Chapter 8

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Everything went back to the way it was before the incident. Irene, Wendy, and Seulgi began eating lunch together again, with Jongin occasionally joining them. And it makes Wendy wonder whether Seulgi ever thinks about Irene’s feelings. How could she let her boyfriend eat lunch at the same table as the girl she rejected? Even though Irene says she doesn’t mind, the side glances she gives whenever Jongin feeds Seulgi says otherwise.

After finding out about what happened between the two girls, Wendy can’t help but feel a little bit of spite towards Seulgi. So she wants to take it into her own hands to let Seulgi know that it was her loss to let go of someone like Irene. Instead of watching Irene suffer through lunch whenever Jongin’s there, Wendy makes sure to give her extra care and attention.

“Hyunie, you got something right here,” Wendy said while pointing to her own cheek. Irene mirrored her action but didn’t quite get all the mayonnaise off. Wendy smiled at the sight and reached out to wipe the older girl’s cheek herself. That resulted in a red hue spreading itself onto Irene’s cheek.

“T-Thanks,” Irene stuttered, hand touching the spot Wendy had touched earlier to make sure nothing else was there. Wendy smiled a silent “you’re welcome” and through her peripherals, she could see Seulgi looking at them before quickly shifting her gaze towards Jongin again. That made Wendy smile a bit wider, happy that her action affected Seulgi.

Before she could continue to relish in her happiness, a coughing fit from Irene made her look over. Apparently the girl choked on her tuna sandwich because it was too dry. Wendy saw the same worried expression on Seulgi’s face as the girl digs her backpack for a water bottle. But before she could hand it to Irene, Wendy had already beat her to it. And when she tried to give Irene a napkin, Wendy was already wiping Irene’s mouth with one of her own. The frustration on Seulgi’s face was evident as she crumble the napkin in her hand and stood up suddenly, announcing that she was going to go to class now. And of course Jongin followed right behind her like a puppy scared of losing its owner. After the pair left, Wendy couldn’t hold it back any longer and just broke out in laughter. Irene gave her a weird look but didn’t say anything.

It’s not entirely true to say that everything was back to how it was before. Because no matter how you try to mend a broken heart, there will still be scars. And when Seulgi broke Irene’s heart, she also broke her smile. No longer has Wendy been able to see Irene laughing wholeheartedly.


The constant knocking on the door was annoying the hell out of Irene. When the bright screen of her phone flashed Sunday, 7:29 a.m., Irene groaned as she’s now certain that the person who’s knocking must be out of their mind. Opening the door unwillingly, all traces of sleepiness were gone when she saw the devil in human form standing in front of her apartment. She blinks once and hastily tried to close the door before the evilness can seep through. But of course Satan had already stuck her suitcase in between the door to prevent it from closing in her face.

“Is this how you greet your cute sister?” the little tall devil said as she squeeze her way into the apartment, disregarding Irene’s resistance.

“Cute? Please don’t make me puke early in the morning,” Irene made gagging sounds.

“Well it’s nice to see you too sis,” the devil said before plopping herself onto the couch.

“Really though, what are you doing here Sooyoung?” Irene asked, back against the door, arms crossed in front of her chest.

“Mom and dad went to Japan for vacation so they shipped me here to live with you for a month.”

“WHAT?! And why haven’t I heard about this till now?”

“Well, you would hear about it if you had picked up our calls for the past week,” Sooyoung nonchalantly said.

“What about school? Don’t you still have to go to school?”

“Wow, I’m hurt. You care so much about your only sister that you don’t even know that she’s already on summer break.” Irene rolls her eyes at Sooyoung dramatically putting a hand over her heart.

“Just shut up and come here,” Irene said as she spread her arms open, ready for a hug. As annoying as Sooyoung was, Irene can’t deny the fact th

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OminouslyCrazy #1
Chapter 15: Update???
Chapter 15: This is good. Will this still get updated? I dunno. I just hope it will🙏🏻
Seul_rene14 #3
Chapter 15: Wait, what??? Seulgi? God! Authornim, where are you? Did Seulgi make it??????😭😭😭
Chapter 15: Author continue please 🙏 please please 😭
Chapter 15: Seulgi is dead and irene will end up with wendy. The end. Oh and yeri will end up with sooyoung! The end.

Btw i found this - kind of artefact - story from wattpad but it stop at chapter three. So since im that smart, i know most - i mean all - of good seulrene stories came from asianfanfics i searched for it and tadah!! Walla!! I finally can read until chapter 15. Unlike those people who was still begging for chapter 4 on wattpad. Wtf am i rambling here.

Author : what's your point?

*shrug and walk away awkwardly*
2191 streak #6
Chapter 15: Author nim please update again????
Chapter 15: What the hell- wait I read some of the comments but holy moly I didn't expect this I WASN'T READY omg

Uhm more than a year passed lol so I'm guessing you won't continue this? Hahah I regretted I found this fic so damn late but hey if you read this, I hope you'll continue this someday, I'm sure many people is waiting for your update :D
Chapter 15: OKAY HOLD UP i just found this fic recently AND THIS? SEULGI MIGHT DIE OMFG i feel like my heart stopped beating for a moment after reading the last chapter.

Thanks for this story AND IM SORRY IM LATE
Chapter 15: Aaaaaaaaaaaand cliffhanger XD Like everyone, I am dying to know what's gonna happen, but either way it's been really fun. Your humour is the best, author-nim. I hope you kick that writer's block's !