
Skateboards and Glasses

Wendy loves skateboarding. It makes her feel free. To feel only the board on the hard asphalt floor, to feel her legs angle themselves so she could go to another direction. The contentment she would feel every time she successfully flips the board midair.


The stunts were dangerous, for sure, but Wendy prefers to live that way than just staying inside the room and studying.


She needs adrenaline in her life. She needs to feel her blood pumping. She needs excitement.


And she found all that in skateboarding.


Wendy was relieved to have a big brother like Mark. The guy loves skateboarding as much, if not more, as her. He was pretty much the reason why she got into skateboarding in the first place.


The blonde’s life used to be boring. No action. She followed rules obediently, got into contests and easily bagged the first place, studied hard to secure her future But Wendy wanted to do something more. She did not want to be like the others. Deep down inside her perfect self was a rebellious soul ready to go berserk.


She remembered how she got into skateboarding in the first place.




While rubbing her face as she solved math problems, she heard her brother sneak out. She could hear him clearly, clumsily hitting almost everything; but since their parents were heavy sleepers she doubted they knew of what was happening.


Mark was, like her, a perfect student. Straight As. Varsity. Member of the Student Council. Overall Romeo.


Right now, she had doubts of what her brother was doing. The campus darling sneaking out.


Her blue eyes darted towards her clock.


2:26 am


A smirk touched the tips of her lips as a finger rested on her chin as she thought of what her brother would be doing at this time.


Carefully, she set down her pen and turned off the lamp. She went over to her bed and tucked her pillows beneath the sheets in hopes of making it look like she was sleeping. She then went over to her window and slid it open.


A wave of air hit her, and for a moment she took a deep breath and just savored her rebellion. For the first time ever, Wendy, will sneak out. With her math homework still left undone.


The thought made her shiver in excitement. She swung her leg over and peeked at the ground. Easily, albeit a bit reckless, she jumped down, and as soon as she landed, she rolled on the grass.


She had played enough soccer in her life to know that if she did not lessen the impact on her legs, she would probably have a broken ankle.


“Can’t wait to find out just what the hell you’re doing at this time, Mark,” she huffed as she rode her bike, immediately following her brother’s dissipating figure.


She kept her distance like a professional stalker.


Mark took a lot of turns before entering an empty building.


And that was when she discovered her brother’s secret sin.


Skateboarding, she gasped as she saw her brother skidding down a rail.


Her heart beat fast, for some reason. The urge to grab a board….


“Teach me,” Wendy came out from the dark and startled her brother.


At first he rejected, but after realizing that Wendy had also fallen into the pit of stress and pressure, he taught her.





And that was the story behind how Wendy and Mark, prides of the school (still are), became troublemakers.






Irene hates it when she transfers schools. Especially transferring in the middle of the school year.


Why did she transfer?


Because, apparently, the boys from her school were starting to affect her again. She had just transferred last spring and yet her popularity went skyrocket within the first week.


You can’t blame her.


Even though she’s a midget, her beauty radiates like an angel flying too close to the sun. People are blinded. People kneel before her. Literally. She had grown uncomfortable, and her actions were unnoticed by the staff and her parents.


Her first week involved immediate confessions, love letters in her locker, under her desk, between the pages of her books. A lot of roses and chocolates. And of course, the huge amount of boys swarming around her.


She never managed to make friends. The girls despise her, and the boys were determined to kill whoever befriends her that wasn’t them.


She sighed as she shook her head to forget about the memory. With bright blonde hair flowing, she raised the round glasses that rested on her nose.


Her warm chocolate eyes scanned the place as she inspected the map she held. This Canadian school is huge. She didn’t like it one bit. A huge school means more students. More students mean a higher chance of her transferring again.


She hates transferring. But she hates people gawking at her more.


There were people everywhere, and only a few gave her a second look. The feeling was oddly satisfying—to not see people staring at you when you walk past them.


She checked the map again. Second floor. Turn left, go straight down the corridor then go right. Ta-da. Principal’s office.


She took a couple of steps forward.


Like an evil plan to ruin her day, a strong wind blew the papers from her hand. The map and her schedule and other important documents flew away and she scrambled to grab them. Silently cursing her height, she just picked the ones on the grass instead.


She brought an awful lot of paperwork that was supposed to be in a folder but since she was confident they won’t disappear she just held them instead. Oh how she regretted the decision.


“Oh, umm, you need help?” A voice made her turn around. And she found herself staring at a girl slightly taller than her, with bright blonde hair the same as hers. Complete contrast with the bright blue eyes, the kind that you in, that the girl had. The girl’s bangs made her look like a kid; and with those features, Irene suddenly questioned why she was in a school like this. Quite hypocritical with Irene and her baby face.


“Uuuuhhh?” She grunted like a caveman in response.


Oh gawd. Did she seriously just do that?


“I’m—uhh, yeah. Thanks,” she replied properly, and the other blonde nodded. Together, they picked up the papers that decorated the corridor.


As Irene picked the last piece of paper, she turned around and saw the other girl approaching her, holding the other papers. She curiously eyed the skateboard that was tucked under the girl’s arm.


