
Skateboards and Glasses

If there was one thing Irene wanted to do, it was to continue kissing Wendy to record that moment—that one, insanely unbelievable moment; take a picture, record it, she didn’t care. Just as long as she would be able to look or watch it after today. Look at it for days. Stay up late just to watch the whole scenario again and again and again.


She couldn’t remember anything properly, to be honest. Everything was a blur.


The only thing she remembered was her panic-stricken face when she recognized Mark’s intentions, her thoughts of what would happen—then bam!


It happened.


She didn’t know, honestly, how her lips became responsive, how Wendy’s lips became responsive, how Irene’s arms went to the brunette’s shoulders, how the brunette’s hand settled on the blonde’s waist.


When she finally opened her eyes—she couldn’t even remember when she closed them—she pulled back, breathing heavily.


Their bodies were still pressed together; she wondered how they managed to do that while sitting.


“Did that just happen?” Irene asked, retreating her hands and putting them safely back to her sides.


Wendy blinked, her blue eyes shining. The sapphire abyss looked like it went somewhere far, somewhere endless. Irene loved it. “It… did,” she replied breathlessly.


“Well that was a truly lovely show,” Mark spoke, and the two of them jumped in their seats.


They looked at him.


He smirked; Irene didn’t know what to feel. Her head was light and she couldn’t really process anything properly.


Mark looked at his watch and clicked his tongue in a disappointed manner. “Break’s done, Irene. We would have to return to our room. We have a quiz in Calculus.” He cocked his head towards the door, as if telling Irene to follow him, then went out.


Irene and Wendy were left in the room, both flushed and breathless.


“I—I gotta go then,” Irene announced airily, like she wasn’t really aware of what she was saying. She stood up even though her knees were shaking.


She was opening the door when Wendy spoke up and said, “I… like you, Irene.”


Her chest seized up. Wendy was confessing. She was confessing to her, Irene Bae. Too many stuff to take in. She didn’t know how to react properly, but she could feel her cheeks hurting—she was already smiling widely.


“I like you too, Wendy. I really, really, really do.”


Wendy seized Irene's necktie again and pulled her closer, growling in a y manner. “Come here.”


For the second time that day, Irene got the privilege of kissing the amazing Wendy Shon. Her lips were soft. She could feel the brunette smiling.


She really wanted to continue, but she felt hands wrench her collar. “As much as you two want to continue each other’s faces like that, I do believe that we have a quiz in Calculus.”


Irene wanted to thank Mark for saving her heart, which was beating so fast she thought it would gallop out her chest and beating so loud she was scared the whole school might be able to hear it. But then she also wanted to hit Mark for stopping their session.


“See you soon,” Irene waved timidly at Wendy. When they rounded the corner, she covered her face with her hands. When they finally entered their room, she sank into her chair, hating Calculus and the stupid quiz because if this didn’t happen, she would be able to spend more time with Wendy.


Her head was on the clouds during the whole period. She couldn’t figure out how she managed to answer the quiz, or how she automatically peeked through the music room’s windows every time she walked past it.


Irene didn’t see Wendy again after that. That is, until dismissal came, and a letter fell from one of her books.




            Meet me in the student council room. You know the way, right? The door’s open. Bring your script! ♥



She gasped, her gut suddenly having a tantrum. She was suddenly flustered; she started shoving her books and notebooks in her bag and hastily shouldering it and practically running away as soon as she was done.


Seungwan. Wendy. Her name’s so boyish but then the boyish part’s proven with how she handles a skateboard.


Let’s just say that… Irene did some “research” about Wendy the night before. She didn’t delve too much into her background; she didn’t hunt down Wendy’s middle school achievements. Nope. Cough.


Irene wondered if Wendy was being sincere in the script part. Were they really going to practice the play? Or practice kissing and touching again—CONTROL YOURSELF, JOOHYUN.


But the thought was like a sudden fire, suddenly spreading throughout her whole body. She found herself grinning in excitement.


The hallways were passed like a blur, the doors opened seemed to fly off their hinges, and when she was finally met by the large doors of the student council room, she practically ran through it.


