Chapter 1

Between Worlds (Angel)

 "You LOVE her?" his father said. He banged his fists on the table. The adolescent boy winced at his father's ear-splitting speculation that vibrated off of the marble walls. He looked down at his feet and bit his lip nervously as his father's gaze pierced into his soul, trying to decipher his son's incentive. The rest of the Council judged him as well, frowning and shaking their heads in disapproval.


   The boy nodded slowly, his eyes shut tightly and his lips pursed in anticipation for whatever punishment was handed down by the Council. The juvenile was a man of few words, hardly speaking. He was very young thus silent in respect for his elders and feared accidentally mocking one. He was afraid now that his silence would lead to his untimely end.


   Because of his wordless presence, he could hear the harsh murmurs of the Elder Ones.


  "Let's take his voice!" one growled. His father shook his head.


  "He doesn't talk much."


  "His sight!"


  "He has other senses." The old man stated blandly. A small hint of sympathy for his son barely snuck into his ancient voice. It was too miniscule for the others to notice but the adolescent, with his sharp ears could just barely pick it up.


   The other Elder looked slyly at the leader, then at the boy. The leader raised his eyebrows in suspicion, curious as to what he had to contribute.


  "Yes, Kyuhyun?" (Haha evil maknae cameo)


  "Well, we must prevent this from happening in the future. We should cut off contact from outside worlds."


  "But-" the boy began.


  "You have no right to speak!" Kyuhyun snapped. He carefully smoothed his robes and composed himself, then began again.

"Take his wings. Make him unable to fly again and let him live in the agony of knowing that he can't ever meet his love again, then curse him so that he cannot speak until he sets foot in another universe. That way, he can never utter his lover's name. This is the ultimate punishment that can be handed down without death."


  "Fair enough." the leader said reluctantly in fear that Kyuhyun would push his luck further. He was known to be diabolical in his dealing of punishments, as well as mentally. Kyuhyun smirked with victory.


  * * *


    Jiyoung woke up with a gasp. The devious smirk that painted the man in her dream's face still glinted devilishly in her mind. It gave off a humorous light, but in a way that was dark and demonic. She didn't want to face that man; he was mysterious and nearly impossible to read. But of course, she had to.


  As with all of her dreams of unknown realms, they showed events of the past that would affect her later. The other dreams showed the future.


   This was the second dream she had had of that boy; the first being him running from twelve shady figures that turned into wolves with beady red eyes and silvery fur, matted with sweat and dried blood. They emitted a stench of rotting flesh and perspiration as they panted with every stride as if they had been running for days. The boy then collapsed, but caught himself on a tree. He was too late though as the wolves were gaining. Suddenly, a girl made of shadows appeared and eased him up the tree leaving the wolves howling and growling as they attempted to scramble up the trunk, desperate for the couple's flesh.


   She shook her head to clear her thoughts though, and decided to get ready for school. She was a sophomore in college and today she had midterms for Biology 1 and was planning on going to medical school. She didn't have the brain cells to spare worrying about a young man and magical wolf-people.


  Her roommate Sunny was already gone, having left for her midterm musical performance. She realized she had to hurry to make it in time for her test too.


 After washing up and eating a breakfast of toast and apple juice, she grabbed her bag and rushed across campus to the Hall of Life Sciences for her tests.


  All through the exam, she couldn't focus. The images of the boy, the wolves, and the twisted smirk of the devious Kyuhyun flashed throughout her mind, filling her gaze with dreams.


  Internally groaning, she shook away the spots that filled her eyes with those evanescent dreams. Although they disappeared for about five minutes, they soon flooded back as she read a question about wolf hair. No matter how many times she threw away the thoughts, her attempts bore no fruit. She felt as if she was being stalked by those images that continually replayed in the back of her mind. They relentlessly fought her consciousness for reign of her mind. She still continued to persevere to complete her test.


  After an agonizing hour, she was done. She sighed in relief as she handed her test papers and left, slinging her bag over one shoulder.


  Once done with all of her exams for the day she returned to the dorm to study, silently hoping Sunny was still testing so that she could travel to a peaceful world. Possibly one with aquamarine skies and emerald grass, dotted with vibrant flowers that swayed in the delicate wind. Yes, that sounded perfect. Sadly, Sunny was practicing the violin in the dorm living room. She didn't even notice Jiyoung stroll into her room.


Jiyoung was vexed at her current situation. She felt unrest within the gateways to the other realms as she gently them with her fingertips. She explored them with her touch, her eyes shut to focus on identifying each and every one.


Her eyes flashed open in shock as she felt a new doorway. It radiated with mixed colors of light and dark as if that world was a light switch and it was flickering on and off. She couldn't tell whether or not its inhabitants and rulers were amicable or hostile, though probably a mix, similar to her own world.


While she sat on her bed inspecting the crease with her fingers, a small suspicion began to blossom in her mind. The unreadable sensation reminded her of the Kyuhyun in her dreams as if the world were hiding behind a mask that concealed its true self. It was the world that housed that boy, and her decision to or not to open that gateway would greatly affect the next events that would take place in her life.


Of course, she had to go through with it; her dreams had showed her what was to come. There was no changing fate.


Reluctantly, she peeled back the thin layer that concealed the strange world and took in a deep breath. She didn't know if she was ready to face the challenges to come, but she knew that it was the only way. She then strode into the new terrain, gasping as she was engulfed by new scents and sights that hit her like a brick.




Hey, do you guys like my fanfic posters? These are my first attempts so dun kill me! Also check out my other fic if you wanna see the poster for that one. Should I make more posters or hire someone else? What do you guys think?

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Chapter 2: Your poster is jjang~ Much better than my first attempt. Please make this into trilogy~ Omona~ I should promote this story to BABYz~ *squealing*
Your story makes me hooked!
Kpop2ne1 #2
Wow this sounds amazing! I can't wait to read on especially since its been kind of hard to find a decent Jongup fic so I'm excited for this one :)