“Hoho!” A voice behind her hollered. “With you stalling like that, Wendy, then I’m 100% sure I’ll win!”


The girl, who was probably the one named Wendy, immediately spun around and glared at the guy that was approaching them quickly. Irene noticed him riding a skateboard as well.


“Oh shut up, Mark. I’m helping someone here,” Wendy scoffed.


Mark laughed and kicked the floor, going faster as he leaned forward. “Nice job, sis. I’m not falling for that.” He went around Wendy, the air whizzing past his ear and further messing up his hair. His only thought was to win against his little sister, not even noticing that he was going straight towards—


The last thing Irene saw was tousled black hair before she felt her back hug the floor and her eyes see stars for a brief moment. Her vision became blurry, completely unaware that her glasses disappeared from her face already.


“Ohmygod! Mark! Look at what you’ve done! I told you to be careful! They’re not gonna let us skateboard again if they hear about this.” She heard Wendy gasp.


“Ahhhh it hurts,” Mark whined before Wendy hit the back of his head. “Ow!”


“Shut up,” Wendy squinted her eyes at him. “Look at what you’ve done, ughhhhh.”


“Is she okay?”


“I don’t know…”


“Wellp! Take care of her then. I have a lot of duties to fulfill.”


“What. Wait, Mark—”


“Catch ya later, sis!”


Irene’s head spun as she listened to the short conversation the two had, ending with Mark leaving at lightspeed.


Wendy was left with her.


Irene rubbed the back of her head as she sat up. She felt her lungs begging for air as she grunted a short “Owwwww.”


“Oh gosh,” Wendy knelt beside her, “Are you okay?”


“I feel like I just got hit by a bull,” she replied.


“I’m so so so so so sorry about that. Me and my brother have this habit of racing to school, you see. He was too busy boasting to see you there,” the blue eyed perfection explained.


Irene just nodded without looking at her, too busy trying to get her mind straight. She groaned.


“We should go to the nurse’s office. He hit you pretty hard,” Wendy recommended before helping Irene stand up.


“Here,” Wendy stretched out her hand, and for a moment Irene couldn’t see anything that was on it. “Your glasses.”


So that’s why.


Irene gratefully took her glasses, and for a fourth of a second, their skins made contact. Everything seemed to pause and for a moment they held their breaths. Irene’s chest tightened and Wendy’s legs went weak. And, for some unknown reason, they both blushed.




“Hrm,” Wendy cleared . “Yeah. Sure. No prob.”


They awkwardly stood in front of each other, before Wendy gasped and handed Irene the papers. “Oh yeah, uh, here. Your papers.”


Pause. Silence. Awkward.


“So….umm… nurse’s office…?”


“Oh! Yeah, okay, yeah come on.”






“Good to know there wasn’t that much casualties,” Wendy sighed in relief as she plopped on the bed beside Irene.


“A mild concussion is still a casualty,” the nurse pointed out.


“At least she’s not bleeding to death.”


“Aish. Such a snappy tongue. Especially for someone in the student council.”


Irene’s eyes widened, dropping open as she looked at Wendy.


“What?” The other blonde raised a delicate brow.


“You’re in the student council?!”


“Of course,” Wendy grinned crookedly and took out her badge. It was a pin of the school’s logo, and below it were the letters SC—Student Council.


“You look like a delinquent,” Irene commented, looking at the blue skateboard beside her.


“Oh you have no idea,” the nurse laughed. “No, go on, go on. Shouldn’t be late for class, especially with you being a transfer student.”


Wendy whistled. “Ohhhh, so that’s why it’s like you’re new! You’re a transfer student!”


“Yeah….” Irene awkwardly smiled.


“Why’d you transfer in the middle of the school year?”


Irene looked left and right as she decided whether or not she would tell her. She sighed. Since Wendy’s a member of the student council, maybe Irene should at least tell her that. Also seeing that Wendy helped her pick up the papers earlier.


“Guys. Stalkers.” She kept it short.


“Expected something like that. Especially with someone as pretty as you.”


Irene’s face went tomato red at the sudden compliment. She should be used to those kinds of things, but there was a different vibe to how Wendy said it.


“But you know, you look familiar,” Wendy announced as she walked beside Irene, her slender fingers tapping her skateboard.


Irene blinked.


“You…” Wendy faced her, with a smirk touching the corners of , “You look like my next girlfriend.”


As Irene stared at the blonde delinquent, she felt the world spinning at the same time stopping.




The bell rung and a swarm of students appeared from who knows where and immediately Wendy vanished.


Irene stood there, frozen, as she bit her lip and blushed.


“Stupid snowman delinquent making me feel things,” she groaned as she lowered her head and let herself get taken by the crowd.










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Chapter 7: i wish there was more 😭
Chapter 7: Still here 💗💗💗💙💙💙
Favebolous #3
Chapter 7: HELLO?????
Favebolous #4
Chapter 5: Like it,like it <3
Favebolous #5
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #6
Chapter 4: Mark be careful, I pray for your life
Favebolous #7
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: I love this story
Favebolous #9
Chapter 7: Wenrene's relationship here ahh they're so cute and fluffy ^^