The next sight almost made her pass out.


Wendy was perched on the railings, lying down on the flat marble stone, her script above her face. But that wasn’t what made Irene gasp loudly—though she did gasp as she remembered how high that freakin’ balcony was; Wendy was wearing her Romeo costume. The whole getup. Her sword was dangling on the left part of her hip.


“Whoah,” Irene’s jaw dropped.


The brunette’s ears perked, and she sat up quickly. Her face broke to a huge grin, and in the light of the sunset, Irene couldn’t help but fall in love all over again.


“You look,” Irene started to comment, slowly approaching the balcony but stopping in the middle, “dashing, I guess.” She cursed her phobia of heights, especially now that Wendy was looking so attractive over there but she couldn’t come closer.


Wendy hopped down and placed her hands on her hips, smirking rather proudly. “I hear that often.”


“I’m sure you do,” Irene smiled.


Wendy cocked her head to one side. “Still scared of heights?”


She nodded, frowning a bit, “It’s not easy to overcome it. I mean, what if you started falling?”


The Canadian came closer, stopping inches before her, their noses almost touching. Wendy ran her hand through Irene’s hair in a gentle manner, sending shivers down the blonde’s spine. Wendy’s hand rested on Irene’s cheek, her thumb brushing ever so lightly over her cheekbones. She gave her a shy smile, and a quick peck on the lips before saying, “Ive already fallen, haven’t I?”


“I know. Me too.” Irene rested her forehead on the other girl’s, smiling as well. “Maybe falling isn’t so scary after all.”


Wendy stole another kiss from her before laughing like a kid and running away.       


“Yah!” Irene crossed my arms, trying to look upset even though she was smiling a megawatt smile.


“Come on, Hyunnie!” Wendy called out, waving her rolled script.




Irene wanted to faint at the nickname. Not only was it adorable, but the mere fact that it was Wendy who made it made it more special.


She wanted to have call Wendy something like that, too. And since Wendy used her Korean name, Irene planned to use the brunette's Korean name too. "Be right with you, Wanie."







Wendy wanted to backflip. Irene had just called her Wanie, and she didn't know which was cuter—Irene or her term of endearment.


She hadn't expected the cheesy moment just minutes before. She was full on determined to rehearse since the play was just a couple of days away, but when she saw Irene, her mind went mush and all she wanted was to be close to the girl.


Script forgotten.


Aaaand now remembered.


She tossed the cape to one side of her body, letting it drape on only the right side.            


"Hurry up, Hyunnie!" She blushed as she called out the nickname again.


“You wait there, Wanie.”


Ohmygodsssssssss she called me Wanie again asdffghjjkllllahsuri, Wendy mentally partied.


“My shirt is hard to take off.”




Wendy blanked for several moments, her imagination becoming magically erted.


Why was Irene removing her shirt??? Had she flirted too much?? Had she given out another vibe?? JEEGUS. WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY’S SHE STRIPPING???


Irene stepped out, holding the ends of her dress in her hands. Like Wendy, she decided to wear the costume as well.


It was a low cut dress with a bodice, coloured a pale blue with white ruffles on its wrists and ends. She had a pair of long white silk gloves that reached her elbows, and Wendy could see boots poking from beneath her dress.


Wendy smiled as if she had just won the lottery. Well, Irene was far more valuable and special. Irene was her star, burning fiercely, constantly twinkling with beauty.


I love this girl, she thought, moving forward at the same time Irene did. They met in the middle of the room, Wendy smiling at her like Irene was a diamond of the rarest kind.


Well, in the brunette’s eyes, Irene was.


Wendy took a strand of loose blonde hair from the other girl and playfully twirled it around her finger. “You’re so beautiful.”


Irene giggled, smirking mischievously. “I hear that often.”


To which Wendy replied, with a rise of a brow, “Sneaky, Hyunnie.”


The blonde pouted, fixing her round glasses. “I’m not sneaky.”


Wendy wanted to kiss her again. “Yes you are,” so she did, giving Irene light pecks with every word like a promise, “because you stole my heart, never missing an inch.”


