Chapter 3

You five, are Exo-E

A year has passed, it is now August, 2014. It has been two months since we debuted. This is the summer we will be meeting the rest of Exo. After watching countless videos of them i can’t say I’m not nervous to meet them. We have all worked so hard and became such good friends. After we debuted in America, and our first single ‘History' went platinum. The reason it went platinum so fast was because Exo-L’s already existed. Nobody knew how the fans would react to us being girls, but i wanted to make them proud. I can’t say it wasn't hard to get where we are now, a year of training every single day was enough to make me want to quit. But i didn’t. And neither of us did. We worked so hard for this moment. We were ready to go to Korea. After performing ‘History’ on Good Morning America, we quickly packed into a white van and headed for the airport.

“Hey leader, how’s your Korean?” I mocked Ava, raising my eyebrows at her.

“Hey, just cause i’m the leader doesn’t mean i have to do all the talking!” She scolded.

“Yeah, just the majority of it,” Paige added from the backseat. 

“It’s okay, it’s okay! Our Korean is great! If we don’t know something we always have a backup translator anyway,” Isabel reassured. We all nodded in agreement. We sat in silence for a little while until Paige finally spoke.

“Are you guys nervous to meet them?” She asked, sounding nervous. I let out a long sigh.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Ava teased, laughing. I shot her a look.

“I’m not nervous! I just don’t know what they think of us…” I explained, trailing off into my own thoughts. 

“Oh stop worrying,” Margaret added from the front seat. “The boys will love you just as much as everyone else does.” She reassured. Still…i didn’t know what to expect. There were a lot of fans at the airport, which surprised me a lot. I wondered if it would be like this in Korea. One girl was holding out a tiny stuffed animal bear with ‘Kat’ Written on the shirt. I smiled and took the bear from her. “Thank you.” I smiled, and the girl covered with her hand. I just laughed and trying to stay behind the body guard leading us through.

“This is insane,” I heard Sydney comment from behind me. After we got to the security checkpoint the fans were stopped.

“Bye!” I twisted my head around and waved at them while we walked away.

“Good luck in Korea!” I heard one girl shout. i put the bear i had received into my backpack. Once we were on the plane, i was beginning to feel really nervous. I felt a hand on my leg and turned to look at Ava. 

“Don’t worry, Kat. It will be fine. Just be yourself,” She cooed, flashing her perfect smile at me. I thought about the evening before, when i had to say goodbye to my mom and brother.

“Mom, don’t worry about me, I know i can do this,” I told her as i gave her a long embrace. I hadn’t been apart from my mom in 19 years. 

“I know you can, sweetie. I’m just going to miss you.” 

“I know, i’m going to miss you too. But i will send you money whenever i get paid so look out for it!” 

“You don’t have to send me mon-“

“I’m going to.” I cut her off as i pulled apart from her. I looked at Jack who was standing beside her. Jack was only 14, but he was already as tall as my mom. He looked pretty much identical to me, chestnut brown hair and dark brown eyes. 

“I’m gonna miss you sis.” He said, as i pulled him into a hug. Now i know most brother sister relationships aren’t usually great at this age, but i was really close to him. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, probably an indication that my Margaret was out front. I grabbed the handle of my suitcase and looked at my mom and brother. I knew if i didn’t get out in the next 5 seconds i would start crying. I headed for the front door. 

“I’ll see you soon,” I said, not looking at them as i opened to door. 

“Good luck! We love you Kat!” I shoved my suitcase through the doorway.

“Love you too!” I said as i closed the door shut behind me. I took a deep breath and walked towards the van that was waiting for me. The driver got out and helped me put my suitcase in the trunk, and then i got in the backseat, my four best friends already waiting for me. 

“Ready to go?” Paige squeaked. 

“As ready as i’ll ever be.” I answered. I took one last glance at my house as the car pulled away. 



“Kat, wake up we’re about to land” I woke up with Ava nudging my arm. After watching a few movies I hadn’t even realized I fell asleep. The flight to Korea was so long I needed to get off this plane now. After we got off the plane we were directed to baggage claim. We definitely weren’t in America anymore. Once we got to the baggage claim, I could hear screaming. I turned around and was able to see huge crowds of people outside.

