Chapter 01

Selfish Desires



Chapter 01

story by (oraclefox) - 

"Pshh. Look at her doing that to Taehyun. How shameless! "My friend Minyoung grumbled besides me as she eyed the new couple nastily. We're at the school's cafeteria eating our usual meals: bread and salad. I eyed the food in front of me as it stared back at me boringly. I'm definitely gonna eat a lot of meat once I get home.

"Yeah." Soyeon agreed. "That should be your place Areum. You are Ryo Areum after all." She nudged and I just smiled at them smugly, feeling rather proud of myself.

Ryo Areum.

From the name itself, which means "beautiful", already describes me. I may sound narcissistic but it's true; at least that's what I hear from everyone around me. I'm also smart and fairly popular. So that girl sitting beside Taehyun a couple of tables from ours blatantly hugging him is no near to a threat to me. She's just another supporting character who could help him into realizing his feelings for me.

"Girls, please. Let my best friend eat happily with his new girlfriend." I put in calmly. "Besides, he will be mine eventually when the right time comes. So for now let other girls enjoy him as much as they can." I giggled and glanced at Taehyun and his temporary girl.

My friends all smirked. "You're right. That's how fairy tales work after all, right?"

I smiled sweetly whilst twirling a strand of my hair. "Right."  I approved and took a first bite of my lettuce. It almost took my everything not to make a face and puke in front of them. Control Areum. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your friends would you?

A long day in school is finally done and I can't wait to go home. I'm sure Taehyun will walk with me again. I waited for him outside the school gate where students are continuously pouring out ready to go home or to some karaoke party; tomorrow's a weekend after all.

"You know, I think we should break up." A familiar voice grunted just a few inches away from where I was standing. Me, being the nosy girl I am, peeked to see who was breaking up. Apparently, it was Taehyun and his girlfriend; they only lasted for a week or so. They were well hidden in the small grove just behind the gate I was standing on.

With a blank face, Taehyun muttered. "Okay; if that's what you want." I smirked knowingly. I told you they won't last.

The girl's hard expression sort of faltered at his words. She was probably expecting Taehyun to object at her decision; too bad Taehyun isn't that way. I knew he wasn't really in love with her from the start. He just dated her to pass the time.

The girl beamed at him nonetheless to cover the hurt that she is most likely feeling right now. "Good. B-but if you want someone to talk to, I'll be here, okay?" She patted his shoulder and left. She saw me peeping at them and was quite shocked but gave a glare right after. I gave her my sweetest smile in return and watch her walk away rather faster than normal.

That's right girl, walk away. It's my turn to comfort him now.

Taehyun didn't move from his position therefore I decided to creep up to him. Even though it may look like he doesn't care but he's probably hurt too. His girlfriends are all the same; they all leave him in the end. 

You know Taehyun, I think I'm the only one who understands you completely.

"Hey." I whispered. He stared at me and decided to rest his head on my shoulders and sigh. Ah, I knew it.

Everybody may think that Taehyun is a playboy or something but I know better. He still hates being left alone. His Mom had done enough damage for that.

"It's okay. I'll be here until you get a new one." I patted his head, trying to comfort him in a way I can.

After a while he talked. "Pfft." He finally stood up straight and covered my face with his hands; a habit he does when he's happy. "I'm okay. But anyway, thank you." I smiled up at him through his hands. It's a pain when I have to look up to him since he's so tall.

"Let's go. I'm going to eat dinner at your house tonight since your Mom is making my favorite steak!" He cheered and went on to walk out the gate and into the side walk. I stared at his back for a moment before following him. Everything will be alright. It always does.


"Hey guess what, Taehyun's with another girl again!" Soyeon chided when we were on our way to class. I only laughed at her.

"Duh? Once girls hear that Taehyun already broke up with his girlfriend, they'll immediately line up in hopes that they're going to be the next. It's already a cycle, really." I informed.

"But I heard, this time she's different." Soyeon argued.

"Soyeon, every girl he dates is different. There's just one thing that they're all similar in; they all want Taehyun." 


"Stop. I don't want to hear any more of this babble." I cut her off sternly. What girl dating Taehyun would be different from his exes? They're all the same; they only date him to improve their social statuses. They don't even know Taehyun that well yet they go on begging for him to date them under his feet. Unlike me who knows every inch of him, they're just mere extra-characters.

"I'll go look for him, okay?" I muttered absentmindedly and left them talking about the school's new rumors. Despite my curiosity, Taehyun is more important.

As I took a left turn in our corridor, I was greeted by a slowly growing crowd hovering over two huge guys and one tall lean one in the middle. If I hadn't looked a little closer I wouldn't have noticed that there was a small girl in the middle too. I can't see what they look like since their backs were facing me.

I grunted under my breath. Is this another one of those immature fights? God-

"Shut up!" My thoughts were cut off by Taehyun's voice. It was then I realized that he was the tall guy in the middle being surrounded by the  two huge blokes. And I'm guessing the small girl with him is the one my friends were talking about.

My protective reflexes immediately reacted at the situation and I made my way through the crowd. Good thing that they made way as soon as they saw me. I did a hair flip inside my head when I saw this. I felt like I'm Moses separating the sea; only, mine are students.

Everyone was looking at me; they were expecting me to do something. But to be honest, I have no idea what to do really. All I know is that I have to get Taehyun out of here.

"Taehyun, let's go." I ordered, and tugged at his arm. He didn't budge. His eyes were still glued at the two guys glaring back at him, their noses flaring with anger.

