twenties but she was already organizing such a successful business that wasn’t even her forte; and another because of her visuals. Mark was proud to say that their family’s genes were superior in terms of looks.


Mark had gotten his dark hair from his mom and aunt, while Wendy had gotten her light brown hair—well before she dyed it—from Dad’s. As he had informed Irene before, Mark’s brown eyes were also from their mother’s side, while his sister got their dad’s. And though Wendy looked more like their dad, no one could argue how her personality was more like their aunt’s than their parents.


Bright (though Wendy didn’t showcase herself as such to other people). A tad bit annoying. Loud. Aunt Tiffany was 24/7 optimistic while Wendy was only optimistic quarter the time. Mark had to admit that he was more optimistic than her. While Aunt Tiffany’s eyes twinkled with happiness and humor, Wendy’s blue eyes twinkled with mischief and playfulness. And both their smiles, at the pinnacle of their emotion, can be considered blinding.


“Wendy! Mark!”


Mark turned, and at the corner of his eyes he saw Wendy turn as well. “Auntie!”


Their aunt was wearing a plain white tee with a pink—Mark’s eye gave an uncontrollable twitch—ski jacket on top. Her skinny jeans were, as always, looking eye-catching and her personally designed ugg boots were, as Mark suppressed a groan, also pink.


Tiffany was beaming at them with her signature I-can-make-you-fall-on-your-knees-for-me eyesmile. She was hand-in-hand with their Aunt Jessica, Tiffany’s wife


Contrast to Tiffany’s dazzling smile, Jessica only had a miniscule one since the brightest was reserved only for the former.


The oval-faced woman with the soft chestnut-colored hair was looking at Tiffany with an exasperated adoration. A look which conveyed so much love and emotion that Mark was glad that someone like Aunt Jessica was loving Aunt Tiffany that much.


It had been 6 years since the couple married, deciding to settle and live in a large cottage they had bought with the money they gained from being fashion designers. And after that, the story continued to how Eos Cottage was formed and then ta-da! Fame.


Now his Aunt Jessica was then the third reason why Eos had gained popularity. Similar to why it was her wife: a cottage ran by a very beautiful lady in her late twenties with amazing fashion sense piqued the interest of many citizens.


(Maybe Mark could add those two overall and just say that the second reason why Eos was popular was because of the pair of goddess-like ladies who manage and own the—this is actually the first reason—cottage with good service, amazing food, cloud-like beds, a good view, and many others.)


Tiffany hugged Wendy and Jessica hugged Mark. The brunette squeezed him tightly. “Mark! You’ve grown again.”


He smiled sheepishly at her when they pulled apart. “I blame the food. So, Aunt Jessica, how’ve you been?”


She rolled her eyes. “Just the usual. Busy and pestered by media. Ugh. And the cottage is boring without you two troublemakers pranking our customers.”


He defended, “They were too vulnerable targets for pranking. We couldn’t resist a good target.”


opened, an answer already at the tips of her lips. Then Tiffany screamed, and both their eyes widened.


Scratch that. His aunt gave out a very, very loud squeal.


Mark turned his head and saw that her aunt was practically crushing Irene in a hug, with the blonde showing a small smile.


Mark was about to say something to his aunt Jessica, but he blinked as he found out that she wasn’t where she was before. She was now standing beside her wife.


“Irene? Can I call you Irene? You’re so cute!” Tiffany pinched Irene’s cheeks while giggling. Jessica, on the other hand, studied the blonde with curious eyes with her usual poker face; her habit might make the younger girl uncomfortable.


Tiffany pulled Jessica beside her. “Jessi! Jessi, look!”


“Honey, calm down. I can see her,” Jessica patiently sighed.


“H-hello,” Irene bowed with enough nervousness for Mark to actually feel bad for her.


Jessica had yet to reply, but she suddenly raised a brow and laughed lightly.


Mark blinked in confusion. Had he missed something? He looked back at Irene and had to gulp loudly.


Irene was regarding Jessica with her poker face. A stoic expression to mirror Jessica’s usual appearance.


What the hell, Mark’s mouth fell open. They look alike!


Now Wendy moved beside Irene and was smiling at the interaction.


Copy paste, Mark decided to identify.


Both pairs had a social butterfly and a girl who didn’t talk much (because Jessica’s asleep while Irene’s too shy).