“Stop it,” Irene flushed. “You’re so good at flirting you should be labeled as a hazard.”


Wendy staggered backwards in mock agony. “A woman in love? Hazardous?” She unsheathed her sword, pointing at Irene. “The person dangerous here is you, milady! With your beauty, kings and gods would be at your service without any moment’s hesitation!”


The blonde flicked the end of the sword, smiling flirtatiously. Ohhhh damn. She really was dangerous. Her eyes drove Wendy mad. Her voice was Wendy’s drug. Her lips made Wendy drunk. And her hugs and kisses made Wendy feel alive. “I don’t care,” Irene’s voice snapped her reverie, “about kings and gods. All I care about is you.”


Wendy’s heart melted. “Stop tugging my heartstrings, woman.”


I should be the one saying that,” retorted Irene.


The Canadian chuckled. “Okay, touché. So, how about we actually do practice? Because if we don’t start now I think we’ll never will.” Her blue eyes flared.


Irene shrugged. “Your call, Romeo.”






Oh what the hell???? How can their thing literally seconds ago suddenly become awkward and quite unbecoming?


Wendy mentally facepalmed herself. Oh well.







Wendy’s insides were mush. It was like there was lava and some demonic lava butterflies partying. Today was the day they were to perform. It was just a one-time event, and that was enough for her to be all paranoid and forget all the lines she had been rehearsing for the past months.


She stared at the ceiling—at the blinding white lights that served as a comforter for her. She was on the floor, casually lying spread-eagled.


It was three hours till the performance and her mind was blank and her body was numb.


This was normal, right?


But to Wendy, it wasn’t. She should’ve been used to such theatrical plays and the constant spotlight but for the first time in her life she was having a crisis whether she could do this role or not.


Was she too unfamiliar with male roles? She shouldn’t be; she had been roleplaying male characters since she was young. She just never pushed it this far—to actually perform in front of other people that weren’t just her brother.


Maybe she wanted to really, like, impress a certain Irene Bae so that’s why she’s feeling weird right now.


“Oh please,” her brother scoffed beside her, making her flinch. “Stop worrying. Everyone know you’ll do a great job. Even if you’re the only one who doesn’t.”


Wendy narrowed her eyes at him and laid back down. “You are suspicious,” she declared. Such casual cheering from her brother was what she deemed highly unusual.


“I’m just being a supportive brother,” he answered.


“You are suspicious,” she repeated.


Mark threw his hands up in complete exasperation. “Fine, sis.” He stood up and went outside her dressing room. “You can fail later. Goodluck.”


Wendy’s thoughts revolved around how her brother always manages to ninja his way everywhere. He always shows up unexpectedly and then does his signature leaving stunt which was him simply leaving with a casual greeting, never looking back, and then disappearing again. Only to appear from out of nowhere later. Does he know some secret shortcuts? Some hidden paths from somewhere to wherever Wendy was?


Intriguingly suspicious at the same time annoyingly amusing.


But, Wendy paused, such antics were actually useful. She could show up wherever Irene was with the simplest of ease.


She promised to interrogate him later.


But for the meantime…


Wendy closed her eyes and drifted off to a much needed rest.







She felt someone nudge her side with what she deduced as a foot.


“Wendy, wake up,” said a soft voice that tempted her to go back to sleep. “Wendy… come on.”


“Five minutes,” she rolled and covered her head with her arms.


“We’re about to perform in 45 minutes, and as much as I want to stare are your cute sleeping face, I think you should start fixing yourself up, Romeo.”


Oooooh, pretty voice can be sassy too.


Hold up.


Her eyes snapped open, and all apparent drowsiness was now cleared neatly.


45 minutes?


She scrambled up, nearly tripping herself up and falling face first when she accidentally stepped on her own foot.


“I am awake and conscious,” she boldly announced, posing much like a true Romeo Montague.


“So cute,” the other person in the room giggled fondly.


Now that she was fully awake and absolutely ready(not) so perform, she finally recognized the melodic voice that always hypnotized her.


