end: i

Skateboards and Glasses

It was December and Irene could feel the holiday air surrounding her as she adjusted her wool gloves. She sat on the porch of their home and marveled at how she could see her breath due to the temperature. Yes, there are also snows in Korea, but she couldn’t help but be amazed every single time.


And, this was her first Christmas without any paparazzi, stalkers, talent scouts, neighbors and schoolmates lingering around their house.


Don’t ask for an explanation about that.


She huffed in excitement and stood up, walking around with her arms outstretched on each side.


Yes I’m 25, she scoffed in her mind as she continued to pose.


She found a huge pile of snow and jumped on it, giggling to herself as she rolled around.


“Irene, honey, can you buy me some flour from the convenience store?” Her mother called out from the inside.


Irene sighed in disappointment as her playtime was cut short yet again. But being the obedient daughter she was, she went anyway.


She liked walking in their neighborhood. It was cute, much like what you could expect in Canada. She liked how the houses looked and how free she felt inside.


At least in this country, no one chases her to be in commercial ads and strangers didn’t approach her and ask her to join in their company.


No wonder Wendy always looked like someone who lost her shackles.


Irene blushed as she thought of the brunette again.


She wished Wendy was here to hug her or kiss her or make her special in ways she’d never encountered before.


Due to her fictional scenarios whereas the blue-eyed girl suddenly makes an appearance and sweeps her off her feet, she almost walked through the convenience store’s entrance.


She let out an awkward laugh because of her inattentiveness and proceeded to enter the store. In no time she found the flour and hurried off to the counter to pay. Nearly ten minutes later, Irene was walking back home.


She was positively enjoying the winter pleasure. On the way back, she played with her footprints. She played with the frozen tips of the branches(if she could reach). She played with the kids she would encounter.


She had fun. She was currently having fun.


She imagined her and Wendy playing with their kids.


She suddenly went beet red.


Did she just imagine Wendy as her wife? Yes. Yes she just did. And she will, again.


She grinned widely, almost her scared that her face would split in two.


The Wendy effect is strong in this one.


She stopped and tilted her head, looking up to evening sky, snow falling, looking like additional stars that constantly twinkled. The snowflakes tickled her nose, and she remembered how Wendy would do it with hers.


Everything was feeling amazing. Her perfect white Christmas—


Irene heard something on the ground squeak, and she found herself looking at a pair of big brown eyes and perked up ears and a big buck tooth. There was a freakin chipmunk! It squeaked again, blinking at her, and she saw Wendy in the action.


Oh good lawd. Wendy kept on invading her head.


Not that she didn’t like it, though.


She crouched and petted it happily. “Hey there cutie,” she told it.


It regarded her with curiosity, and she contemplated on bringing it home. Surely her mother wouldn’t say no to such a sweet and loving face such as this(works on both the chipmunk and Irene).


It sniffed its paws, and she let out a sigh.


She stretched out her palm and invited the fluffball in a gentle tone. “C’mere~”


It moved closer, sniffing her fingers. Then its eyes became wild and, abruptly, it let out a startling roar and grabbed the paper bag she was holding with her other hand and scurried off.


“W-h-a-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-,” Irene fell back with a thump. She blinked at the large brown bag that was just stolen from her by a chipmunk.


She fixed her glasses and shouted while trying to catch up, “H-hey! Stop!”


The chipmunk didn’t show any sign of acknowledgement.


So much for being cute and cuddly.


She sighed to herself and followed the miniscule tracks on the snow, just dots from the paws of the animal and barely even visible.


“Come back here!” She ran as fast as she can with her short legs.


They rounded on several corners and entered alleys and squeezed through buildings, and she thought about why she was doing such an effort for a pack of flour she could always buy again.


The culprit was finally slowing down, and it was easier for her to close the gap.


The chipmunk squeaked and burrowed its face in the paper bag. It paused, finally sitting on top of the merry-go-round.


Hold up.


Irene blinked and looked around.


They were in a playground now, with slides and swings and monkey bars and some… what are those? Screens? What?


She sighed at her lack of knowledge about technology, especially in this generation.


But why are there those game-screen-stuff in a playground?


She waved her hand and decided not to bother anymore.


She turned back to the chipmunk and suddenly, her jaw dropped.


There was Wendy, holding the animal and her paper bag, smiling brightly at her, looking so beautiful with a high ponytail and… is that her pajamas? And why does she still look so hot? What?




