

"So you are telling me that you are Joohyun? Bae Joohyun?" Seulgi says. It is still hard to believe that her chubby Bae Joohyun turns to be a really beautiful woman like she is now. Irene doesn't say a thing, she just keeps eating her ice cream without a sound.

"I'm sorry," Seulgi chuckles. "It's just...I've never imagined you become a skinny woman."
Irene finally looks up, her spoon stucks between her plum lips. Then she pouts.
It will be the death of Kang Seulgi, because it's the cutest thing she's even seen in her life. She likes Irene for a long time already, but she's never felt this way before. Sparks, butterflies. Yes, she likes Irene. Like. Not love
Seulgi keeps staring at Irene who is now going back to eat her ice cream again. 
"Are you going to eat that?" 
Irene's soft voice flies through Seulgi's ears. It makes the bear realised that she has been zoning out and her ice cream is already melts. There is this one thing that doesn't change at all. Her voice. It still sounds like a lullaby in her ears. 
"Oh, y-yes. I will eat."
That is what Seulgi thinks. She's stuttering. In front of Bae Joohyun.
"Come on, Kang. Keep it together." She thinks as she eats her ice cream and takes a small glance at Irene a few times. 
If she takes a look a little closer, Irene is still the same. She is still Bae Joohyun who will enjoy her ice cream peacefully, nag at her, and also look at her with those motherly eyes of hers. Seulgi unconciously smiles, she has a thought. 
"What will I do, and what will I be if she is not around with me?
Irene lifted her hands and wipes an ice cream stain on the corner of Seulgi's mouth with a tissue and pats the younger girl's head.
"I guess we will never know..." Seulgi smiles once again.
"Seulgi, I actually want to say something." Irene suddenly says, after the one minute silence they have.
Seulgi hums, "what is it?"
"Is she going to confess?" 
Seulgi curses herself for thinking that way.
"Well, actually," Irene sighs. "It turns out that there is one more person who has the serum, aside from Kingsley."
Seulgi pouts. She doesn't know why. Dissapointed? Maybe? Because, it is not a confession.
"Who is that then?" Seulgi finally asks.
"Chester White." Irene opens her tablet and it shows a face of a really good looking guy in suit. "The owner of White&Co. Jewerly. And he might be the one who shot you a year ago."
Seulgi frowns when she hears Irene's last sentences, "where is he now?"
"In London. The director already booked us tickets to–"
"Wait," Seulgi cuts Irene off. "Us?"
"Yes. Us."
"But, it's a dangerous mission, Joohyun."
"It's Irene, now." Irene says, she yanks Seulgi's hands from her shoulders. "And I will be okay. I'm an agent too now, Seulgi. You don't have to worry about me."
Irene gives Seulgi a hug all of sudden. The warmth of Seulgi's body flows to her petite figure. Seulgi, on the other hand, also feels the same way. She replies the hugs. 
"I trust you." Irene whispers. "And I'm sure that you will be there for me, so do I."
Seulgi tightens the hug, "of course, I will."
"Yes! London!" Seulgi yells after she jumps off from the stairs of the airplane.
"Keep it down, bear!" Irene slaps Seulgi's arm. "You are embarrassing us!"
"Ouch! Your hand is still sharp like a knife!" Seulgi groans, she rubs her arm where Irene hit her.
Irene just rolls her eyes and walking in front of Seulgi. The younger realises, many people land their eyes on Irene, hungrily
"Dang it," she utters. She walks faster and makes her position beside the shorter girl.
"Remind me why do we here," she says.
"We have a mission to find Chester White who actually turns out to have the last serum. The most dangerous serum in the world that can break down human brain cells and will obey everything the culprit says," Irene explains.
"Oh," Seulgi nods her head. "I thought we are going on date." She nonchalantly said and gets a death glare from Irene.
"No?" She scratches her nape, "okay, sorry."
"We will date." A smile creeps on Irene's face. "While working on the mission."
Seulgi can't say anything but smiling widely, "ooh, . I like it." She giggles and gets another slap on the arm from Irene.
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chunchon #1
Chapter 4: Just found this stoey recently, it was great, hnce seulgi's carefree attitude such a fresh air in the middle of agent themed story,, i'm here author, fighting~~
Chapter 4: I love this story! ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ

This is such a great story btw^^
Chapter 3: make sure you protect each other from harm ~:)
Chapter 3: ASDFGHJKLLKWNDBBSBANAN The fluffiness <3 <3 <3

I love seulrene so much ._.
vousmevoyeznini #7
hopefully you would finish this tho
vousmevoyeznini #8
Chapter 2: stupid stupid bear. hahahah