Chapter 1

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“Hey Seul, I think there’s a stain on your shirt.”

Tilting her head downward to look at the said stain, Seulgi was met with a slim finger brushing up her face. Her eye-roll went unnoticed and her groan was drowned out by the culprit’s erupting laughter.

“Hahaha how could you fall for something like that? What are you, five?”

“I don’t want to hear that from someone who pulled such a prank on me. What are you, three?”

“I thought you would learn by now! Seulgi: 0, Irene: ... I lost count 5 years ago.”

Sometimes, Seulgi’s surprised her eyes are still intact, considering how many times she’s rolled them during the duration of her friendship with Irene.

“If only you could say the same when it comes to chemistry,” Seulgi counters.

“Hey! That’s low! Don’t bring up my Achilles heel!” Irene protests, pointing a finger accusingly at Seulgi.

“Yeah yeah yeah, now can you please hurry up and finish your burger so we can move on to the next store?”

The duo had been roaming the mall for the past hour, trying to find a dress for Seulgi’s recital, and Seulgi’s really doubting whether it was a good idea to ask Irene to come with her in the first place.

‘You look like you’re going to a funeral’, ‘What are you, a walking sunflower?’, ‘Seul, I hate to break it to you but… I think that dress is meant for my grandma,’ and other comments of the sort were thrown left and right as Seulgi walks out of the dressing room. As much as she appreciates the older girl’s honesty, it has not been of help whatsoever. Picking up the last dress to try on, Seulgi swore to rip out Irene’s mouth if she chide another one of her stark remarks.

That’s why Seulgi doesn’t know if she should feel relief or scared by Irene’s silence. Ever since she stepped out of dressing room, Irene hasn’t said a thing and only stared at her. After a good minute or so, Seulgi saw Irene’s lips twitch but no words came out. Only a fisted hand was held out, with a thumb pointing upward. Seulgi’s mouth reflected that of Irene’s as they stretch into a smile.

“Seul, I’d totally bang you right here and now if it wasn’t illegal.”

Aaaand Seulgi’s smile faded as soon as it appeared. Of course it was too good to think that Irene would compli

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OminouslyCrazy #1
Chapter 15: Update???
Chapter 15: This is good. Will this still get updated? I dunno. I just hope it will🙏🏻
Seul_rene14 #3
Chapter 15: Wait, what??? Seulgi? God! Authornim, where are you? Did Seulgi make it??????😭😭😭
Chapter 15: Author continue please 🙏 please please 😭
Chapter 15: Seulgi is dead and irene will end up with wendy. The end. Oh and yeri will end up with sooyoung! The end.

Btw i found this - kind of artefact - story from wattpad but it stop at chapter three. So since im that smart, i know most - i mean all - of good seulrene stories came from asianfanfics i searched for it and tadah!! Walla!! I finally can read until chapter 15. Unlike those people who was still begging for chapter 4 on wattpad. Wtf am i rambling here.

Author : what's your point?

*shrug and walk away awkwardly*
2193 streak #6
Chapter 15: Author nim please update again????
Chapter 15: What the hell- wait I read some of the comments but holy moly I didn't expect this I WASN'T READY omg

Uhm more than a year passed lol so I'm guessing you won't continue this? Hahah I regretted I found this fic so damn late but hey if you read this, I hope you'll continue this someday, I'm sure many people is waiting for your update :D
Chapter 15: OKAY HOLD UP i just found this fic recently AND THIS? SEULGI MIGHT DIE OMFG i feel like my heart stopped beating for a moment after reading the last chapter.

Thanks for this story AND IM SORRY IM LATE
Chapter 15: Aaaaaaaaaaaand cliffhanger XD Like everyone, I am dying to know what's gonna happen, but either way it's been really fun. Your humour is the best, author-nim. I hope you kick that writer's block's !