“Irene, honey, why do you remind me of my Jessi?” Tiffany pondered out loud, bringing her fingers to her chin and tilting her head.


“Wendy reminds me of you, honey,” Jessica added.


Tiffany moved beside Wendy as Jessica moved beside Irene.


Mark nearly spluttered.


The first pair was smiling, stealing glances at their respective partners, who, on the other hand, only flashed small smiles that mirrored one another.


Definitely copy paste, Mark agreed with himself.


“Now I know what your futures will be,” Mark told Wendy and Irene, clamping both their shoulders and leaning towards their ears. “You guys will most likely end up similar to Aunt Tiffany and Aunt Jessica.”


Irene flushed, to Mark’s delight.


Wendy also blushed, to Mark’s delight as well.


“You are so welcome to our family, Irene,” Tiffany chirped, hugging the blonde one more time.


“Th-Thank you,” Irene stuttered, reciprocating the hug.


“You guys will celebrate Christmas here, right?” Aunt Jessica asked, her eyes twinkling expectantly.


She should know the answer by now. It was obvious.


“Of course!” Mark and Wendy raised their hands happily.


“You guys look like kids,” Irene muttered, and Wendy flinched as the brunette seemingly almost forgot about the blonde.


Mark could see in her sister’s eyes the hesitation and nervousness as he thought that this was just the first time Irene had seen Wendy act like that. She could see the gears in her mind whirr wildly as her blue eyes swam between different shades, but then she blanked and just smiled at Irene, who blinked at her.


“Did you just,” Mark gasped, “are you really gonna?”


Wendy glanced at him, smiling. “I don’t care what the others think. Just as long as Irene sees who I really am, then I don’t care about them.”


Jessica had to cover Tiffany’s mouth because the latter was about to let out an ear-piercing squeal as soon as the words left Wendy’s mouth. Jessica wrapped her free arm over her wife and practically dragged her away. “I’ll take her inside before she goes on a dying seal sound escapade. I’ll call the valets to get your bags.”


“Thanks auntie,” Mark winced when he saw his Aunt Tiffany flailing. “Good luck with that!”


“Oh Hun,” she laughed, “I’m used to this.”


Mark faced his sister and her girlfriend. “So…?”


Wendy avoided his eyes and blushed. She cleared and scratched the back of her neck shyly. “W-we should talk about the rooming system, yea?”


He rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah, I know. You two wanna be roommates. Y’know Seungwan, ever since Irene happened you’ve been neglecting your brother.” He wiped his eyes jokingly.


“Shut up, Mark. And yes, we’re gonna be roommates because I don’t know what’ll happen to me when I become roommates with you,” Wendy scoffed.


Mark’s jaw dropped. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“Come on, Mark. I know how you could reach the next bed by sleeping. I swear every time we sleep together I get bruises.”


“Other girls would’ve liked it,” he winked, and his sister gagged.


“I did not just hear that,” Irene fanned her red face with her hand.


“Say what you like, sugar,” he said as he smirked.


He was wrestled with snowballs after.







Wendy couldn’t sleep.


It was her first night in the cottage with Irene as her roommate and her heart couldn’t stop pounding, throbbing endlessly, threatening to break out of her rib cage.


No. Wendy was far from sleeping.


She glanced out the window and found the starry night sky looking brilliant and fascinating.


Maybe if she stared at the stars long enough, she’ll be able to sleep.


But the thing was, she could just raise her body with her forearms and take a peek at Irene’s sleeping face and wonder why one of the stars fell to Earth and decided to manifest itself in this blonde’s whole self.


Irene was brighter than the stars outside. And closer than Wendy could ever be near one.


Wendy went out of bed quietly and went over next to the older girl. She caressed Irene’s face and tucked a stray of hair behind her ear. Wendy smiled softly.


“I’ll never get tired of saying you’re so beautiful,” Wendy whispered, giving Irene a brief and gentle kiss to which made the girl stir and groan.


Wendy jumped backwards, never wanting the girl to wake up at that moment. Irene had been stressed by the bombarding questions Tiffany had been throwing after they went inside, only managing to get rest when Wendy finally intervened and said that Irene would have wanted to sleep then.


She waited until Irene settled back down, turning to the other side and hugging her body pillow tightly, breathing evenly. And only then did Wendy dared to exhale.