The chipmunk snuggled in the crook of Wendy’s neck, and Irene’s blood kinda boiled.


Hey! Irene wanted to snatch the chipmunk away. I wanna snuggle Wendy too!


Yes, she was jealous of a 4-inch furry pet.


Nobody judge.


“Hi, Hyunnie. Good evening!” Wendy greeted, giving Irene an eyesmile and nearly making her fall on her knees.


Stop swooning, Irene scolded herself.


“Good evening, Wanie,” she hugged the younger girl. “Why’re you here?”


“Because you’re here,” the brunette tilted her head to one side, her bright blue eyes showing off an isn’t-it-obvious look.


“Cute,” she couldn’t help but comment, both because of how Wendy was looking and because of her answer.


“I’m serious!” Her Romeo pouted. “I’m here because you’re here.”


Irene shook her head and pinched Wendy’s cheeks. “You’re so sweet. So lovable.”


Wendy cracked a smile—an infectious one too, because Irene was smiling as well.


“You’re the same.”


Irene smiled brightly at her, thanking all the gods because of how lucky she was to meet such a wonderful person.


They stared at each other’s eyes, and the older was curious to what the other was thinking about because her eyes were looking captivating. And a captive Irene was.


Suddenly, like a magnetic force or a simultaneous telepathic command, they leaned their faces at the same time, slowly closing their eyes and letting their lips touch—


The chipmunk jumped onto Irene’s head and, being startled as she was, screamed and jumped around.


“Peter! Stop!” Wendy ordered in horror. She shuffled closer the frantic blonde.


The darn chipmunk wouldn’t let go!


“Its claws are digging into my scalp!” She exclaimed, trying to catch the creature.


Okay, maybe that was a bit exaggerated but Wendy’s face was too epic that she couldn’t help but tease.


Wendy was panicking, her cerulean orbs wild and worried, constantly blinking and shifting between the top of Irene’s head and her face.


“A-are you okay? Oh gosh, I’m so sorry. Peter was—Peter!” Wendy smiled apologetically, and Irene had to stop herself from laughing.


“I’m okay, don’t worry. Let’s just—just get him off.”


Wendy nodded, now concentrating on saving Irene from her own pet.


5 minutes later, they lay on the snow with their limbs spread out, panting at the same time laughing.


“Not really what I’d expected to happen tonight,” said Wendy.


Irene bobbed her head as much as she could. “You never told me you actually owned a chipmunk.”


“It never came up,” Irene saw her shrug.


“Dummy,” Irene hit her arm. “Why did it even steal my flour?”


“That was actually yours?” Wendy asked.


“Of course. Why would I chase after it if it’s not?”


The brunette was quiet for a second. “Fair point.”


“How’d it find me? And why here?”


“Hyunnie, you ask me questions as if I’m Peter.”


Irene glared at her.


“Right,” Wendy, sensing danger, cleared . “Peter kinda ran away, and I don’t know how he found you and all, especially trying to steal your flour. Then, I don’t know… I had a good feeling with the park. I thought he’d be here. And he was. With a bonus, because you’re here too.”


“So you lied earlier, when I asked you why you’re here,” Irene looked at Wendy skeptically.


A bead of sweat fell from Wendy’s forehead despite the cold.


Irene crossed her arms, and Wendy seemed to struggle how to explain.


The blonde let it be for about 3 minutes.


“U-ummm,” Wendy shifted uncomfortably, rolling to her side then propping herself up with her forearms, gazing down at Irene. “I can explain.”


The ends of Irene’s mouth twitched. “It’s okay, Wanie, really.”


“You’re…” The brunette’s eyes looked elsewhere. She bit her lip—Irene had to control herself again—then looked back at Irene. “You’re mad, aren’t you?”


Wendy gave her those puppy-slash-hamster eyes and Irene almost gave up. But instead, she raised her chin and didn’t dare look at Wendy. “I said it’s okay, isn’t it?”


“People say it’s okay during the times when it’s definitely not,” Wendy replied philosophically, and that was enough for Irene to burst.


Out laughing.


Irene couldn’t help but give Wendy a short affectionate kiss. “I couldn’t really get mad at you, you know. No need to sulk.”


Wendy returned the kiss. “You got mad at me when I found you dozing off in the hidden part of the library.”


“That was because you left me alone after you said…” Irene faltered, blushing as she remembered the words Wendy spoke, the way her blue eyes looked at her brown ones with utmost sincerity she found it hard to say otherwise about her statement.


