Chapter 7

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“Seul! Seul! Seulgi! Stop running away from me!” Irene yelled as she sees Seulgi’s figure disappearing further down the block. As if though those were magic words, Seulgi stopped running and just stood still, right there in the middle of the sidewalk. When Irene finally caught up, she spun Seulgi around and grabbed her by the shoulders.

“Seul, what’s wrong? Why did you run away? Why were you crying?”

Seulgi could only shake her head, since she also had no idea why she ran away crying. The only thing she thought to say at that moment was, “She called you Hyunie.”

“What? What are you talking about?”

“Wendy called you Hyunie.”

Irene was getting frustrated. “Yeah, she did. But so what? What about that made you run away?”

“I thought only I can call you that,” Seulgi seems just as confused as Irene is. “I-I don’t know, Irene. I thought I knew you like the back of my hand, but after today, I’m not so sure anymore.”

“What is it that you don’t think you know about me?”

“I had no idea you knew how to play the guitar. You played so good back there, and it surprised me to no end. And I’m sure we’ve had a fair share of ice cream outings in the years that we’ve been friends, yet I didn’t even know what your favorite flavor was!” Seulgi threw her hands up to make a point. Irene let go of her shoulders and let out a sigh.

“Seul, those are just trivial things. You didn’t know I play guitar because it never really came up in our conversations. And I just prefer vanilla more than the other flavors, but I’m fine with anything.”

“It’s even worse because they’re trivial things! How can I call myself your best friend when I don’t even know those things?”

“Then maybe you should start paying more attention to the things I say and do. There are things that I would be more grateful for if you noticed, rather than those trivial things.”

“What do you mean?”

“I would be more grateful if you noticed that I like you,” Irene smiled bitterly.

“Ok, this is not the time to be joking around right now,” Seulgi rolled her eyes. Irene looked up at her, eyes full of disbelief and anger.

“Who said I’m joking around?”

“Y-You can’t be serious,” Seulgi stuttered.

“Why wouldn’t I be,” Irene answered right away. “That’s the problem, Seulgi. You always think I’m joking around. I can’t count how many times I’ve said that I like you or how many times I’ve asked you to be my girlfriend. You just don’t make me seriously. You never do!”

Irene’s voice was getting louder and it was starting to attract unwanted attention. Seulgi glanced around and saw inquiring eyes look her way.

“Can you keep it down a bit, people are staring,” Seulgi whispered. Irene let out a scoff.

“Unbelievable. Here I am trying to get my feelings to reach you yet all you care about is society’s judgments.”

“Well what do you want me to do? I’m straight, Irene. I’m straight as a stick, so how am I supposed to act in the absurd situation where my best friend is confessing to me! I still need to live in this town, so of course I care about people’s judgments. I’m not you, ok? I can’t go around flaunting that I’m gay and proud!” Seulgi gasp after realizing what she just said. She immediately regret it when she sees the pained look in Irene’s eyes. “Hyunie… I-”

“You don’t have to do anything, Seulgi. Absolutely nothing at all,” Irene cut her off. The crestfallen girl turned around and began walking away, but not before saying, “Irene: 0, Seulgi: 1…”

And for the first time in her life, Seulgi wish that she was mute. Then she wouldn’t have hurt the person she deeply care about. She didn’t even mean half of the things she said, it was all just a defense mechanism. She didn’t know how to react to Irene’s confession, so she did what she does best, she hurt.


When Wendy got a text from I

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OminouslyCrazy #1
Chapter 15: Update???
Chapter 15: This is good. Will this still get updated? I dunno. I just hope it will🙏🏻
Seul_rene14 #3
Chapter 15: Wait, what??? Seulgi? God! Authornim, where are you? Did Seulgi make it??????😭😭😭
Chapter 15: Author continue please 🙏 please please 😭
Chapter 15: Seulgi is dead and irene will end up with wendy. The end. Oh and yeri will end up with sooyoung! The end.

Btw i found this - kind of artefact - story from wattpad but it stop at chapter three. So since im that smart, i know most - i mean all - of good seulrene stories came from asianfanfics i searched for it and tadah!! Walla!! I finally can read until chapter 15. Unlike those people who was still begging for chapter 4 on wattpad. Wtf am i rambling here.

Author : what's your point?

*shrug and walk away awkwardly*
2179 streak #6
Chapter 15: Author nim please update again????
Chapter 15: What the hell- wait I read some of the comments but holy moly I didn't expect this I WASN'T READY omg

Uhm more than a year passed lol so I'm guessing you won't continue this? Hahah I regretted I found this fic so damn late but hey if you read this, I hope you'll continue this someday, I'm sure many people is waiting for your update :D
Chapter 15: OKAY HOLD UP i just found this fic recently AND THIS? SEULGI MIGHT DIE OMFG i feel like my heart stopped beating for a moment after reading the last chapter.

Thanks for this story AND IM SORRY IM LATE
Chapter 15: Aaaaaaaaaaaand cliffhanger XD Like everyone, I am dying to know what's gonna happen, but either way it's been really fun. Your humour is the best, author-nim. I hope you kick that writer's block's !