“Oh my god..” I said, tapping Paige’s shoulder for her to turn around. When she did I watched her eyes grow ten times bigger. It was like the group of fans in America times five. Which was weird and very unexpected. Just then two police officers walked passed us to talk to Margaret. We waited a little longer for our bags and finally they came out.

“Okay, is that everything?” Margaret asked, the police officers still standing by her side. We all looked at each other and nodded. I suddenly became nervous again, and I felt my heart beating in my stomach.

“Do you speak Korean?” One of the police officers asked.

“Yes, they all do,” Margaret answered for us. After that the police officers began speaking in Korean.

“Okay, we will lead you out and you have a car waiting for you just across the street. Try not to stop at all, we don’t want anyone getting hurt, okay?” He explained.

“Okay,” Ava replied. The two police officers began leading us outside, with Margaret following from behind. Once we got outside the doors it was extremely loud. There were people screaming and taking pictures everywhere. We all waved to them as we followed the police through the small opening he had made for us. I need to get used to this. I told myself as I jumped into the car after Isabel. Once we were all in the car it was dead silent. Once we were a couple minutes away from the airport, finally Margaret spoke.

“We are going to SM right away but I have one request from their manager. Do not ask about Kris. At all.” That’s right. Kris had just left the group a couple months ago.

“Let’s make a bet as to who would look the cutest in person,” Ava joked, ignoring Margaret. We all laughed.

“Ava, that is so shallow!” Isabel scolded.

“No it’s not, nobody will ever know we did this…I’ll go first!” She smiled, placing her hand under her chin, thinking. “I think it will be….Kai.” She looked at me. “Your turn.”

I shook my head. “I am not participating in this.” I stated, raising my eyebrows at her.

“It’s okay, we all know Kat has a thing for Lay so she doesn’t even need to answer,” Paige joked. They all burst into laugher. I turned around and playfully hit Paige. “Oh stop, that is not true!” I yelled back.

“Then why is your face getting red?” Ava asked, wriggling her eyebrows at me. They all laughed again. I rolled my eyes and then looked at Paige.

“Who do you pick?” I asked, not really caring but wanting the attention off me already. I didn’t have a thing for Lay I just looked up to him a lot. He is an amazing dancer and I think he is very musically gifted. And there is nothing wrong with me thinking that.. Paige pursed her lips while she thought.

“Luhan.” She said quietly. We all made sounds of approval.

“Guys why are we doing this?” Sydney asked.

“Because it’s fun, don’t judge! You go.” Ava replied. We all looked at Sydney with wondering eyes.

“Ugh! Okay, if I have to pick one…I would choose Chanyeol.” We nodded and then all turned to Isabel.

“I think….,” She started, and I was surprised she was even going to say one. “They will all be cute in person.” She said cutely. I started clapping and everyone followed.

“Well done, that was a perfect answer.” I praised her.

“Thank you, thank you,” She said, bowing her head a few times. Margaret turned around and looked at us.

“We’re almost there. Remember what I said about Kris. We’re going to meet everyone and then go out to lunch okay? And then we’ll see what the manager has planned for you all after that.” Margaret told us.

It was a good thing Margaret told us to sleep on the plane, because I’m pretty sure we left Monday morning and now its Tuesday..gotta love time differences. I’ll probably have some major jet lag later. As I felt the car coming to a stop my nerves started acting out again. I feel like I am getting nervous all the time now, I wonder if the other girls are the same way. As Margaret started exiting the car, we all followed. We were parked outside a tall, modern looking building. We followed Margaret inside, and the inside of the building was even nicer. It was so clean and modern, it looked like it costed a fortune just to decorate this place. When we walked in Margaret walked to the receptionist’s desk.

**(AN: Any dialogue after this point will be Korean unless otherwise stated)**

“Hello, I’m here with Exo-E.” She said, gesturing towards us. The woman behind the counter stood up and bowed.

“Of course! We’ve been expecting you!”

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Chapter 12: i'm crying
This was really good!
161997 #3
Chapter 11: So cute Omg looking forward to the next update!!!
Chapter 7: so adorable!!!!
psteva #5
Chapter 6: This is fantastic! Please continue
Boring_Aegyo #6
NarniaGiel #7
Chapter 1: Interesting interesting !!!!! Looking forward to the actual chapter hehe do well