“Don’t remind me,” Wendy cringed. “I still feel bad.”


“Awww,” Irene said, trying to sound a bit more sympathetic. She held Wendy’s face with one hand. “My precious hamster.”


Wendy rose a brow and made a face. “Hamster?”


Irene blinked and gawked at Wendy’s eyes first before laughing awkwardly. “You must’ve heard it wrong, Wanie. I said my precious honey.”


“But I’m actually quite alright with hamster,” the brunette surprisingly confessed, and Irene widened her eyes at her. “I was often told of the resemblance.


Irene ogled at her incredulously.


“What?” Wendy looked at like innocently. “I thought you liked calling me hamster, though.”


“Oh I do. I’m just… You took it unexpectedly well.”


“As long as you’re the one calling me that, I’m not really complaining,” Wendy reasoned warmly, and Irene flushed.


“W-what if I decided to call you booger?”


“That I will not allow!” cried Wendy, her expression filled with disgust.


They were quiet for a moment before laughing again.


Irene let out a sigh and smiled with content. She could live with this, with Wendy by her side. She could live in Canada forever.


“We should probably get going now, Hyunnie,” Wendy stood up and patted her knees to remove the snow. “It’s already late.”


“Late?” Irene took Wendy’s offering hand and stood up as well.


“Yeah. It’s nearly 9 pm already.”


“Oh, okay—WAIT. 9 pm?! Wanie we gotta go,” she took Wendy’s hand and ran.






“Good thing you decided to come home,” Irene’s mom was standing on their porch, her arms folded and her expression harsh.


Irene smiled apologetically, but her mother only glared at her. She looked down with guilt swimming evidently on her features.


“4 hours, Joohyun,” she winced at her mother’s tone. “I ask you to buy me flour and you disappear for 4 hours?”




Her mother raised a hand. “Just what were you thinking?” she breathed.


“Mrs. Bae,” Wendy took a step forward, and Irene flinched. She had forgotten all about the other girl because of her mom’s intense atmosphere “I—um.”


Irene pulled Wendy’s arm back and looked at her mother in horror.


Mrs. Bae had only registered the brunette’s presence when she suddenly spoke up. Now she was regarding Wendy as if—Irene recognized that darn look—she was a hostile creature ready to steal her daughter away, or was the cause of her daughter’s delay(which was actually kind of true).


“And who might you be, missy?” Her mother rose a sculpted brow.


Irene moved in front of her Romeo and shielded her from her mother’s piercing faze.


“Hyunnie,” Wendy whispered huskily near her ear, and she couldn’t help but shiver in place. “I should run now.”


The blonde nodded eagerly. “Please. She’ll roast you alive.”


“But,” and Irene groaned loudly, “I’d rather she roast me now rather than later.”


“Huh?” Irene narrowed her eyes.


Wendy smiled mischievously, a secret dancing on her lips.


“Joohyun,” her mother called, and the girl mentioned whipped her head to her direction, “I can’t seem to see your friend, with you standing in the way like that.”


Irene was in mental panic mode. If her mother started spouting nonsense—which aren’t really nonsense but more like mortifying confidences—without knowing Wendy’s real identity…


She was resolute in avoiding such a situation.


“M-mom, I’ll just see my—” she grimaced at herself and shot Wendy a look of apology before continuing, “my dear friend out.”


Wendy’s mouth curled to a frown, and Irene had to refrain herself from placing a hand over her heart.


“Oh, no, no need,” her mother cooed at them.


There was nothing Irene could do now. She knew her mother would invite Wendy over for dinner then verbally attack her and interrogate her and basically dig out whatever Wendy has.


This was because of the constant large number of suitors that often discovered the Bae’s house, seeking for the permission of Irene’s mother in order to continue pursuing the girl.


“Would you like to stay for dinner?” Her mother invited, her tone sweet and motherly and dangerous.


“Tell her you’ll go home, Wendy,” Irene gripped the other girl’s arm tighter, already talking urgently.


Wendy glanced at her, her eyes dancing between different hues of blue, never missing to smile at Irene. “Oh I would love to.”


ABORT MISSION, ABORT MISSION! Irene wanted to scream, but Wendy already wiggled free from her grasp and was now approaching her mother.


“Wendy,” she half whispered, half hissed, looking lost and traumatized.


Her mother shut her off with a single stern look, reserved only for her when she was trying to challenge her mom.