She decided that since she couldn’t sleep, she wouldn’t let a certain guy sleep neither.


Time to gate crash in his brother’s room.







Mark least expected her sister to turn up across his door during ungodly hours; but then Wendy always had the habit of proving otherwise ever since they were small. So there Wendy stood, clad in blue pajamas, her blue eyes going deep and bright.


Oh no. Mark recognized that look.


“What’cha doin’ here?” He asked, sighing at himself for opening the door.


“I need your help,” she replied, going straight into his room. “I’m planning something special for Irene for Christmas.”


Mark groaned. “I should’ve expected this.” He threw himself on the sofa and regarded her lazily. “This is not free.”


“I’ll get you a girlfriend when we get back,” she offered.


It didn’t take him 2 seconds to answer. “Deal. So what do we do?”


“I’m planning to take her to do stuff every day before the 25th.”




“I’ve decided that on the 18th we’ll go skateboarding and skiing.”


He leaned forward, curiosity gleaming in his brown eyes as he propped his chin on his open palm. “Interesting. D’you reckon she knows how to?”


“That’s the thing. If she doesn’t know how, I could teach her. More bonding time!” Wendy grinned toothily.


“And if she’s not interested and only accepted the offer because she’s polite?”


“Shut up,” Wendy’s eye twitched.


It had always been Mark's job to ensure that his sister thinks of worst case scenarios. Oh. No wonder she wasn’t optimistic.


“Just stating possible outcomes, sis,” he shrugged. He glanced at his calendar. “If you’re planning to start that 1 week Christmas gift to Irene, then I do believe that we have only have this day to prepare.”


“Exactly why I need your help.” Wendy bit her lip and frowned slightly. “I can’t believe I’m going to say this again but…”


Mark rose his brow. “But?”


“Ican’tdothiswithoutyou,” she declared without pauses.


But Mark understood it clearly. He gave her a triumphant smile and laughed, clapping his hands. “That’s good enough. Expect your plan to be a success now that the magnificent Mark has offered to help.”


He paused dramatically and looked at her. “And I expect that new girlfriend after this.”





It was around 5am when Wendy went back to her room, finally feeling exhausted and drained and sleepy. She fumbled for the room keys and nearly tripped while entering, her vision becoming double because of her drowsiness.


She found it extremely hard to open her eyes, and she had to pinch herself several times just to reach the bedroom.


On the brink of passing out already, Wendy crawled under the sheets and hugged her pillow tightly, mumbling under hear breath as she felt it was softer than before.


But no matter. It helped her sleep faster.


But maybe if she took a second to open her eye and check, she wouldn’t be able to sleep for weeks.


Because she never realized that the pillow she was so comfortably hugging, was actually Irene.





Wendy was full of surprises, Irene decided. Contrast to her sweet and delish precious appearance, the brunette actually had a cocky attitude that suddenly explodes into mellow words then becomes shy and irresistible and cute. Wendy also had a knack for hitting Irene’s nerve and her heartstrings.


But now, at that exact moment, Irene agreed that this was the most surprise-slash-heart attack moment Wendy has given her yet.


Truth be told, Irene had always like mornings. She found reasons why mornings were good.


But this wasn’t just a plain good morning.


This was a fantastic one.


It was exactly 6:00 am when her eyes blinked open. Just as she was trying to stretch her limbs, she grunted as she felt being restricted.


When her vision focused, she found herself a hair away from Wendy’s face. More exactly, Wendy’s sleeping face.


Her initial reaction was to flinch and jump away, but she held down the instinct and calmed herself down. Besides, Wendy was hugging her tightly so she couldn’t really move as much as she wanted to.


“Wanie..?” Irene tried, squirming a bit. “Wanie… wake up…?”


The other girl didn’t move. But her arms did loosen. And that was enough for Irene to bring her hands to cup Wendy’s face and smile against her lips.


A good morning kiss wasn’t that bad, right?


“Your kisses are sweet,” Wendy mumbled, pulling her closer and resting her head on the crook of Irene’s neck.


“You’re sweeter,” Irene giggled, running her fingers through the younger girl’s soft brown hair.


“Of course.” Wendy took a deep breath, tickling Irene. “But, Baby, why’re you on my bed?”


