Chapter 1

He's gone.

15 October 2013

At the ocean.

"You know, my dream is to travel all around the world." said Baekhyun breaking the silent air.

"Oh really? Then let's go together!replied Chaemi happily. She already in her thought. Imagining how the trip will be.

"Hmm, yeah sure. But if I go first, can you help me to fullfil my dream?" He holds Chaemi's hand tightly while facing at the ocean.

"Ahaha nothing. I watched emotional drama too much." Baekhyun stands up then runaway from Chaemi."

"Yah! Come here!" shout Chaemi while chasing Baekhyun who was already three meters away from her.


5 May 2014

"This is so delicious, oppa! Do you wanna try this spaghetti?" asked Chaemi. She shoves a fork fulled with spaghetti towards Baekhyun's mouth. 

Chaemi fed Baekhyun after accepting a nod from him. "Hmm, delicious! Let's eat here again next time!" "Don't forget that person.." remind Chaemi while smirking.

"Yeah, of course. I didn't forget your beloved brother, Jun." said Baekhyun. He pouts then continued eating his lunch. They started to finish their lunch after a short conversation they had.

After finished their last piece of food, Baekhyun stands up to go to the cashier. But before he could take a first step, Chaemi stops him.

"Where are you going?"

"We have to pay what we just ate. That's a normal thing you know." replied Baekhyun while looking at Chaemi confusingly.

"Yes i know. But that's not what i meant. What i mean is, why are you paying for my lunch? I'm the one who asked you to come and eat with me." "I thought that's what a boyfriend should do. Paying for their girlfriend's lucnh, right? But whatever, we shouldn't argue about this childish thingy."

"B--" Chaemi could'nt finish her sentence as Baekhyun already walked towards the cashier. 

"Yeahhh, let's go now! So where should we go next?" asked Baekhyun after came back from the cashier. Chaemi didn't answer because she was into her feeling.

"Hey, don't mind about that thing anymore. Obviously it's a normal thing that a boyfriend should so. So just let it be." said Baekhyun. He holds Chaemi's hand.

"Hmm..." replied Chaemi.

On the way back home, they stopped at the accessories shop. There were so manydesign and colours that caught Chaemi's eyes. Chaemi loves necklace. So she decided to choose one. But unfortunately necklaces were sold out. Sadly Chaemi left the shop. But she stopped after souldn;t find Baekhyun. While she was searching for Baekhyun, someone came and hugged her from behind. Chaemi was surprise with that sudden hug but she smiled after knew who it was,

"Guess who!"

"Yah! I know who are you. Where did you go? I was looking fr you just now." said Chaemi.

"I'm sorry, i was asking something to the worker." replied Baekhyun. He encircled his arm to Chaemi's shoulder.

"Asking about what? Are you flirting with her?!" asked Chaemi coldly.

"Hey, no no! I didn't. I only have you." Baekhyun pecks on Chaemi's cheek and it makes Chaemi's heart soften a little bit.

"Hmm, yeah whatever. Let's go home now. I'm tired."

They walked to their car that was parked not too far from them.

"See you  tomorrow, my love! I will call you when I reached home!" said Baekhyun while his right hand waving to Chaemi while the left hand is still hoding the steering.

"Yeah sure babe! Drive carefully. I love you!" said Chaemi happily. She went in after Baekhyun's car dissappeared from her sight without knowing that will be last time she talked to him.

Chaemi changed her clothes to pajama after took a warm shower and she went to downstairs. She saw her mom was cutting the vegetables.

"How was your date with Baekhyun?" asked Mrs. Kim while still cutting the last three vegetables.

"That was a great date! He paid for my lunch. That was a new side of him that i saw today. Hahahaha." Chaemi washed her hands the she replace her mother's hamd which was cutting the remaining vegetables with her hands.

Mrs. Kim smiled seeing her daughter who was trying to help her to cook for dinner.

"I want to make the fried rice. I know its simple but im craving for it. So don't complaint!" said Mrs. Kim. She smacked Chaemi's . Chaemi let out a scream but not loud enough to make neighbours hear it too. Only two of them could hear it.

"Ouch! Mommy, you hurt me!" said Chaemi while patting her .

Kring Kring!! Kring Kring!! Phone ranging.

"I will pick it up!" Chaemi went to get the phone that was ringing waiting for someone to pick it up after washed her hands.

"Hello, this is Kim's house. May I know who is this?" asked Chaemi politely.

"C-Chaemi.. this is.. m-me.. B-baekhyun's mom."

"Ouh, good evening Mrs. Byun. What's happening? Why your voice sounds lie crying? Are you crying auntie? Did something happened?" asked Chaemi curiously. Mrs. Kim approached Chaemi feel like something is wrong.

"B-baekhyun.. Chaemi.. its Baekhyun.. H-he was a-accident.."






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mitaki2 #1
Chapter 4: That was very unfortunate
This just shattered my heart into a million little shards...
Chapter 4: No Baekhyun die!!!! Is it. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Park Chanyeol????
Julie96 #4
Chapter 2: Oh My God tht story was like WOW ! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR continue to the next chapter. PLEASEEEE !
Chapter 2: No!!!!!!!!!!!!! Baekhyun can't die!!!!!