Chapter 2

He's gone.

"B-baekhyun.. Chaemi.. it's Baekhyun.. H-he was a-accident..." Mrs. Byun bursts into tears after finished the bad news.

"W-what? He's accident?? What do you mean he's accident?  I just met him this afternoon. Hiw can he involved in accident?"

Chaemi just realized that Baekhyun haven't call her after he sent her home.

Chaemi dropped the phone and her body off. She's kneeling, couldn't believe that Baekhyun is in the hospital. "I'm don't have to go to the hospital, unless I'm going to die." He loves to say that whenever he's sick. She didn't know if what he said will becoming true... he..  will..gone..

Mrs. Kim is shock. She also couldn't believe what she heard. Her mind kept repeating Chemistry word. She hurriedly help Chaemi to stand up and changed her clothes. Mrs. Kim grabbed car key then drove away from their house.

*arrived at the hospital 

Chaemi stands up from her seat and get out from the car with a help from her mother. They hurriedly go to the counter and ask about a new patient who is now in the emergency room. Then they go to the place where a nurse told them.

With a nervous and scared feeling, Chaemi and Mrs. Kim finally found Mrs. Byun. Mrs. By-name was walking left to the right and right to the left. She couldn't sit quietly. 

"Mrs. Byun! " called Chaemi while running towards Mrs. Byun slowly. 

Mrs. Byun hugged Chaemi after Chaemi approached her. Chaemi was sobbing on Mrs. Byun shoulder. "W-what happened? What did happen? How? Why? W-why??" Chaemi can't stop asking questions to Mrs. Byun. 

"I don't know Chaemi,  I-i don't know. I was dining a laundry when someone called me saying that Baekhyun is in the hospital. " replied Mrs. Byun.  She wiped away her tears that were falling down from her eyes.

"U-uhm.. hey.. I-im sorry but.. are you that boy's girlfriend?" A man who was standing behind Mrs. Byun finally opened his mouth after a long time witnessing a drama in front of him.

"Urr.. who are you?" Asked Chaemi. She looked at that man while while furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ouh. I forgot to tell you Chaemi. He was the first one who came and helped Baekhyun after he was hit by a car." said Mrs. Byun.  She finally took a step back and sat down on her bench.

"Ouh.. y-yes.. I'm his girlfriend.." Chaemi found it's really awkward to say that she's Baekhyun's girlfriend as they got into a relationship not too long ago. "W-why did you asked?" She continued while looking at man who introduced himself as Mr. Lee.

"I think this is for you. That boy was holding this thing tightly before while lost his consciousness.  Someone said he was looking at this thing when he wants to across the road... and.. h-he got hit..." explained Mr. Lee. He take out a small box from his pocket and handed to Chaemi.  That small box was covered with a blood.


Baekhyun excitedly went to the store where he ordered a necklace for Chaemi. He knows that Chaemi loves to wear a necklace. He notices everytime they meet, she won't forget time wear a necklace. So he made an order to make a necklace with 'B&C' alphabets It means 'Baekhyun and Chaemi'. He thinks that the necklace will make Chemical to think about him everyday.

After he took a necklace, he opened the box. It was a box with a ribbon around it. The colour was coincidentally the one Chaemi likes, blue and black. He couldn't stop admiring that necklace even while walking along the street. He is thinking what Chemistry reaction will be. He wanted to cross the road. But unfortunately he didn't check first before he cross the road. There was a green car that was really fast trying to past a green light.

BBAAAMMMM!! That green car hit him.

Baekhyun didn't know what was going on. He only know that he's now kying on the road. People came one by one. They only watch him from far. Taking pictures, whispering.. they didn't even think to approach him and help him. Just worrying from a far. That he didn't even need it.

Then there was a guy approached him him. Shaking Baekhyun's body, shouting, asking people to help him. Baekhyun heard he was talking on the phone. "Ambulance maybe." Thought Baekhyun. He could feel that guy trying to take the box from Baekhyun's grip then put it in his pocket. Baekhyun tried to take it back but he lost his consciousness. 

*flashback ended

Chaemi took the small box from Mr. Lee's hand. The box was in a black colour and there was a blue ribbon around it.

She slowly opened that small box. There was a silver necklace with a 'B&C' alphabets. Chaemi covered with her palm while her eyes were rounded in shock.

She couldn't help but cry silently.  She didn't know that actually Baekhyun bought a necklace first her. She didn't know that actually he talked about this necklace to the worker time make a pair of necklace first them. Chaemi sat down on the bench next to her mother.  She put the couple of necklace on her lap then covered her face with her palm. She felt so guilty. 

There were twice doctors who just came out from the emergency room after 2 hours of waiting. Chaemi war the first one who stands up and went near to the doctors.  Mrs. Byun and Mrs. Kim followed her from behind.

"H-how was it? Is he okay now? He will be okay right?? Answer me doctor, answer me!" Asked Chaemi continuously while grabbing the hem of the doctor's shirt.  Her eyes were fulled with tears that was waiting to fall down through her cheeks.

"Calm down honey. Let the doctors take a breath. They just finished the operation." Said Mrs. Kim.

Mrs.Byun was anticipating what doctor will say about her son. She didn't say anything but She couldn't stop oraying in the heart. Hoping for the good news about her son.

"We did our best but we couldn't save him hundred percent of his life. He's now breathing but with the help of the machine. His life is maybe not long. He's too weak to live. I'm sorry for the bad news. Keep praying for the next news to be a good news." replied one of the doctor. They went away after gave a permission for them to see Baekhyun in the room.

Before anyone could open their mouth, Chaemi cried really loud first this time. She can't help but just to let her tears to fall down. She can't think the other thing beside blaming herself that she's the reason why Baekhhun is like this. She thinks if Baekhyun didn't know she loves necklace and didn't girlfriend to make her a necklace, all this things won't happened.

They became a couple only for two months after how many years they became a really close friends until Baekhgun confessed to her that he likes her. Her mind remembering all the memories they had. All the sweet, painful memories came into her mind. She sat down again on the bench and sobbing while her arms support her body.

Mrs. Kim hugged Chaemi from beside. She didn't know what She had to say to comfort her only daughter. She didn't know. She know Baekhyun was her close friend until one day Chaemi came to her and said Baekhyun confessed to her. She knew that Chaemi also had a feeling on Baekhyun by looking at how happy she is when everytime talking about Baekhyun. So she allowed Chaemi to be with him. Mrs. Kim wants Chaemi to be happy with her choice.

Mrs. Kim then put her arms down and asked Chaemi to stand up. Chaemi followed her mother from behind. Mrs. Kim opened the door slowly. She saw Mrs. Byun was crying silently near to Baekhyun's bed.


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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 4: That was very unfortunate
This just shattered my heart into a million little shards...
Chapter 4: No Baekhyun die!!!! Is it. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Park Chanyeol????
Julie96 #4
Chapter 2: Oh My God tht story was like WOW ! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR continue to the next chapter. PLEASEEEE !
Chapter 2: No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baekhyun can't die!!!!!