Wendy stood in front of Mrs. Bae, smiling brightly and happily, as if she could sense nothing wrong.


(Which was completely untrue because for sure Wendy has already understood her mother’s intentions, but for some godforsaken reason, she still continued.)


“What’s your name, dear?” Mrs. Bae asked, smiling coldly.


She gave a satisfied grunt after seeing Wendy’s smile falter.


“Wendy. Wendy Son.” She introduced herself boldly. “I’m Irene’s friend.”


And in the instant Wendy’s name was spoken, Irene’s mother’s strict façade broke down, and she stared at the Canadian with surprise. “Wendy?”


“Yes, Ma’am?” Wendy smiled again.


Mrs. Bae suddenly clapped her hands together, and Irene started to make a move, sneaking inside the house before her mother showed her true colors and revealed unnecessary information.


But Irene was caught by her mother’s iron grip, yanked by her collar and positioned beside Wendy, whose look heeded so many questions and demanded them answered as soon as possible.


“So you’re the Wendy my Joohyun talks so fondly about,” her mother then squealed.


Irene side-glanced the girl being spoken to, who was now smiling uncomfortably, completely taken aback by the oldest girl’s abrupt change of mood.


Wendy turned to her. “Fondly?”


Her mother was the one who answered, more enthusiastic than needed. “Yes! Ever since she transferred, she’s been talking about you, Wendy, the delinquent who has a lot of power—I mean it like authority—in school.


“Really, I imagined you to be a girl with spiky black hair with highlights. Lots of eyeliner and black nail polish. Piercings. No offense,” her mother looked at Wendy seriously; but she grinned after. “I never expected such a cute girl like you! Look at those cheeks!” And she pinched those marshmallow-like cheeks. “And those eyes! Breathtaking!”


As much as she wanted to agree with her mom, she pried her mother’s hands away from Wendy’s face first while shrieking: “Mom!” She felt her ears become hotter. “Stop embarrassing me!”


“Joohyun,” her mother tsked. “It’s been years since you last brought a legit friend home. And when I say legit friend I mean someone who doesn’t want to be in your later.”


Wendy let out a choked laugh.


Irene had to cover her tomato face, partly because of how her mother was asking, mostly because Wendy and Irene’s relationship was something where Irene wanted Wendy in her underwear; but of course, she’s never going to say that out loud.


Her mother tilted her head and smiled goodheartedly.


Oh mother dear… if only you knew.


“Now I’m really serious about you here for dinner. Please come inside,” Mrs. Bae invited.


“Oh, um i-it’s okay, Ma’am. I feel rather underdressed,” Wendy waved a hand at her pajamas.


Irene’s mother waved a hand as well. “Nonsense. It is just a dinner with us. No need to be formal.”


Wendy looked hopelessly at Irene, whose eyes told her to reject the offer; then she turned to the latter’s mother, whose eyes, on the other hand, told her to stay.


Irene glowered her eyes at Wendy, who, in turn, sighed and gave a shrug. “I guess dinner’s okay…”


“I’m so done,” Irene threw her hands up and went inside her house, quickly stumbling over the stairs then basically running into her room and shutting her door (and locking of course) and then collapsing at the foot of her bed.


Wendy was here! In her house! For dinner!




Irene’s brain was going haywire, having the sudden urge to take a shower and actually put some makeup and maybe wear a freakin’ dress just so Wendy would gape at her.


The gigantic throbbing deep in her stomach told her she needs Wendy to look only at her.


She hugged her pillow tightly, crushing it to her body, thinking of Wendy’s eyes scanning the whole length of her body with some sort of wicked gleam behind those beautiful blue eyes, desire swirling in the depths of its color.


Contain. Ohmygoodness, Bae Joohyun, please control yourself.


Her eyes settled on a picture of her and Wendy, standing side by side, arms loops together, the happiest of smiles on their faces.


She traced Wendy’s beautiful face with her finger gently, as if a single heavy touch could ruin it.


“Oh Seungwan… what are you doing to me?” she rested her forehead on the table’s desk, breathing heavily.


“What did I do?”


Irene flinched so hard she bumped her knee on the table (and she yelled in pain) then stubbed her toe on the corner of her bed (and she screamed words that could make her mother faint) then accidentally whisking her books away before finally stumbling and falling.


Falling into Wendy’s welcoming arms, that is.


Irene kicked her.


“Ow!” Wendy hollered.


