
Forever yours
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"It looks horrible, to be completely honest with you dad." Baekhyun took a step back on the pavement to get a better look. Their beloved house that used to be one of Baekhyun's favorite places in the whole world, didn't really look like their beloved house anymore. Thanks to a big hurricane hat led to the water damages of the century. Not to mention the big tree that had somehow landed on their house as well. What an amazing way to start the summer. June had just started, yet it felt like Baekhyun's summer just had ended. 

Baekhyun's dad sighed. He shook his head and ruffled his hair with hand. Baekhyun's dad was an attractive man, and Baekhyun would often wish he could look more like his dad, instead of his boring self. 

"Yes, I think you're right Baek.." He didn't seem too pleased with having to agree with his son. Baekhyun knew that his dad has hoped the damaged didn't seem as bad as it looked. He had probably hoped he could use a weekend with some tools and a bucket of paint and the house would be as good as new. 

His father had become pretty dependent on Baekhyun after his mother died two years ago. He would usually treat Baekhyun like an adult over 30 years old, not like an 18 year old boy. 

It was Baekhyun who had to repair the risecooker when it broke, Baekhyun who made sure the man went to the dentist at least once every 6 months. Everyone who knew Baekhyun's dad, would call him prosessor distracted and point out how lucky he was that Baekhyun lived with him. Baekhyun would still sadly feel like a depressed - and now homeless - 18 year old boy than an responsible, mature man; ready to give advice. And he had no idea where they would live until the damage in his house had been repaired. 

And yet in the middle of all of his misery, he still felt so bad for his father. They had moved in to the house about three months ago. Baekhyun was just done with decorating his room, making it his. He was quite pleased with how it turned out and he really loved their new house. And Baekhyun's dad had just bought new funiture to celebrate that he had become an professor. He had just managed to make enough room for his huge collection of books last week, that had been stored in the old house ever since they moved out. 

The hurricane had been a huge surprise on everyone.

They had been visiting Baekhyun's grandmother when it happened and had no idea how huge the damage was before they got back home. Baekhyun had yet to go inside the building. Sadly,It didnt sound like they had to pack a lot of things with them.

"Come on dad." Baekhyun said as he tried to sound cheerful. "I'll buy you ice cream, and you know how rare that is" He said as he poked his arm.

Everytime Baekhyun had taken his dad to lunch or to the movie theater, his father had acted like he almost fainted over Baekhyun's generosity. Not that Baekhyun was stingy, he just tried to be economic.

"We can talk about what to do on the way, okay?" Baekhyun said as he pushed his dad. He was still staring at the tree that was lying on the roof of their house. A sad and bothered look graced his face. Baekhyun himself had a few plans in mind. Maybe they could move in with Jongdae and his family? Or no, their house was filled up with his siblings, in-laws and pets. And his dad was deadly allergic to cats. Maybe they could move in with his aunt Junhee? They lived just about 30 minutes away from the town, that wouldn't be so bad. Besides his dad rarely saw his sister these days. But would she be okay with them moving in for a couple of weeks, maybe months even?

Baekhyun was so busy with his own thoughts that he didn't notice his dad's thoughtful look. Baekhyun's dad Byun Daehyun who's a professor in psycology is a fantastic dad. He's simply impressive. He's happy, easy to deal with and doesn't nag about when Baekhyun needs to be home or that Baekhyun use too much time on his computer. 

Yet, he doesn't handle crises very well. His dad is hopeless when it comes to huge decisions. Baekhyun's mom used to say that he didn't even manage to decide which side of the bed he wanted to sleep on. It doesn't help that he's easily distracted, very messy and too laid back to have a calender book.

So it would be natural that Baekhyun would be the man to come up with the solution to their homeless situation. Who knows what would happen if he let his dad find a solution. 

Baekhyun had to literally pull him away from the house. He eventually turned away and followed his son down the street. It was a perfect summer day. Not too hot or too humid. Not a single cloud in the sky. It was days like these Baekhyun was happy he lived in Boston. Another reason was because of the ice cream. The best ice cream, in Baekhyun opinion, would be located in Boston. Just a 5 minute walk away from his now damaged house. 

The line was as always super long, but it was worth it. Both wanted chocolate ice cream, it was their favorite. Baekhyun ran like a child up to one of the tables in the back. They sat down, and Baekhyun was about to mention his wonderful plans of moving in with aunt Junhee when his father suddenly spoke.

"Baekhyun, I know you find this hard to believe. But I have been thinking these past days." He hesistated for a second. Baekhyun felt like bad news was coming his way. 

"But dad, actually I-" Baekhyun started, in hopes of distracting his dad. The look of determination on his dad's face scared him. He had a bad feeling he knew exactly what his dad was about to say.

"No Baekhyun let me talk." His dad said and Baekhyun stopped talking.

"I've decided that we're going to move in with Youngmi, until we can live in our house again!" He said, and Baekhyun almost dropped his ice cream.

"But dad!"

"I'm not discussing this with you. Moving in with Youngmi is the best solution for the both of us!"




"Ew, well that's gross" Jongdae said as he held up something that might have been his favorite shirt one time. He had let Baekhyun borrow it after he had basically begged him for several weeks, Jongdae had borrowed Baekhyun's favorite hat that he had gotten from his grandad in return. The shirt was now completely ruined. 

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at his best friend. Jongdae was probably one of the humans he liked the most in this world. But being discreet was something he had yet to learn. Anyways, he reali

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lazyron #1
Chapter 4: please update so good
flowersfrom-paradise #2
Chapter 4: Oh my Goodness, please update this!
Katanakira #3
Chapter 4: Please update, this is so good I can't wait for them to meet, I love your writing
momijiii #4
Chapter 4: plz update soon
Chapter 4: Ahhh so looking forward to the update and for Baek to have that "oh shiznits and crackers...that's my MAN. Lulz whoops" moment. I'm so excited. Hwaiting~=}
HELENee #7
Chapter 2: This sounds so good! Can't wait to read more :3
Canxiubemybaby #8
Oh snap I really want to read this!!!