
Between Worlds (Angel)

I feel them; the different worlds that reside within our shared existence. When I focus hard enough, I can touch the folds of the universe and move them like curtains on a theater stage. I can hear their voices speaking to me through the delicate doorways as the ghosts of their thoughts float through the holes in the universe that lay unattended as I wait to close them. I can peek into those unfamiliar lands and step into them if I wish with no goal in particular.


    Think of me as a mutant and believe what you wish, but I am a human as much as the next person in this world. But alas, travelling worlds changes oneself in form and in figure. Your body begins to change and adapt with every world you visit, leaving a small emblem like a tattoo on your skin. You begin to have dreams of strange, unknown creatures in worlds that you’ve never experienced. Some tell the future, some tell the past. The present will stay masked by your sleeping mind that is oblivious to the world around it. Of course, one can’t be too sure about this theory, but a professor had once told me as such and I’ve believed it everyday since.


    This professor did not know about my ability, so his accusations and theories made me smile. Of course, not all of them were accurate to the findings that I’ve experienced first-hand but the majority were, which made for quite the pleasant surprise. He was the philosophy teacher at my university and was describing to his students his own theories of other worlds when I happened to stumble in to give him a note from my biology professor.


    The most interesting conjecture that was spoken by him was the fact that he believed that we all possessed the capability to open up these portals, although we couldn’t feel. Perhaps they didn’t have the capacity to discern one crease of a world from their own. Maybe it was the fact that they didn’t know how to differentiate the two. Either way, I was the only one I knew that could.


    Little did I know at the time that there once were others, lost to the peril of time.




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Chapter 2: Your poster is jjang~ Much better than my first attempt. Please make this into trilogy~ Omona~ I should promote this story to BABYz~ *squealing*
Your story makes me hooked!
Kpop2ne1 #2
Wow this sounds amazing! I can't wait to read on especially since its been kind of hard to find a decent Jongup fic so I'm excited for this one :)