“That’s for scaring the living hell out of me!”


“It wasn’t my fault!”


“How did you even get in?”


“Your mom gave me a spare key since she figured you’d be locking yourself up,” Wendy deadpanned.


She will have to talk to her mom later. 1-on-1.


Irene rubbed her face tiredly, “Well, okay, fine. Come in, I guess.”


“Well that’s one way to get inside your room,” Wendy mused, winking at her.


“Shut it. Cheeky delinquent,” Irene playfully rolled her eyes.


“Snappy,” laughed Wendy, who ducked and slipped inside Irene’s room. Her eyes surveyed the vicinity, hazes roaming around each picture mounted on the wall, each book stacked on the shelf, each red dot on the local South Korea map because of the numerous times they had to move. “Nice room.”


Irene went to the map that was stuck on the wall with thumb pins, red dots spread widely, with pictures of her former schools and classmates.


“Do you miss them?” She was suddenly being backhugged by Wendy, the brunette’s chin resting on her shoulder.


And though Irene was always being targeted upon because of her looks, she couldn’t help but nod because there were still times when the girls that surrounded her weren’t so fake and selfish and that there were still moments when they actually cared for her; and not because she was popular or pretty, but because she was simply Bae Joohyun.


She locked her fingers with Wendy, stopping herself from smiling because now, there was one girl that cared for her and honestly befriended her because she was herself. Someone who didn’t care if she was wearing make up or not (because right now she wasn’t and Wendy’s still looking at her lovingly), didn’t care about whatever she was wearing, didn’t care about what other people thought because she already knows she has Irene.


Someone finally loved her for who she is.


And Irene was determined to love her back just the same if not more.


“Don’t worry,” Wendy hummed and held her hand tightly. “I’m here.”


And 2 words, just 2 mere words and all of the walls came crashing down.


“I know,” choked Irene, leaning her head to Wendy’s, “and I’m thankful.”


She knew Wendy was smiling even without looking, sure that at that moment her eyes were turning into crescents.


How could a stupid delinquent, who bullied her while she was still unfamiliar with the school, actually have a soft side?


Who would have thought that this girl, who went to school every day by using a skateboard and has a bestfrenemy relationship with her own brother, actually has a kind heart that was always, though she does not show it, willing to help?


An arrogant overachiever that thinks she could do anything just because she’s good with everything she has been doing with her life. And for some reason, Irene believe Wendy could do anything. Because she was the first person to knock on Irene’s heart, holding the key that Irene thought never existed.


Wendy swept her off her feet, and Irene was relieved.


She loved Wendy.


“Hey,” Wendy swayed their bodies from side to side, “you’re quiet. Is it that time of the month for you?”


“What the—” Irene flushed, swiftly turning around and facing Wendy. “N-no! Why would you even—”


The brunette suddenly laughed. “You looked like you were in deep thought, Hyunnie. How was I supposed to know that you weren’t thinking about me then?”


Then Wendy tucked Irene’s blonde locks behind her ear.


How could she just change moods like this? What the hell. It’s so unfair.


“Come on, I thought of something,” she was pulled to her bed, Wendy gently pushing her down by the shoulders. “Sit.”


And Irene did, even though her brown eyes showed confusion and suspicious (she couldn’t help it! They were alone in her room and Wendy suddenly made her sit on the bed).


Wendy then sat down beside her, and Irene couldn’t help but be intoxicated by the blueness of Wendy’s eyes for the nth time since they met.


They were the kind of eyes that were always so breathtaking, like a universe was staying in them, harboring all her memories and emotions.


“I was thinking…” Wendy was saying, but Irene’s chest pounded and her ears were on fire, and for some reason, she found herself removing the space between Wendy’s face and hers. “…the game sounds fun, don’t you think?”


The brunette was obviously not expecting a kiss from Irene, and honestly, neither did the blonde.


Their kiss was light, unhurried. Irene pulled Wendy’s shirt so the latter would move her body closer; in a blink of an eye, Wendy held her face between her hands and deepened the kiss.


And then they called a time out.


“Really eager, you are,” Wendy said, dragging her thumb across her lips.


Irene let out a short gasp before smacking Wendy’s face with her pillow; Wendy evaded it with ease.


“Was I too charming?” asked Wendy, smirking cockily at her.


Why you little…


“Shut it.”


“But anyways, back to what I was saying before you shoved your tongue down my throat—ow!”