Irene stood across Wendy with her arms behind her, her brown eyes twinkling behind her glasses. Her hair was lightly tousled to one side, kina like she walked across the beach even though there were no beaches or oceans in Toronto.


She loved how Irene suggested differently—it was like she was a masterpiece from an art exhibit, and the ones in Canada were not enough for her to grace into.


The blonde wore her favorite necklace—which is to say, Wendy’s gift to her a month ago during one of their usual rehearsals.  It was actually a ring; three different colored metal woven together. But Irene had said that she was careless with jewelries like that, so instead she bought a chain, hung the ring and made it a necklace.


Wendy secretly loved how the blonde treasured the gift. It just showed how much they value each other and their relationship.


“Like what you see?” Irene cooed, walking slowy.


And that was the moment the brunette noticed that Irene was wearing a silk see-through nightgown. Wendy gulped loudly when she saw how visible Irene’s underwear were.


“W-w-what are you wearing?!” Wendy stuttered while covering her eyes.


“What do you mean?”


“It’s see-through!”


“What is?”


“Your clothes!”




Irene didn’t reply anything for half a minute so Wendy risked a peek. Turns out, the former was staring wide-eyed at her, her face and neck flushed and looking mortified.


“Don’t look!” Irene shrieked loudly, covering her body and running to the corner of the room that was covered with thick curtains.


Even though their attractions were mutual, the thought of this level of skinship still made them choke and retreat in embarrassment.


But this was the closest Wendy saw Irene, and though the situation was quite serious, her mischievous self couldn’t let the moment pass.


“Were those abs?” Wendy said aloud.


Irene shrieked again. “You looked! Ohmygod!”


“You asked if I liked what I saw!” The brunette replied indignantly, not managing to contain her smile.


“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” Irene replied.


“I didn’t notice,” she confessed.


“Don’t lie!”


“I’m not!”


“Sheesh!” Mark harshly knocked on the door. “Could you two shut up and stop making out? Just practice your lines one last time.”


“We weren’t making out!” Irene and Wendy defended themselves.


Mark sighed in frustration before saying, “Of course you two weren’t. Now just tone it down. Jeez.”


His sarcastic tone in the first sentence was not ignored.


“I’ll kick your later!” Irene threatened.


“Fondle Wendy’s first, lady,” Mark said.


Irene was silent again, and Mark didn’t say anything anymore.


“Hyunnie?” Wendy shifted to their terms of endearment.


Irene suddenly whisked the curtains away and half-brisk walked, half-charged at Wendy. Her face was red once again, but her eyes showed some kind of fiery determination.


Startled, Wendy took a few steps back.


But that proved useless when Irene suddenly pounced on her like she was some sort of prey.


Irene’s mouth found hers and the blonde didn’t waste any time, wrapping her arms around Wendy’s neck.


Of course, Wendy was immediately responsive, meeting Irene’s lips. But she couldn’t help but yelp when she felt Irene’s hand her . And Irene didn’t stop there. She pretty much massaged and claimed Wendy’s bottom.


“What was that about?” Wendy exclaimed as she pulled away to breathe.


“I’ve always liked your ,” the older girl admitted, her eyes suddenly gleaming darkly.


Oh my goodness, Wendy thought, Why is this... hot?


“You’ve always what?” she blinked. Bewilderment preventer her to process things properly.


And in a single question, Irene snapped back from whatever it was.


“Oh gosh I’m so sorry,” she sprang away.


“Hyunnie?” Wendy chuckled. “You’ve always liked my ? Seriously?”


Irene covered her face and nodded meekly.


“What was that dark you all about?” Wendy grinned lopsidedly.


“I… got caught in the moment…”


“I am also getting caught in the moment,” Wendy said honestly, staring at Irene’s curves and toned stomach.


“Yah!” Irene caught her intentions and threw a foldable chair at her.


“Thirty minutes!” Mark shouted from the other side of the door. “Stop making out and start putting on your costumes!”


“We weren’t making out!” They shouted again.


“Yeah, yeah, and I’m not hot,” sighed Mark. “You lovebirds better be in full gear after 5 minutes.”


Wendy paused and waited for Mark’s steps and noisy grumblings to fade before facing Irene again.