“Son Seungwan, are you intoxicated right now?” Irene frowned, trying to catch a whiff of alcohol. There was obviously two beds in the room, and Wendy should have known that Irene’s bed was the one next to the window. To confuse herself as such…


“If your whole presence is the alcohol, then yes, I am very much intoxicated.”


Irene’s face went red. There Wendy was again! Saying those sweet words and melting her heart. But she forced herself to shake her head. “Seriously though, Wendy, are you drunk?”


She felt Wendy’s eyes flutter open, and she craned her neck to look at Irene’s eyes.


Wendy’s dreamy cerulean orbs took her breath away again.


“I am not,” the girl replied, squinting.


“Then you should know that this is clearly my bed,” Irene pointed out.


“No way,” Wendy blinked, shuffling away and pushing herself up to look around. After maybe realizing that Irene was totally right, she looked back. “I was not—I didn’t mean—”


Irene looked at her suspiciously.


“I’m serious! What time is it—oh crap it’s 6. I just slept for an hour!”


Irene’s gaze softened immensely and she held Wendy’s arm. “An hour? Why?”


“I couldn’t sleep,” Wendy replied honestly.


“Why couldn’t you sleep?”


Wendy suddenly buried her head in the pillows. “Oh look at this comfortable position I just discovered. I will sleep now. Good ni—mornight Hyunnie.”


Irene hit the brunette’s back when she noticed how the latter’s ears were bright red. “Yah! What were you thinking about last night?!”


“You, of course.” And bam. Bomb dropped.


Irene was too startled to function, and when she came to, Wendy was already sleeping.


She sighed and let her sleep.




That day went on and Irene’s body continued to tingle due to Wendy’s warmth earlier. Her body seemed to crave for Wendy’s, and though that sounded quite erted, it wasn’t. She missed how Wendy and her body were like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together.


Oh Wendy. Always full of surprises and sweet words and love for her.


What would Irene do without her?







Wendy’s body felt like it was ran over by a tank. Everything was hurting.


It couldn’t be helped, though. While his brother was busy distracting Irene, Wendy had been running everywhere to put her plan into place.


And now it was finally D-6. Snowboarding and skiing day.


And she wasn’t sure if she could actually do those things.


“Crud,” Mark cursed as Wendy collapsed in his arms.


“Ohhhhh crap, crap, crap.” Wendy placed her hand on her forehead. “I feel weak and my head hurts.”


“Obviously,” her brother sighed through gritted teeth. “Irene’s gonna be worried sick.”


“I don’t want her to worry,” she pushed stubbornly. After all she had done, for D-6 to end before it even started… the thought made her wince. “I want Irene to celebrate the perfect Christmas in Eos.”


Mark grumbled. “I know that there’s no stopping you now, you midget. I’ll get you some ibuprofen and water.”


She sat on the balcony of Mark’s room, taking in the cold winter air that lashed against her face.


“Midget,” Mark came back just 2 minutes later, and she was glad for his efficiency during times of crisis.


She took the tablet from his palm and downed it with water in one miraculous gulp.


“You better rest if you feel like you’re about to faint,” he scolded, narrowing his eyes threateningly at her.


Wendy nodded weakly. Even though, of course, she knew that if she started feeling horrible she wouldn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want them to worry.


“Wendy, I'm serious.” Mark was glaring at her sternly.


She merely shrugged in defeat.


After feeling that her head wasn’t being pounded by a sledgehammer, Wendy stood up and cracked her knuckles.


Time for D-6.







Irene was nervous, her hands shaking as she readjusted her goggles, staring at the line of people in front of her.


“Everything’s going to be okay,” Wendy took her free hand and laced their fingers together; Irene felt a whole lot better after.


“Are you sure about this?” She asked hesitantly, glancing at the chairlift and the pairs that were before them. “I- I’m a rookie.”


“Yes I am,” Wendy replied confidently before adding in a softer tone, “and yes, I know.”


Irene squeezed Wendy’s hand tightly. “I’m not sure I can do a good job. I mean, you know how careless I am.”


“I’ll be with you all the way. I promise,” her Romeo held her cheek and made Irene face her. “I’ll be saving my Juliet no matter how many times.”


Irene found herself staring into Wendy’s eyes again. It had become a habit of hers, to stare into the galaxy inside Wendy’s blue orbs, and liking how the brunette’s eyes reflected Irene.


Wendy can make Irene feel special with just one look.