Irene threw another pillow.


“Y-yah!” Wendy protested, lunging at her.


Irene dodged, and suddenly they were a tangle of limbs over their red faces, loud heartbeats, and soaring emotions for one another.


Irene was on top of the younger girl, her blonde hair a curtain to each side of her face.


Wendy traced the ends of Irene’s lips, who hitched a breath.


“You have to stop looking so… unreal like this,” Wendy sighed. “So pretty.”


“Yeah, well, you have to stop flirting with me.” Irene rolled and landed beside her Romeo.


She thought about hanging a DANGER sign around Wendy’s neck, just like her earlier plan.


She rubbed her eyes. “So… what were you saying?”


“Righttt. So, I thought we could play a game where we say something about ourselves.”


“Isn’t that what you would call a conversation?”


“A conversation where if the other one knows the fact already then she gets to kiss her?”


Irene whistled. “Well that escalated quickly. So if you say something about yourself and I already know it, I’ll give you a kiss?”


Wendy nodded. “And vice versa. Should I start?”


“Shoot,” Irene shrugged.


But deep inside she was actually setting fireworks in glee because she stalked… did research before.


“My name is Seungwan.”


Huh? Well of course she knew that. That was like, the basic of everything.


Irene kissed her.


When she pulled away, Wendy had pink spots on her cheeks. Cute.


“My—” Irene started, but the other girl clamped with her hand.


“I’ll continue until I say something you don’t know.”


Oh this is going to be a looong night.


“People call me Wendy.”


Another kiss.


“I have a brother.”




“This name is Mark.”




“I love skateboarding, and so does he.”


Obviously. Kiss~


“I’m better than him in skateboarding.”


“Now that one I’m not sure.”


“Oh well I am.”


“Doesn’t really count if you are the one saying it. My turn. My name is Bae Joohyun.”


Wendy held the back of her neck and made her head tilt. It was just about seven seconds, their kiss, but that was enough to make her go blank.


“People call me Irene.”


Another kiss and her head spun.


“I just transferred into the school.”


Her knees shook.


“I got lost the first day.”


Wendy smiled against her lips.


“I met a blonde punk who bullies me.”


“I do not,” Wendy protested.


“Shush,” and this time Irene was the one who leaned in. “Next: for the first time since I stopped being homeschooled, no one crowded around me.”


“You were homeschooled?”


“Just during Elementary. I went to a private school back in Korea for middle school.”


“Oooh,” Wendy’s eyes sparkled. “Now, I may have accidentally left a transfer student all alone when I was supposed to give her a tour.”


Irene hit Wendy’s ribs before kissing her.


“I almost sent said student to the office because she was staying in school late.”


Rude. But Irene still kissed her.


“My brother taught me how to skateboard.”


Irene smiled coyly and bit Wendy’s lower lip.


The brunette gasped, and Irene wasn’t sure if it was because of her bold move or because she knew about the fact. “How did you know?”


“You have a talkative brother.”


Wendy pretended to scowl.


“Okay… my favorite color is blue,” said Wendy, already tilting her chin as she waited for Irene’s lips.


“I figured,” Irene pulled away.


“I have a pet chipmunk.”




“His name’s Peter.”


Kiss. “Why Peter?”


“Because of reasons,” answered Wendy. “Continuing.”


But Irene raised her hand. “Wait, where is Peter?”


“He got away while we were running. You didn’t notice?”


“How was I supposed to notice a furry little pet like him?” Irene rose her brow, sighing.


Wendy waved her off. “Yeah, yeah.” The brunette gave her a life-threatening kiss that left her out of breath.


“Shall we continue then?” Wendy bit her lip.


“Please,” Irene fanned her face.


“I love winter.”


“You do?”


“Yes.” Wendy hugged her, kissing the crown of her head. “Because it’s cold, so more hugs.”


Irene giggled. “You like hugs,” she pointed out.


“Especially warm ones. I like warm hugs.”


She sounded so innocent and sincere and fluffy that Irene couldn’t help but squeeze Wendy’s . Wendy’s glorious eye-catching bottom.


Which kinda ruined the whole romantic mood but Irene was okay with it. (Seungwan’s -t-t-t-t-t-t-t~)


“Did you just grabbed my ? Like literally just tried to knead them with your hands?’ Wendy looked terrified.


“Yes, I just did. And don’t act like it’s the first time I did this to you.”


