
He's gone.

She heard a monotone, continuous beep. It's dull at first but it get louder and louder. She came out of her dreams and into reality. She yawned,  tried to rub the sleep from her eyes. And then someone was calling her name, shaking her, and now, now. She is awake.

The doctors and nurses were irritatingly loud as they're shouting orders and move around the room.

The reality hit her. She remembered. She is not the one who was sick. Baekhyun. It's Baekhyun.

She saw him. Laying in the bed. His face was so pale. The colour of his lios were gone. That was not the colour that Chaemi always adore for. It was not. He doesn't look like Byun Baekhyun that she used to know. He looked so different. His little chubby cheeks were sunken in.

"B-baekhyun..?" She kept calling his name, wishing that he will give a respond. Her chest goes up and down. She didn't know what situation she was in.

"Baekhyun, Baekhyun.. wake up!" She whimpered.  Taking him by shoulders and shaking him.

But he didn't.

He didn't wake up..

And she knew it...

"You lied to me! You lied! How can you lied to me like this! You said you will get better! You promised!" She wails.

And then someone was holding her back, pulling her out of the room. She screams and struggles,  and tried to grab something, anything because Baekhyun was disappearing,  she can't lose him.

Not like this.

Not without saying any goodbye.

"No! No! Please don't take him away! I need him. Let me go! Dont touch him! He promise me he will get better! He promised me! Baekhyun please!! Wake up!! Don't leave me!I need you!!"

Her desperate will didn't even go through to his dead ears..


He was gone..

She was forcefully dragged away, and the door were, closed. Eventhough she couldn't see Baekhyun, but she still can hear the beeping sound 

On the funeral day

All Baekhyun's relatives, friends were there. Everyone became blank. They can't believe that the most kind and cheerful person is gone now. Some of them was crying, whispering, sitting at the corner, covering their face. Everyone just can't believe it.

"My dream is to travel all around the world. If I go first, can you help me to fulfill my dream?"

Suddenly,  she remembered what Baekhyun said last year when they were at the ocean. She took Baekhyun's ashes after got a permission by Mr. and Mrs. Byun and pulled Jun's arm.

"I will tell you later so just drive me to the ocean." Said Chaemi without being ask from her brother. Jun rushed to the car confusedly, obeying her sister.

After reached at the ocean, finally Chaemi opened .

"I know you really wanted to ask me why we are here... actually I just remembered what Baekhyun said to me last year.." she continued. "He mentioned about his dream. He wanted to travel all around the world. And he also said, I'd he can't make it, he needs my help to fulfill his dream. I didn't understand what he was talking about on that time... but now.. I understand. " she held ashes tightly. The she continued. "He wants me to spread husband ashes inti the ocean."

"What a wonderful dream he had." Replied Jun. He sat on the sand leaving Chaemi who was standing alone.

"Yeah... so now.. I have to do my part.." Chaemi walked to the ocean and opened the tap. She grasped ashes and slowly sprinkled into the ocean.

"G-goodbye my lovely Byun Baekhyun.....h-he's...... he's gone.." her tears were dropping one by one. She sat down on the sand as her legs were trembling. She let the water wet her black dress. The wind was blowing her hair, covered half of her face. Jun only watched her from behind. He let Chaemi to let out all her feels that was buried in her heart.

They were not the only person who were there. There was a tall guy while was standing not too far from them. He was looking straight to the ocean.

"You were the best friend that I ever had. No one can replace you. I hope you are watching me from there, my friend."








Sooo there will be sequel for this! Please be anticipate for the sequel!! A new character is cominggg!! Do comment your opinion about this story. Thank you for reading!! ♥♥

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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 4: That was very unfortunate
This just shattered my heart into a million little shards...
Chapter 4: No Baekhyun die!!!! Is it. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Park Chanyeol????
Julie96 #4
Chapter 2: Oh My God tht story was like WOW ! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR continue to the next chapter. PLEASEEEE !
Chapter 2: No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baekhyun can't die!!!!!