two (seulgi's pov)


I opens my eyes, heavily. I can see a few people wearing green gather around me. It is kind of blur, but, I assume they are doctors. 

"Her heart rate is decreasing!"
I feel a jolt if volts through my body, and then all I can see is black. 
It feels like eternity, until I finally opens my eyes again. This time, my vision is more clear than before. I can see our lovely director is sitting by my side with arms in front of her chest. Beside her, there is a girl I have never seen before.
She sighs—as she always does everytime she looks at my face. But this time, she sighs in relief. I can see a motherly smile on her face. 
"Call the office, tell them that agent Kang is awake." She says to the girl beside her, eyes still on me. Smile never leaves her face.
The girl nods, and immediately leaves the room.
"Who's that?" I asks, after about five minutes of silence.
She looks at the door, and faces me, "new agent." She simply says, "she's the one who replaces you when you are in coma. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
"What?" I tries my best to understand what she just said. "What do you mean? I–"
"You are in coma," she cuts me off. "For about a year, Seulgi."
My mouth hangs open, my eyes widen. And then I remember. How is Joohyun? I do not want to ask this woman in front of me. I want to meet Joohyun. Not hearing her from other people.
"Anyway," she stands up. "Welcome back to the team, Agent Kang. I will wait you in my office tomorrow." She holds her hand in front of me for a handshake. I quickly reply it and nod, before she leaves my room.
 I glance around, hospital is boring. My eyes land on my cellphone beside my head. Maybe the director brought it for me. I grab it and search Joohyun's contact. I call her a few time, but she doesn't pick up. 
"Where are you, Joohyun?" I groan. I look up at the window. It's already dark. I better go to sleep. 
People greet me as soon as I arrive at the CIA office. I just reply them with a simple smile and nod, I quicken my walk to reach the director's office. I plant a few knocks before I open the door and see the face of the lovely CIA director, with a girl I saw earlier yesterday. 
New agent...
I put my on the chair. I somehow glance at the new agent. She's beautiful, but her eyes are scary, I hope I don't have anything happen with–
"Agent Kang, this new agent will be your partner from now on. Since you haven't fully recover. I think you need a back up."
The director's words cut my thought as I give her a confused look. I can feel this new agent pierces a hole on my body with her eyes.
"B-But, I have my back up. I have Joo- I mean Miss Bae." I say, quitely.
"Yes, but, when you were in coma, she quits her job." 
That word hits me like a knife.
...Joohyun quits?
"S-She..." I can't manage to finish my words.
"Can you please take agent Kang for a walk? I think she needs it to clear her mind." says the director to the new agent.
There again, the new agent just nods and stands up immediately.
Her eyes tell me to follow her outside, so I do. Maybe, the director is right. I need to walk a bit.
Our walk doesn't look like a regular walk at all. She looks like a robot, and I look like a ing retard. it just me?
I finally look up just to find this new agent taps her foot to the ground ehil eyeing me like I'm a trash.
"I'm sorry to hear that your friend quits, but can't you be more like...agent?" She says.
This starts to piss me off. I stare at her. I can see that she's irritated with me.
"I assume, you don't have any friend, don't you? New agent?" I walk closer to her. She's tinier than I thought.
She scoffs, "I know who Joohyun is. Don't think that I'm new then I don't know anything. You've been gone for a year, maybe more! I know more about things than you."
"Yeah? Joohyun is my childhood friend, you rascal!" I raises my voice, she looks scared a bit. 
"Oh yeah? Then why don't you try to call her?" She replies me, with a smirk on her face.
I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Joohyun's number.
"Please, pick up..." I mumble a few time. 
An annoying sound interrupts me and when I look up, that is the sound of that new agent's phone. She looks at me for a moment and picks up. I turn my body and walk away a fee step from her.
"Hello? Joohyun, I-"
Wait a second...
I turn my back and I see her smiling at me—more like smirking. I bring myself to her.
"Why do you have Joohyun's phone?"
When she hears my words, the smirk on her face fades.
"Oh God, Jesus Christ! You are so dumb, Kang Seulgi!"
"Hey, only Joohyun can call me like that!" I say.
"I am Irene! Irene is Joohyun!" She says.
I look at her face for a moment.
"I still don't get it."
"Gosh, you are so dumb!"
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chunchon #1
Chapter 4: Just found this stoey recently, it was great, hnce seulgi's carefree attitude such a fresh air in the middle of agent themed story,, i'm here author, fighting~~
Chapter 4: I love this story! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

This is such a great story btw^^
Chapter 3: make sure you protect each other from harm ~:)
Chapter 3: ASDFGHJKLLKWNDBBSBANAN The fluffiness <3 <3 <3

I love seulrene so much ._.
vousmevoyeznini #7
hopefully you would finish this tho
vousmevoyeznini #8
Chapter 2: stupid stupid bear. hahahah