Chapter 4

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Hi there~

Judging by the comments, you guys really hate the idea of this turning into a Wenrene haha. So here's a dose of Seulrene for you in this chapter!

I've pretty much decided the ending, so just wait for the story to unfold. Enjoy!


When Irene first discovered her feelings for Seulgi, she freaked the heck out. Out of all the people she could possibly fall in love with, it had to be her best friend. But that’s not the part that freaked her out. It was the fact that out of all people, she fell in love with a girl. Sure society is much more open to the idea of homouality nowadays, but it’s not something Irene was raised to believe was normal. So when Seulgi’s hand accidentally brushed against hers one day and she suddenly felt like a thousand volts of electricity hit the back of her hand, she knew something was wrong. It took a lot of convincing from her little sister, whom she think knows a little too much for her age, and a lot more time before Irene could accept the fact that – yes, she is indeed in love with Seulgi. And that’s ok, because when it comes down to it, it’s her happiness that matters, not society’s judgement.

Who said Irene was always a touchy person? In fact, she hated physical contact. But because she didn’t want to make it so obvious whenever she touch Seulgi, she started to be touchy with everyone else too. Who said Irene liked the name Baechu? She would fly kick whoever dared to call her that when she was in high school. But when Seulgi knew of the nickname from her devil of a sister and began calling her that, Baechu didn’t sound so bad afterall. Who said Irene was a social butterfly? She basically lived under a rock back in Daegu, never saying much to anyone unless she really had to. But when she accidentally called Seulgi beautiful that one time, she started to casually flirt with everyone else, just so she won’t be afraid of accidentally voicing her feelings towards the younger girl anymore.

But Seulgi doesn’t need to know that. She doesn’t need to know Irene changed because her. Nope, in fact, Irene hope with all her might that Seulgi would never know.


“Hey, are you free to study together tonight?” Wendy asked.

“Uhm not tonight, I think I’m going to stop by Seul’s place later. She’s been M.I.A. for a while, need to make sure she’s still alive. But if you ask me again another day, I won’t say no to the study date,” Irene winked.

“Haha ok, I’ll hold you to that offer another day. Tell Seulgi I said hi when you see her.”

“Mkay, will do. See you later Wanie!” Irene wave as Wendy head for home.

As much as she loves Wendy’s company, she can’t help but miss Seulgi. These days, Irene feels like she barely sees Seulgi around anymore. Every time she asks to hang out, the girl would either be busy studying or working on some group project. She understand that it’s almost the end of the school year so everything’s stacking up, but shouldn’t she be the busier one? Graduation is just 3 months away for her yet she’s the one going around asking Seulgi for the time of day.

Irene’s been pacing in front of Seulgi’s door for the past 30 minutes, waiting for the girl to come home. She just hope Seulgi shows up before the neighbors call the police on her. And just when she fish out her phone to call her, Irene sees Seulgi walking from afar. Even though she knows the younger girl would kill her later, her mischievous side got the better of her and she ran to hide behind the mailbox close by. 3, 2, 1…

“How you doing, pretty lady?” Irene creepily said in a deep tone as she came out of hiding. Aaaand KAPOW! Her vision blurred and she hastily grabbed her head before it spun any further. She could only assume that Seulgi had just

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OminouslyCrazy #1
Chapter 15: Update???
Chapter 15: This is good. Will this still get updated? I dunno. I just hope it will🙏🏻
Seul_rene14 #3
Chapter 15: Wait, what??? Seulgi? God! Authornim, where are you? Did Seulgi make it??????😭😭😭
Chapter 15: Author continue please 🙏 please please 😭
Chapter 15: Seulgi is dead and irene will end up with wendy. The end. Oh and yeri will end up with sooyoung! The end.

Btw i found this - kind of artefact - story from wattpad but it stop at chapter three. So since im that smart, i know most - i mean all - of good seulrene stories came from asianfanfics i searched for it and tadah!! Walla!! I finally can read until chapter 15. Unlike those people who was still begging for chapter 4 on wattpad. Wtf am i rambling here.

Author : what's your point?

*shrug and walk away awkwardly*
2194 streak #6
Chapter 15: Author nim please update again????
Chapter 15: What the hell- wait I read some of the comments but holy moly I didn't expect this I WASN'T READY omg

Uhm more than a year passed lol so I'm guessing you won't continue this? Hahah I regretted I found this fic so damn late but hey if you read this, I hope you'll continue this someday, I'm sure many people is waiting for your update :D
Chapter 15: OKAY HOLD UP i just found this fic recently AND THIS? SEULGI MIGHT DIE OMFG i feel like my heart stopped beating for a moment after reading the last chapter.

Thanks for this story AND IM SORRY IM LATE
Chapter 15: Aaaaaaaaaaaand cliffhanger XD Like everyone, I am dying to know what's gonna happen, but either way it's been really fun. Your humour is the best, author-nim. I hope you kick that writer's block's !