Chapter 03

Selfish Desires




Chapter 03

story by (oraclefox) - 

My head was throbbing nonstop. The searing pain inside my skull was too much to bear that I couldn't even move myself in bed; rubbing my temples wasn't that much of a help either. Groaning in my pillow, I found it weird that my room was so quiet. Usually my little brother would be here making all the noise while playing with my computer, but I guess since it's a weekday no one would really be home. The quietness made me think of what happened yesterday and it still pisses me off.

Just as I was walking home from the arcade last night, the rain started pouring. I had no umbrella with me because Taehyun always brings his and we just share it in case it does pour. But as you can remember, he went off with that girlfriend of his and left me behind still hoping to get that ice cream I was promised to. 

I grumbled in annoyance at the memory and blindly reached for the medicine that was prepared on my table. I wonder what he is doing today. Is he thinking of me? Is he worried because I'm absent? He probably is. I smiled as I popped the pill into my mouth.

No he's not! He's with that Sunhee being all lovey-dovey. That Sunhee girl is stealing your guy and yet you're here resting like a princess. A small voice nagged at the back of my head.

I pushed the thought at the back of my head and laughed uneasily. That wouldn't happen. Taehyun is probably looking for me right now and all worried. He'll be entering that door any minute now like he always does when I'm sick.

I confidently watched my wall clock tick. It's already 8:30 a.m. which means he's already in school now.

I watched it tick to 8:31...

Then 8:4o…



"Where is he?"  My confidence started faltering. I watched the time fly off the ceiling and soon it was 10:00 already. I felt warm tears threatening to fall behind my eyes but I forced them down. I won't let this little thing get into me.

Why isn't he coming? I was so angry; I don't even know who I was angry at. This is the first time that he isn't with me when I'm sick. He was always absent with me whenever I don't feel well since he'll be besides me taking care of me. But now, where is he?

It's Sunhee.

I knew it! I can imagine her stopping Taehyun at the school gates and telling him to choose between us. And Taehyun being a good boyfriend he is, he'll probably choose her like any boyfriend should.

In a flash I was already out of my bed. I need to get ready for school. I'm going. I don't care if I'm sick; I need to save Taehyun from that .

I'll show her. I'll show her who the real heroine here is!


"Aww he's so cute here!"

I chuckled. "I know right? We're both covered in sand that time because we were building sand castles!" I pointed out. I was showing them my photo album which is filled with me and Taehyun's memories during our childhood. I was smiling while remembering the old days but I wasn't here to reminisce with my classmates; I'm here to show off my intimate relationship with Taehyun to Sunhee.

And as if on cue, Sunhee came sauntering inside the classroom whilst smiling like an idiot. I caught a glimpse of Taehyun walking away outside the classroom and it already explained why she was smiling. My blood boiled at the sight so I raised my voice a little louder for her to hear.

"Oh! And I just remembered something so funny that happened way way back to me and Hyunie!" I chortled showily, glancing at Sunhee from time to time to make sure that she really hears me. And from the looks of it, my statement has caught her attention. I smirked.

Who knew that we would be in the same class? I guess destiny is making my story a lot more interesting by adding her to the scene. I'm making her my official antagonist.

"He was the first guy who saw my bra and he was blushing so hard even his neck was red!" I burst out in a fit of giggles while remembering that time. Well the truth is I was the one who made the initiative to show my bra to him since it was my first time wearing a baby bra after all and I was just so excited to show someone.

I took a glimpse to my side where Sunhee was still standing, quietly watching us with her eyes slightly wide. Can you see the difference between us Sunhee? You don't know anything about Taehyun but I do. In fact we know everything about each other. 

"You really are perfect for each other!" My classmate gushed.

I blushed and covered my face, acting as if I was embarrassed hearing it well in fact I knew it myself already. "Oh stop it! You know he already has someone he loves and I fully support him."

"You're such a good friend." Our laughing suddenly stopped the moment a shadow loomed over me.

"Ehem." A familiar voice coughed behind me. I immediately kneww it was him; I also knew I was screwed. Dammit I thought he left already?

I slowly turned around with an uneasy smile on my face. "Good morning Hyunie!" I stuttered. He smiled back at me but it didn't quite reach his eyes. He was pissed. "Girls, I'm going to excuse to her for a while, okay?" He was talking to them but his eyes were glued to me. I tried to look back but I couldn’t, I feel guilty for some reason.

My friends nodded their head yes and then I felt Taehyun pinch my ear and lead me outside the door without letting go. I followed him unwillingly like a twit.

“They’re so lucky to have each other. I’m so jealous!” I heard one of my friends chided and I suddenly felt glorious about what I did. 

