Chapter 02

Selfish Desires



Chapter 02

story by (oraclefox) - 

In every fairy tale, there is always an antagonist; someone who loves to make the main character's life miserable. And surely, as the heroine I too have one. Her name is Shin Sunhee.


"I said, I'm dating Sunhee." Taehyun replied nonchalantly whilst doing the homework he was supposed to do last night but he probably stayed up playing video games so he wasn't able to.

We're currently on the school's roof top. No one really comes here since it's kind of prohibited for the students to; but then again no teachers visit here to check so this became our "secret place". It became ours ever since we were freshmen in highschool.

"But she isn't your ideal type! You're lying, aren't you?" I claimed as I crossed my arms together, feeling exasperated. It can't be real, right?

"I'm not. And so what? She's a good person." He smiled as he was finally done with his homework. He looked so proud that he was able to pull it off.

"That's true," was all I was able to say.

Saying I was stunned was an understatement. Who knew that that girl would even have a chance? Ugh, she kind of infuriates me. Out of all the girls here in school, why the hell did Taehyun choose her? What's so special about her anyway? She looks so boring!

Just thinking about that girl Sunhee made my head hurt so I tried to calm myself down. I don't want to make Taehyun mad at me just because I don't like the girl that he is now dating. I mean, I've never been agitated at any of his past girlfriends in the first place.

Well, I guess that only means another supporting character has appeared. It's not that big of a deal, is it? This always happens anyway.


"Hi there!" I greeted Sunhee rather eagerly. I found her nose stuck in a book in the library. I was walking back to my classroom when I saw her here so I decided to get to know the new extra character since she might even portray a kind of important role in me and Taehyun's love story. "I heard from Taehyun that you're now dating him." I babbled as I took a sit besides her.

"Yes I am; also please tone it down a bit. This is the library not the cafeteria." She replied with a straight face, her eyes still focused on her book. She really is rude. Look at me when I'm talking to you. I feel like I'm talking to a statue here! She makes me want to say mean stuff to her.

And so, I did.

"You know, you shouldn't get your hopes up." I started. "Knowing Taehyun, he doesn't take relationships seriously; and you aren't his type in the first place. You might just end up heartbroken." I said, acting as if I was just worried for her.

By the looks of it, it seems that my words struck her as she suddenly stopped reading. I wanted to laugh but I held it in. The truth hurts, doesn't it Sunhee?

I was expecting her to cry, but to my surprise she only smiled at me. "I know that." She replied simply. I stared at her dumbfounded. Well then why are you still with him you dum-dum?!

I wanted to bark back at her but she beat me to it. "But I want to be the girl to change that. I watched Taehyun with his girlfriends and they're all pretty, unlike me. But I want to be the only girl who won't leave him and will continue on supporting and understanding him till the end. I know that he might get tired of me and look for someone new someday too; but it would be nice if he still chooses me in the end." She chuckled.

This !

I wanted to rip her hair out of its roots so bad. So she wants to steal my position as Taehyun's heroine? She even got the nerve to try and do that. Whatever angle you look at her she doesn't suit the position. She's obviously just a side character! 

Just as I was to give her a piece of my mind, the school bell rang as if it was trying save me from further hurting Sunhee.

"Oh gosh, I'm late!" Sunhee exclaimed as she quickly gathered her things. "Nice to finally talk to you Areum. I hope we can be close friends like you are with Taehyun. Bye!" She beamed and was quickly out the door.

I crossed my arms. Oh we're gonna be close friends alright. We're gonna be so close.


Classes just finished and I was carelessly throwing my things inside my locker. This just isn't my day. First, Taehyun's dating that girl Sunhee and now I just had my first B in class. Our teacher gave me a B because I was late and guess why; it's because I was talking to Sunhee in the library earlier. That girl really is the cause of my disasters! If she hasn't appeared then I would still have maintained my straight A's and maybe, just maybe, Taehyun would've realized his feelings for me and we'd live happily ever after already.

Throwing my last book inside, I noisily closed my locker and was about to go home alone when Taehyun spotted me.

"Areum, let's go home together today." He said as he swung his arms around me. The small gesture made me feel protected and warm inside. I blushed as I tried to hide my smile.

"Okay, sure. But what about Sunhee?" I asked hesitantly. I still don't feel comfortable talking about that girl with Taehyun but the question has to be asked. They've been going home together for a couple of days and I feel rather left out lately. But knowing Taehyun, he'll probably leave Sunhee after a week or so. All I have to do is wait for now.

"She has her club meeting today." He shrugged.

I smirked. "Pfft. What club? The Home Economics Club?" I joked.

"Yeah that's the one." He answered seriously with his brows furrowed that I almost laughed.

Ha! Can that girl get any lamer? First, she's obviously a bookworm, no sense of fashion, and now she's attending a club where mothers would most probably go to. At this point I don't think I can take her seriously. But she still pisses me off.