“Do you have a wild side I have yet to encounter?” she asked.


“Oh shut up,” Irene rolled her eyes playfully and slapped Wendy’s arm. Her cheeks were red. “Go and dress up.”


“Let me enjoy the view first,” Wendy took a step back and bit on her fist as she watched Irene, who was rummaging a mountain of clothes for her first outfit.


Yum. WENDY WHAT??????????


The comment, though, did not go unnoticed by the blonde.


“Go and dress up!” Irene blushed again and ran to the curtain-covered-corner as soon as she found her clothes.


“Yes princess,” Wendy laughed, evading another foldable chair aimed at her.







“You two were noisy,” Mark spoke up as soon as his sister and no-label-yet-but-obviously-girlfriend went out.


They both flushed, but, as usual, Wendy was the first to recover and remember how to speak.


“We were not,” she boldly denied, raising her chin and crossing her arms even though the faint color of Irene’s pink lipstick was still smeared across her lips.


“Would you like me to play the recording?”


Irene blanched. “You recorded it?!”


“Of course.” Of course he was lying. Mark would never do such scandalous thing. Well, not yet. But sometime soon, probably. But not now.


“Excuse me?” Wendy gaped at him.


“Consider yourself excused,” Mark nodded, never forgetting to smile innocently.


“You di—,” his sister started, but was interrupted by a pinch from Irene.


“No bad words, remember?” Irene said with a little pout.


Wendy opened , but a firm look from her significant other silenced her for good.


Ah. Such a whipped sister.



Someone please date Mark too.


His invisible tears halted when the brunette tugged his sleeve, looking earnest at the same time deadly.


Mark knew that look.


It was Wendy’s signature ‘You-will-tell-me-what-you-know-or-you’ll-get-hurt-really-bad’ look. Deep inside, he was terrified of it.


“Yes?” He smiled at her brightly.


“We need to talk. Right now.” She was already pulling him away when he slipped from her grasp and went behind Irene. He placed his arm on her shoulders and pinched her cheeks.


“You want to leave little Bae here?”


“Don’t call me that,” Irene shrugged his arm away and blushed for the nth time today.


“Bro, don’t underestimate her,” Wendy replied seriously. “She has a wild side.”


Mark stifled a laugh. “This innocent baby-faced beauty?” It was like saying a dove had alligator teeth.


Irene glared at him with incredible intensity that his grin froze. Okay, maybe doves can have alligator teeth. Yikes.


“Sorry, Ma’am. We are off.” He bowed and followed Wendy.







Wendy checked if the coast was clear before clearing .


“What do you want to talk about?” Mark inquired, waving a stray spider web off his dark hair.


Her eyes shone. “How do you manage to ninja everywhere?”


He blinked. “What?”


“You know,” she continued, “how you appear everywhere from nowhere.”


“Oh,” dawning comprehension swam in his features, “thaaat.”


Wendy waited for a straightforward answer.


“I just manage to see you guys enter a room, then I go in quietly and voila.”


She choked. “That’s it? No hidden passageways or secret doors or camouflaged rooms?”


“No, of course not.” Her brother looked at her like she was crazy.


The idea was quite welcoming earlier. But now that she thought of it, it does sound funny.


“I’m kidding. Of course I know secret doors,” Mark suddenly said.


Fire burned in her blue eyes. “Really?”


“Of course not. What do you think this school is? A spy school? Jesus, Wendy.”


She punched Mark in the gut and vowed to put some blonde hair dye in his shampoo later.









Irene held Wendy’s hand tightly as the whole cast stood on the stage together at the end of the performance. Her legs shook from fatigue and was hoarse, but she found herself smiling even though the sweat rained down on her face.


Her Romeo gave her a reassuring squeeze, grinning crookedly and never forgetting to look handsome and attractive even though her hair was sticking to her forehead.


The other cast nudged her, and she then faced the crowd, who whooped and clapped.


She suddenly found new energy as she saw her classmates cheering for her.


“And that,” she recognized Mark’s voice from the speakers, “is the end of our show! Goodbye and take care!”