“Thanks, Romeo,” Irene pecked Wendy’s cheek. Though she paused a bit when she felt that the younger girl’s skin was hot; but she shrugged it off, thinking that Wendy was only blushing (because it happens frequently when they are together).


Irene would be lying if she said she wasn’t feeling nervous when the couple before them then took off, leaving her and Wendy the next ones in line.


She tugged Wendy’s hand. “I- I don’t—what the heck are we supposed to do, Wanie?”


She felt herself flush red when Wendy giggled loudly. “Calm down, Hyunnie. Just follow me.”


“Using this chance to be dominant,” she grumbled as she started to slide towards the panels Wendy had pointed out earlier.


Wendy took a longer time to go through since she (bless gentleman Wanie) let Irene go first before starting to move with one foot pretty much immobile because it was already strapped to her snowboard.


“Hyunnie,” Wendy called out, “go step on that red line over there. I’ll be over in a second.”


So Irene skated as slow as she can and wobbled before successfully sinking the tip of her ski poles. When she glanced back, Wendy was already hopping towards her.


“Get ready, Hyunnie. Here’s the lift,” she huffed as she positioned herself next to Irene, holding her hand.


“Three, two,” Wendy started the countdown, and Irene paled as she looked forward and saw how high up they were. “One.”


And she was swept of her feet. Literally. She fell backwards when she felt something hit her knees at the same time Wendy pulled her backwards. Now they were sitting on the chairlift, with Wendy swiftly buckling the belt over them to keep them safe.


“Thanks,” Irene said again, smiling at Wendy.


“No prob, Juliet,” Wendy winked.


Irene placed her head on Wendy’s shoulder, taking in her warmth while clutching her poles. “Are you okay?”


She felt Wendy stiffen. “What’s with the question?”


Irene shrugged. “Just felt the sudden to urge you to ask it to you.”


Wendy relaxed, shoulders slumping. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about me. Here’s the part where we hop down. Be careful and wait till I say go.”


“I will,” she giggled, liking how Wendy’s voice rang in her ears, sounding protective and all.


And a couple of minutes later, after Wendy finally strapped both her feet on the board, removed the belt that held them, and held Irene’s hand again, they jumped down.


“Remember what I told you, Hyunnie,” Wendy reminded while they were falling. Irene spared her a glance and blinked as how she could still look stunning with half her face covered and her hair whipping against her face.


“I know what you’re thinking,” she felt Wendy’s eyes on her, “and to me, you look just the same.”




But before she could hear Wendy reply, the ground came in contact with her feet, and she almost fell forwards if she didn’t plant the poles on time.


Wendy circled her. “I told you to pay attention,” she frowned.


“You were distracting!” she protested, stepping her skis so she could face the other side. “So distracting.”


“Just don’t get distracted by anything else,” Wendy mused, smirking at her.


Ugh this bully.


When she was finally facing the other side, she gasped at the beautiful snowy scene. Blankets of snow wrapped the whole place; she saw Eos’s flickering lights, the busy shuffling of people moving to and fro. With the sun rising behind the mountains near the cottage, Irene felt her heart thump as the yellow-orange light of the sunrise kissed the whiteness of the snow.


“Beautiful,” she couldn’t help but say. “It’s so beautiful.”


“True,” she heard Wendy agree. Irene looked at her excitedly but stopped when she saw Wendy looking at her, smiling a small smile that still manages to tilt her world. How a simple tug in the lips that ended up with one end higher than the other could make her knees jelly was unfathomable. “So beautiful indeed.”


And Irene blushes under the other’s loving gaze. “Let’s go,” she mumbled, lowering her head and letting her blonde hair frame either side of her face.


She didn’t want Wendy to see how red her face, ears and neck are. She didn’t want to see Wendy’s blue eyes because if she did, then she knows she’ll fall all over again. Plus, she didn’t know if she would be able to stop herself from kissing the brunette and running her hands through her hair and loving her so, so much again.


“I’m just here, princess,” Irene raised her head at the new nickname and looked at Wendy sceptically. “What? You look like one. Why not?”


She looked back  down, never even wanting to stop the smile growing on her lips.


“Let’s go!” Wendy cheered, launching herself forward and snowboarding down the snowy mountain.


