Help the Weak Ones

Save Me

Bomi, Ji Ho’s older sister, sitting in the living room on her laptop. Ji Ho quietly sneaking in like a mouse.

“I see you. I’m not stupid.” Ji Ho sighs and starts walking normally.

“Come here.” Ji Ho takes baby steps to his older sister and quietly stands still.

“Where have you been?” She continues typing without looking at Ji Ho.

Ji Ho looks around the room thinking of what to say.

“Why aren’t you answering?” Her temper slowly rises.

Ji Ho quietly responds, “Ohh, the thing is…”

Bomi stops typing and takes a deep breath. “Are you perhaps still in that gang?”

Ji Ho annoyingly replies, “What gang!?”

Bomi rolls her eyes. “Are you lying again?!”

 “Nuna! You know that I will never ever do that!”

Ji Ho stomps his way upstairs to his bedroom.

“You really think I would believe that crap!” Bomi yells across the living room.

Ji Ho slams the door and sits on his bed. After an hour, Bomi walked upstairs to Ji Ho’s bedroom. She lightly knocks on the door. “Ji Ho-ah, it’s me.”

When Bomi opens the door, she sees Ji Ho sitting on his bed while playing game on his phone. Bomi leans on the door. “So,…what were you doing, and where were you?”

Ji Ho lies on his bed with his back facing his sister. “Being immature again?”

“Nuna, can we just not talk about it? It’s really annoying.”

“Is it that hard to tell me? Or, are you still thinking of another lie?”

“Why don’t you just off and mind your own business!”

“Heol. Omo. off? Omomo. Our not so little Ji Ho has gotten so scary that he’s starting to curse. Ahaha. Crazy dog!” Ji Ho’s older sister gets mad and slams the door behind her.


The next day at school it was lunch time. Chanyeol’s only friend is Hoya. Hoya is a Busan person but moved to Seoul for school. He is currently living with his aunt and uncle. Hoya is always being teased by his Busan accent. On this day, Hoya didn’t come to school because he was sick. Chanyeol is a kind person. He’s also very scared of people who come off stronger than him.

After Chanyeol got his food, he looked around to find an empty seat. He saw that there was an empty seat near a group of girls. As soon as he sat down, the group of girls immediately got mad. They started complaining. “Ugh. Does he really have to eat here?” “Ya, let’s go eat somewhere else. Can’t get contaminated with some gay sh*t.”

They all grabbed their trays and left. His face immediately turns red. He awkwardly sits there listening to them. He saw students looking at him. Chanyeol felt a little uncomfortable, so he avoided looking at others. Taking a few bites of his food, he heard some students talking about him and Hoya. He slowly chews on his food. “Looks like his boyfriend isn’t here today.” “He must be lonely without his boyfriend.” “His gay boyfriend is very sick.”

Although the words were harsh and hurtful, Chanyeol quietly sits and eats his food. Ji Ho and his friends comes and sits near Chanyeol. Ji Ho looks at Chanyeol and smirks. “Looks like we meet again, Pak Chanyeol.” Chanyeol didn’t say anything nor look at Ji Ho. He continues to eat.

Ji Ho walks over to Chanyeol and sits in front of him. “Chanyeol, how are you?”

Chanyeol takes a sip of his drink. Wipes his mouth with his napkin. “Ah, I’m doing well.” 

Ji Ho rubs his chin. “Chanyeol, do you want to join us?” Chanyeol shakes his head no.

Ji Ho chuckles and says, “Of course. You can’t because you’re just this outcast who can’t do anything.” Chanyeol clears his throat.


Ji Ho moves Chanyeol’s tray of food to the edge of the table. Chanyeol looks at Ji Ho.

“Ji Ho-ssi, what are you doing?...”

“What do you think I’m doing? Hahaha.”

Ji Ho gets up from his seat. Ji Ho purposely slides Chanyeol’s lunch tray really hard to Chanyeol. The tray fell off of the table, so the food got on Chanyeol’s uniform. Chanyeol quickly got up and started wiping off the food. Ji Ho and his friends started laughing.

Ji Ho started acting like he did nothing wrong. “Oh-my-gosh. Did I do something wrong?”

Ji Ho puts his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. “Aiyo. Looks like I’m a little clumsy today.”

Ji Ho goes back and sat with his friends.

Chanyeol standing there with anger, clenching his fist. Chanyeol leaves the cafeteria and runs off to the restroom.


School has ended. Chanyeol walking on his way to home. Areum starts running after Chanyeol. “Hey, hey, hey!” Chanyeol continues to walk.

“Hey, hey, hey! You, you, you!” Chanyeol stops and turns around.

He sees Areum waving and running. He looks to his left and right to see who she was talking to. Areum runs towards him. “You!”

Chanyeol points to himself. “Me?~”

“Yes, you.”

“What about me?” He was confused.

“Are you okay from earlier?” Chanyeol ignored her question and started walking.