“What the heck are you blabbering about?” He bellowed as he suddenly released my ear to face me. I unconsciously took a step back as I was taken aback by his reaction.

“What are you so angry about?” I barked back.

“The fact that you said that nonsense in front of Sunhee. That’s what I’m angry about!”

I gaped at him. “I was just sharing what we had together when we were kids! Is that bad?”

“You don’t have to share it with everyone!”

“Well I’m sharing it because I miss you, you er!” I pushed him as hard as I can and walked out.


Why does he keep choosing that ? Am I not important anymore? In what way is she any better than me? I’m obviously a million level higher than her, so why?

I walked and walked not knowing where to go. I wiped angry tears from my face so hard that I’m afraid my face is now pink. It’s a good thing that there’s not a single soul around to witness me being this pathetic.

It suddenly felt hot. I started dripping with cold sweat and everything started spinning. It felt like someone started clutching my insides and breathing suddenly became a hard thing to do. The next thing I know, everything was pitch black and I can’t feel anything.

Warmth was heating my face and the rays of the sun was hitting my eyes that I had to close my eyes again because it makes the pain in my head a lot more painful. I groaned in my pillow and started stretching like there’s no tomorrow. I feel so exhausted.

“Cute tummy.” A deep voice commented somewhere. I stopped and quickly sat up straight. Then it hit me. I’m not at home. I looked around and saw rows of medicine cabinets and a lot of white. I’m in the infirmary.

“Well, good afternoon Miss Areum.” A smug voice boomed somewhere. My head snapped at the voice’s direction and was met by a tall guy in white robes sitting casually in a black chair in the corner room; it was the doctor's table. He has his hair swept up messily but he still managed to look good in it. His bright eyes were framed by a pair of glasses and were looking straight at me with amusement.

He is strikingly beautiful but the proud smirk on his red thin lips makes me wanna punch him across the face. How could a guy have lips like those anyway? He must have used a lip tint, for sure.

"Why am I here?" I asked straightforwardly. Talking made my head spin a little though.

"Well the reason behind that is you fainted because of very high fever; in the school garden of all places. Good thing I found you." He replied whilst crossing his arms. 

"Oh. Okay then, thanks Doc. I'll be leaving now." I exclaimed and left the bed quickly. Bad move. The second I stood up everything started spinning again and I almost fell.

Good thing that the doctor was by my side in a flash and was holding my waist and back to support me. I stared at him in surprise and noticed that his face was dangerously close to mine. "You should rest more." He muttered while holding my gaze.

I felt warmth rush to my cheek and I immediately pulled myself away from him. Is he a e or something? But he does look young for a doctor.

"I need to leave. Someone's waiting for me." I argued and made a move to leave but he stepped in my way.

"Who that Taehyun guy?" I stopped. "Yeah that's not happening. He's with his girlfriend right now."

"I don't care." I tried so hard to act as if I really don't but the crack in my voice at the end gave me away.

He laughed. "Are you gonna start crying now? Please don't. I don't have any tissue with me." He importuned. 

I glared at him. My palms are starting to itch. I wanted to slap him so hard!

He laughed even louder when he noticed that I was getting steamed up already. "Ooh little tiger is getting annoyed." He raised both of his hands up as if already surrendering.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Way." I grumbled.

"Make me." He whispered back.

That's it. I was about to finally punch him but someone barged in all of a sudden with heels clacking loudly on the tiled floor.

"Kim Taehyung!" A woman growled.

His eyes went wide and his face contorted with frustration. "Ah ."

author's note.

Sorry if I updated super late! My schedule has been hectic lately. But I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please look forward for the next chapter! I would love to hear your comments. ^_____^






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thatgeeks #1
Chapter 4: I fell in love with this fanfic,I can't wait to read the next chapter and I'm really curious of what will happen to Taehyun and herXD!! Fighting~
itzmeashleyy #2
Chapter 4: u go girl ;)
Chapter 4: I'm guessing Taehyung isn't really a doctor kkkk.
Taehyun is such a jerk at the moment though. He's so annoying!!
Chapter 3: Urgh... sunhee is annoying me to death!!! I honestly hate her so much!!! I love the main girl though. Her personality is awesome
itzmeashleyy #5
Chapter 3: reality always slaps hard... good luck for college btw :)
Chapter 3: I'm liking the main girl so much! Good luck on college!
itzmeashleyy #7
Chapter 2: ooooh drama time!!! can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 2: Omg Sunhee is really annoying me... Fighting Areum! I also love Areum's character, she is so cool haha
FutureMain #10
Chapter 1: /Claps vigorously/