Irene followed after, doing the instructions Wendy had taught her in their room on how to ski. And as every time she glanced at the latter, her heart would beat faster and she’ll be losing her breath.


She sighed. “So distracting.”







Irene wondered why she never tried skiing before. Sure the thought came once or twice, but why didn’t she continue? She had watched several videos of people having fun while skiing but she just looked at it as a fake, commercial-like happiness.


But now, as she went through the snow and the mass of people, she realized that this was a good choice.


Wendy had suggested they try out skiing earlier, and Irene could only sigh and nod since she was wrapped  around Wendy’s finger. She couldn’t deny the brunette, especially how she had looked at Irene with her large puppy eyes.


“Doin’ good, Hyunnie?” Wendy called out, moving beside her.


“This is amazing!” Irene exclaimed, swerving left and right just to prove a point.


“You’re doing great for your first time with me!”




That sounded so wrong in Irene’s head, and it made her blush thickly, to the point where her body felt like it was burning. And Wendy, dear Wendy, always so distracting, made her stick the pole mistakenly in front of her, and in the hopes of avoiding the pole, Irene moved to one side and flew.


By flew meaning the upper part of her body soared before being followed by the lower. And she tumbled on the snow, holding her head and grimacing whenever her body twisted.




And suddenly she stopped, gasping for air. She rolled on her back and took off her goggles, blinking rapidly.


She felt her face being held by warm hands, and her vision focused to Wendy’s worried face near her own. “Hyun… are you okay?”


Even though the most logical way to respond was to nod, Irene couldn’t help but lean upwards and brush her lips against Wendy’s. “I am now.”


Wendy suddenly jumped back, covering her face with her board. “You did not just—”


Irene sat up. “Did what?” she asked, confused.


Wendy bit her lip and took a deep breath. She shook her head. “Nothing, nothing.”


The blonde narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “Tell meeeeeeee,” she whined.


The brunette motioned her lips to be sealed. “You’re too adorable for your own good, Hyunnie.”


You could say the same for yourself, Irene sighed in her mind, smiling a bit.


Irene sat up, pulling at her collar and taking deep breaths. The event earlier still left her shaking a bit.


“Were you planning on auditioning as a stuntwoman, Irene?” Mark stopped beside Wendy, a mess of adrenaline and mischief.


“Shut up, Mark. You’re not helping,” Wendy glared daggers at her brother.


“It's okay, Wan. I needed some humor,” Irene patted the brunette’s knee.


Wendy sighed, and Irene found it cute how her brows would scrunch up together, her cheeks puffing.


With the help of the siblings, the blonde stood up and shook away the snow in her hair. She decided to go slowly now, fast enough to move, but slow enough not to get hurt again. Of course, it was easier with Wendy flanking her right, matching her pace.


Oh how distracting she still was that time.







Wendy wondered if hitting her brother would make her flu go away.


“It’s not!” Mark answered, clutching his arm. “Sadistic midget!”


“Excuse me?” Wendy rose a brow, crossing her arms over her chest.


Mark glared at her. “I told you to rest. I told you nothing good would happen if you push yourself,” he said, in an exasperated tone.


“I can handle it,” she gulped, shivering.


“No, you can’t. I’m telling Irene.”


“Hold up! Why’re you telling her?” Wendy threw her thermos at him.


Mark dodged easily. “Because you’re too stubborn. You get yourself hurt without even knowing it.” And then he ran, off to fetch his classmate, most probably.


Wendy sighed in defeat and slumped back to her bed, curling into a fetal position.


Goodness, it was cold. Colder than what she was used to.


Cold, cold, cold, cold.


The coldness was wrapping around her, a blanket thicker than what she was using against it. Her muscles ached with every movement, and her head felt like it was being hit by a sledgehammer.


The flu was worse than what she had thought. Crap.


She closed her eyes and willed herself to sleep, counting the stars in Irene’s brown eyes.


Everything will be okay. When she wakes up, she’ll be perfectly healthy again.


Besides, D-5 was just around the corner.


















ya i kno i  





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Chapter 7: i wish there was more 😭
Chapter 7: Still here 💗💗💗💙💙💙
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: HELLO?????
Favebolous #4
Chapter 5: Like it,like it <3
Favebolous #5
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #6
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #7
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: I love this story
Favebolous #9
Chapter 7: Wenrene's relationship here ahh they're so cute and fluffy ^^