“Oh! Where are you going?”

Chanyeol waved bye. Areum decides to follow him.

“What’s your name?” Areum slightly turns her head and looks at Chanyeol. Still, no answer. “How old are you?” He still didn’t answer. She clears .

“So…what grade are you in?” Chanyeol puts his hands in pockets. He stops and turns to look at her.

“Why do you keep on asking me so many questions? Can’t you just ask them at once?”

Areum responds, “Well, you didn’t even answer me at first. Tch~”

 Chanyeol scratches behind his right ear. “Well…I’m Pak Chanyeol. I’m 18. I’m a senior.”

He turns back around and starts walking. Areum slowly shakes her head. She quickly follows after him.

“I’m Areum. Jang Areum.”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I know that.”

Areum was surprised. “Gasp. How did you know?”

“You’re the Areum who’s always late to class. Plus, the Areum who always gets into fights. Also, should I add about your studying skills?”

Areum quickly reacts. “SHHHH!~” Chanyeol chuckles.

“Ah, by the way, why do you always get picked on by Ji Ho?” She suddenly asks him.

Chanyeol responds, “Why do you want to know so badly?”

“Just…I’m curious.”

Chanyeol stops walking. “A gay and an outcast like me, do you still want to know?”

Areum was shocked. “You’re g-g-gayyy?...”

Chanyeols annoyingly replies, “Are you perhaps a spy? After this, you’re going to spread more rumors about me, huh?”

Areum was confused. “Ohh…oh…it’s…”

“Please, don’t look at me like that. I may be weak, but I’m not that kind of person.” Chanyeol walks off.

Areum stands there watching Chanyeol walk away. “What the? I was just…asking. Was I overboard?...” She sighs and starts walking on her way to the bus stop.


On Areum’s way to the bus stop, it started raining. She felt some rain drops. Areum took off her book bag and covered her head with it. She knew that she had to run or else she would miss the bus. As soon as Areum got to the bus stop, the bus has arrived. Areum was almost late. She quickly runs to the bus. Just like how it all started, she once again cuts right in front of Kris. However, this time, it’s different. Because she was in a hurry, she slipped on the steps. Kris quickly reacted and held onto her arm. She hits her knee on the step. “Aaah!”

Kris asks her, “Are you okay?”

She turned around and looked at Kris. Areum’s embarrassed. “aish. Why does he have to see me like this.”

She slowly gets up and scans her bus pass. She saw that the bus was full, so she had no choice but to stand. Kris stood next her. He once again asks her, “Are you okay?”

“Tch. Pretending to be nice.” She quietly murmurs.

They both grabbed onto the same bus handle. They looked at each other and quickly let go of the bus handle. Areum’s face instantly turned red. Kris avoided eye contacts and just continued looking straight forward. Areum pulls out her cell phone to avoid more awkward moments.

As she was scrolling through her phone, the bus driver braked really hard which caused for Areum to lose her balance. Kris saw her stumbling down the aisle. He tries to grab her arm. However, he ends up grabbing onto her ponytail.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!~~~~~~ MY HAIR, MY HAIR!!!!!~~~” She cries.

Kris realizes that he was holding onto her hair. “Oh, crap!”

He quickly lets go. However, he then realizes that if he lets go, then she’s going to fall. Before he could do anything, she had already fallen flat on her face. Poom! “Owwww~ heu heu”

Kris and Areum both got off the bus. Areum pulls out her phone and starts looking at her face. She sees a big bruise on her face. “Aigh!!~” She softly pokes on her bruise.

“Ow, ow~ This hurts so badly. How am I supposed to go to school tomorrow~?”

Kris looks at her thinking if he should get her something. He felt a little bad because of him, she landed flat on her face. However, it wasn’t fully his fault. Kris decides to go to the nearest pharmacy and buys medicine and an ice pack.

After buying the items, he quickly comes out of the pharmacy. He couldn’t find her to be anywhere near. He decides to go towards the way he saw her going towards. It took him a while, but he found her.

Areum comes out of a restaurant holding onto a white evenlope and bows to the restaurant owner. She froze for a moment and looked at Kris. Kris walks up to her and hands out the bag of medicine and the ice pack. She asked him, “W-w-what are you doing?”

“Obviously I’m giving you this.”

She slightly smiles. “Why?...”

“Are you stupid or what?”

Kris grabs her hand and puts the bag in her hand. He then places his hand on top of her head. “Get better with this. If not, then it’ll be a waste of money and strength.” He smiles and quickly leaves.

 “Ohhh, what the heck~? Is he trying to flirt with me right now?...”

Areum opens the bag and sees the medicine and ice pack.

She looks at Kris and smiles. “Guess he’s not a bad person after all.”



[Author's Note: Please coontinue to read!~ ^^ I will continue to write the story and will continue to make the story more itneresting~] 

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Chapter 3: what, what a nice story. can't wait for the next chapter!!