Two thick red curtains emerged from the corners and began moving to the middle of the stage; Irene kept on waving until there was nothing left to wave to.


“That’s a wrap, fellas!” Mark congratulated them.


“I’m so tired.” Irene couldn’t help but collapse.


Good thing Wendy was there to catch her. “I got you.”


She smiled softly, feeling the familiar butterflies go on a rampage inside her again. “Oh Romeo. What would I do without you?”


Surprisingly, with the strength Irene wondered where it came from, Wendy carried her bridal style. The blonde wrapped her arms on the other girl’s neck, snuggling to her chest.


“How are you doing this?” Irene asked quietly, yawning.


“Doing what?” She felt Wendy’s heart thump from beneath her clothes.


“Carrying me like this. Aren’t you tired?”


“Of course I am. But I wouldn’t want any other guy to carry you. You should’ve seen the looks of them when you started falling. They were like hungry wolves.”


“Then you’re the hungriest of them all,” Irene laughed.


Wendy moved her face closer, and suddenly Irene couldn’t speak. The brunette brushed her nose with hers and gave her a ghost of a kiss. Just a whisper of the amount of love Wendy has for her.


“We’re almost to the dressing room,” Wendy announced as she rounded to a corner.


Irene cuddled herself closer to Wendy. Wendy’s so warm. And her arms are so inviting. She could sleep like this forever.


She closed her eyes and took a brief cat nap.


Which was actually just ten minutes.


“Irene? Hyunnie? We’re here.” She heard Wendy say.


She blinked groggily. And due to habits, she stretched her body.


“Woah there, kitten!” Wendy scrambled so she wouldn’t let her fall.


“Woops,” Irene pursed her lips.


“I’ll put you on the sofa so you could sleep.”


Irene shook her head like a stubborn kid.


Wendy rose a questioning brow.


“I want to sleep like this. You’re more comfortable than the sofa.” She snuggled closer and nodded. “Way better.”


Even though she was being such an adorable child, Irene was actually screaming in her mind.










Her heart was beating fast again, and she had to bite her lip to stop herself from smiling widely.


“Okay.” Wendy finally answered.




Wendy carried her to the sofa and laid her there.


“Wanie,” Irene summoned her puppy eyes.


The younger girl laughed while shaking her head. “I can’t resist you, you know?”


You’re so cuuuuuuutttttteeeee. My little fluffy baby hamster.


Irene moved closer to the wall to give Wendy enough space, and after the two of them finally positioned themselves, Irene inched closer to the other girl again.


“Hug me please?” Irene requested.


When she felt Wendy’s arms surround her, she skydived in her mind.








Mmmm, she smells good.




“Go to sleep, Joohyun.”


“Okay Wanie… Seungwan.”


Wendy kissed her crown and hugged her tighter. That was enough for the Juliet to fall into a deep, deep sleep.







Mark was half worried, half celebrative when he noticed Wendy and Irene missing.


“Probably making out,” he shrugged to himself, stuffing his hands in his pockets.


He roamed around the empty theatre and sat on the edge of the stage.


He sighed.


“When will I get a girlfriend?” He wondered aloud.


He sighed again and began heading off to the dressing room.


He was a hundred percent sure that Wendy brought Irene home for some ‘congratulatory gift’, so he practically jumped off his skin when he found them dozing off on the sofa.


“Sneaky bastards,” he shook his head.


He fished out his phone and took several pictures of them from different angles.


But the fun ended when his phone suddenly rang loudly, and the two girls sleeping jolted awake.


“Bbbbbyyyyyyeeeeeeee!” He waved at them before running for his life.


“Mark!!!” They both shouted behind him.


Mark swore he almost locked them up in the school just to be absolutely safe.



























<3 <3 <3


Pugnny out



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Chapter 7: i wish there was more 😭
Chapter 7: Still here 💗💗💗💙💙💙
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: HELLO?????
Favebolous #4
Chapter 5: Like it,like it <3
Favebolous #5
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #6
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #7
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: I love this story
Favebolous #9
Chapter 7: Wenrene's relationship here ahh they're so cute and fluffy ^^