It was dark and I'm breathing heavily. I looked to my side and there's no sign of any movements so I continued forward. But then a zombie suddenly appeared out of nowhere and bit me. I struggled and backed away but then another zombie popped up. Seconds later I was already surrounded and they were already eating me to bits. I couldn't move and everything was turning red. I was screaming the whole time.

That's it. I knew this was my end.

"Game Over!" The game machine boomed. I ruffled my hair frustratingly and threw the gun that came with the machine to Taehyun who was busy laughing at me the whole time. He caught it with ease and wiped the nonexistent laughing tear in his eyes.

We're currently at the arcade that happened to be near our school. Taehyun always comes here every time he doesn't feel like attending class or going home. I came here with him today to play since we haven't done it in ages.

"Well that was precious!" Taehyun heaved and I slapped his arms lightly.

"It wasn't funny. That was scary you know." I pouted. It wasn't my first time playing this type of game with Taehyun but it still gets me every time. I'm just not good with blood.

"Aww." He cooed whilst poking my cheeks. "Is baby Areum scared? Don't worry I'll buy you ice cream after this." He chuckled and rumpled my hair. He turned his back at me right after as it was his turn to play already.

I was blushing furiously behind him that I have to cover my face with my hand. Why are you doing this to me Taehyun? You're making me fall for you even more.

I watched his eyes sparkle as he played his game like the child he is. It's as if he's in his own little world and nothing else matters.

I sighed. This is what things should be. Him and me together; no one else interfering. This is what's meant to be.

And as if on cue, I caught Sunhee waving her hands at us with a big smile at the arcade's transparent front door. Taehyun saw her too and dropped the gun to go to Sunhee. The Gods are playing tricks on me, aren't they? One minute they're giving me what I want, the next thing I know they're taking it back.

"I knew you'd be here." Sunhee sputtered as Taehyun hugged her and kissed her forehead. I was smiling but my heart was falling. It feels like Sunhee was clenching my heart so hard that it suddenly felt difficult to breathe. This is the first time that I felt like this towards Taehyun's girlfriend. She makes me feel so helpless; and I hate it.

Why is she here?

"I thought you have a club meeting?" Taehyun asked still holding her close to him.

"I did but it finished early." She stated and fished out something from her bag. It was cookies; handmade ones. "I made these earlier and thought you might like them." She blushed as she handed it over to them.

I smiled knowingly. Taehyun doesn't like those. It reminds him of his Mom too much.

"Wow thanks! I always wanted to have some of these." Wait, what? 

"I knew it." She chortled. "Areum I have one for you too." She lightly pushed Taehyun away and gave me another bag of cookies identical to Taehyun's. "Here."

I smiled gratefully but inside my blood is boiling. Me and Taehyun were just having a moment and here she comes destroying everything as usual.

"Areum, we'll be going home now. You know your way home, right?" Taehyun broke in. I watched him put his arms protectively around Sunhee that made her cheeks turn pink. It made me more infuriated.

"Yeah I do, but—"

"Okay then bye!" He cut off. The next thing I know, they were already out the door and I was watching their backs disappear in front of me.

"But what about my ice cream?" I mumbled helplessly.

I laughed bitterly and threw the cookies down the ground. Sunhee you piece of . How dare you steal Taehyun from me! We were just having fun and you came strutting in ruining everything as usual!

I'll show you. I'll show you who the real heroine is! I'm gonna make you think twice of dating Taehyun. I'm gonna make you feel miserable.

I took the gun besides me and shot blindly at the screen.


One zombie fell with a thud, dead. Both my eyes and mouth went wide with shock. I just killed my first zombie! I jumped up and down with glee. I was about to gloat to Taehyun about it but then I realized he wasn't with me anymore. I stared at the empty space beside me.

Taehyun, I know someday that you'll also take notice of the fact that I'm always here for you and I really am the one. But I guess that day isn't today.

author's note.

This was sort of late sorry! My first day in college is fast approaching and I'm nervous! So if that happens I'd be updating slower than usual. T__T Anyway hoped you like this~ ♥ 






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thatgeeks #1
Chapter 4: I fell in love with this fanfic,I can't wait to read the next chapter and I'm really curious of what will happen to Taehyun and herXD!! Fighting~
itzmeashleyy #2
Chapter 4: u go girl ;)
Chapter 4: I'm guessing Taehyung isn't really a doctor kkkk.
Taehyun is such a jerk at the moment though. He's so annoying!!
Chapter 3: Urgh... sunhee is annoying me to death!!! I honestly hate her so much!!! I love the main girl though. Her personality is awesome
itzmeashleyy #5
Chapter 3: reality always slaps hard... good luck for college btw :)
Chapter 3: I'm liking the main girl so much! Good luck on college!
itzmeashleyy #7
Chapter 2: ooooh drama time!!! can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 2: Omg Sunhee is really annoying me... Fighting Areum! I also love Areum's character, she is so cool haha
FutureMain #10
Chapter 1: /Claps vigorously/