Wendy looked at her like she was a madwoman, but then after a brief staring contest, she kissed Irene again. “You and your weird !”


“You have a magnificent posterior,” commented Irene, seriousness lacing in her tone.


“Thank you,” Wendy sighed. “After molesting me, why is it that I find you more attractive?”


“My obvious charms, dummy,” Irene flushed, not coping up with the bold act that was usually done by the other girl and not her.


Wendy ruffled her blonde hair


“Y-yah!” Irene pouted, trying to fix the now tangled locks.


“Still looking good, Bae!” Wendy teased, giving her a wolf whistle.




But then the younger girl’s phone rang, and the both of them jolted in place.


“Be right back, Hyunnie,” Wendy stood up, accepted the call without really looking at the caller ID, and stepped outside of Irene’s room.


As soon as Wendy waved, spreading her fingers (just 5 minutes, she was trying to say), and closed the door, Irene went into a tantrum.


She kicked, punched, probably did some taekwondo or abnormal gymnastics or something before covering her face with her pillow.


As she took deep breaths, she resolved to cleaning her room and her face (Jeegus her lips were so… overused), then fix her hair and clothes.


Three minutes.


Three minutes and Irene managed to clean her room that normally took her an hour to do so.


Call it adrenaline rush paired with the burning desire for Wendy to be noticed.


Then she washed her face and changed into new clothes—just an oversized sweater and white shorts.




And hot.


No excuses there.


So when Wendy came back and gulped at the sight of her bare legs, Irene smiled arrogantly.


Ohmygod. Since when did I become so—


“Naughty Hyunnie,” Wendy mumbled lowly, and Irene found it difficult to grasp the blissful reality when Wendy suddenly advanced towards her and put her face on top of the older girl’s.


Their lips were mere centimeters away, and Irene could feel Wendy’s breath tickling her nose.


The brunette’s blue eyes turned almost gray as Irene stared at them—


Then they were bright blue again, like a vast ocean greeting inside of them.


Wendy gave her lips a soft peck before lying on the bed.


Yes, Irene was frustrated a bit, but she couldn’t help but blush again.


She felt Wendy looking at her. “The call,” she started. When Irene rose a brow, she then added, “Aren’t you curious?”


“Of course I am. But I can’t just ask you about it. That’s invading privacy. And I don’t invade other people’s privacy. You’ll tell me about it whenever you prefer.”


“…” Seemingly satisfied, Wendy explained, “You see, my aunt—”


“Tiffany or Jessica?” Irene suddenly spoke up, startling Wendy and herself.


Sensing that she should not have said that, Irene frantically flailed her hands. “You talk in your sleep! O-often asking for your aunts!”


Wendy looked at her suspiciously, and Irene had to refrain from gulping.


“Moving on,” and Irene’s shoulders sagged, “my aunt is inviting us over her cottage by the mountains.”


“Cottage?” Yeah sure, Irene. As if you didn’t know about that already.


“Yeah. Just near the ski resort. They have a spa there, too.”


The idea of a spa refreshed Irene’s senses. “Interesting… when will you get back?”


Because as much as Irene wanted to come, she had no right because it’s Wendy’s family, not hers. And it would be a burden for her family to invite her too.


“What do you mean?” Wendy’s brows furrowed.


“Well, you are going to stay there, right? And I’m sure Mark will come as well. So when will you two come back?”


“Hyunnie, you’re coming with us. What’re you talking about?”









Dinner that night was rather quiet, not really what Mrs. Bae had expected. But there was this comfortable silence around Wendy and Irene, just the sort where you can easily tell that they were relaxed with the presence of one another.


And that silence enveloped only the two younger girls, and Mrs. Bae had to stare coldly at her husband so that he would start talking.


But the faint smiles and the swollen lips from the two almost made Mrs. Bae squeal happily and ruin everything. She was not as gullible as her daughter perceived her to be, and it was obvious that Irene and Wendy's relationship spoke louder than what they claimed as simple friendship.


Friendship her .


She was tempted to strangle her daughter for keeping it from her.


But Mrs. Bae kept her cool.


And dinner ended fantastically.





TA-DA! ♥♥♥







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Chapter 7: i wish there was more 😭
Chapter 7: Still here 💗💗💗💙💙💙
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: HELLO?????
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Chapter 5: Like it,like it <3
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Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
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Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
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Chapter 2: I love this story
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Chapter 7: Wenrene's relationship here ahh they're so cute and fluffy ^^