"Yeah, Taehyun! Go with your mommy and be a !" One of the guys taunted that added fuel to Taehyun's fire. He roughly removed my hand away from his and gave the guy a hard punch across the face.

"Why you—" His friend was about to punch back but someone kicked his jewels before he even can, sending him crumpling on the floor. It was the girl with Taehyun.

I gaped at her. She was small and plump, her hair isn't fixed beautifully unlike mine and her face isn't really attractive. It surprised me to even see her around Taehyun. But damn is she brave. With these huge men, she's gonna be dead after what she have done.

"How dare you say that?" She yelled so bravely but the crack in her voice at the end gave her away. Students around us started snickering.

"Taehyun, let—" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because a teacher went in and stopped the whole thing. Finally! I was afraid that things would start getting out of hand.

"Go to class all of you!" She exclaimed.

We watched the crowd disperse before releasing the breath we didn't know we were holding. I took a shaky hand and brought it to caress Taehyun's face. "Are you alright?" I asked worriedly; but he didn't answer me. My hand fell limply against my side as he turned his back to me and confronted the girl. A pang of hurt shot through my chest at this gesture of his but I decided to let it slide.

"What do you think you were doing?" He bawled. "Are you stupid? It was dangerous!"

The girl didn't even flinch and just smiled stupidly up at him that it made me cringe. "I know. But I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. I guess my body just moved on its own."

There was a flicker of emotion in Taehyun's eyes but before I could even decipher what it was, it's gone and replaced by a look of relief.

"Good thing those guys didn't hurt you." He muttered as he patted the girl's head.

"They won't. I saw them stealing video games the other night. Once they hurt me, I'm gonna go tell on them to the police." She rest assured.

I stared at them motionless, feeling so out of place. I've never been in this sort of situation before. Taehyun doesn't ignore me. In fact, he always puts me first. So who the heck is this girl to receive so much attention from him? Just by the looks of it she's a nobody compared to me. She's too short, her frizzy hair is up in a ponytail, her clothes are probably from a thrift shop, and her face is too plain. If you want to imagine a boring girl, you'll probably see her in your mind.

But I'm the heroine. She's just a supporting character. And as a heroine I should be kind to her at least, right?

Removing the scowl on my face, I mustered up a big smile and approached them. "Hi! I'm Areum. Thank you so much on protecting my best friend here." I bubbled whilst wrapping an arm around his shoulder. I watched her eyes dart over to my arm for a quick second before returning her eyes to mine. I smirked. I knew she got the point.

"Ah hello! I'm Sunhee." She beamed innocently. "I'll go to class now. Bye Taehyun." She waved good bye and we watched her back disappear in the corner. How dare she not say good bye to me? I'm obviously here, aren't I?

"." I whispered unconsciously.


"Hmm? I didn't say anything." I lied. "Let's go to class too." I grabbed his arm but he didn't budge.

"I think I'll skip. I'm not in the mood for class yet. You go on ahead, okay?" He gave me a pat on the shoulders and left without another word.

I was left all alone in the hallway. For a moment there, that Sunhee girl got me uneasy. Taehyun was so worried about her. But come to think of it, he's usually like that. He hates it when people take risks for him; he doesn't like feeling indebted to someone. Yes, that's probably it. That girl is still a nobody. Who would even want to get involved with a girl like her, right?

I fixed my hair and dress, trying to compose myself once again. What was I even worried about? That girl is just a supporting character. She'll never have a chance with Taehyun. Holding my head up high, I quickly made my way to my next class.


After school, Taehyun has to attend his Taekwondo Club so I'm staying late so I could walk home with him later.

I watched him swing his long leg to kick his opponent directly in the head. I took this opportunity to appreciate his fit body longer. I blushed. I could be such a sometimes.

My eyes were so focused on him that I didn't notice Sunhee watching as well. She was sitting in the very corner of the room and her cheeks were red while watching Taehyun. What is she thinking being here?

I smirked. He's cool isn't he Sunhee? That's right, look at him longer. No matter how hard or long you look, he won't look at you the same way, you know? You're not his type. I crossed my arms pompously and decided to ignore her like she did to me earlier this day. Just thinking of it still makes me mad.

"Hyunie!" I waved at Taehyun to show off our close relationship to Sunhee. He waved back at me and smiled.

His practice just finished so I brought him his towel and favorite juice and water. I was about to give it to him when Sunhee intercepted. Taehyun went straight to her as she also prepared something for him. Didn't he see me holding something for him as well?

The sight made me halt in my steps. I watched as she wiped his face with her towel and gave him water to drink. Sunhee then said something that made Taehyun laugh.

I can't believe it. He rarely laughs.

I can't just stand here watching them; I needed to take action before Sunhee snatches him away from me.

So I walked over to them confidently, ignoring the bitterness that was clawing my chest. "Taehyun are you done? Let's go home." I grabbed his hand and lead him to the door. I saw the surprise in Sunhee's face and I wanted to laugh at her.

"Sorry Areum, I'm going home with Sunhee today." I stopped. It felt like cold ice water was thrown over me.

"Ah. I see. Okay then." Releasing his hand, I walked out the door without looking back. Tears were threatening to stream down my face but I held it back. When I was far enough from the Taekwondo room, I threw the juice and water I brought for him across the wall with full force that the the liquid started pouring out the containers.

We always walk home together even though he has his girlfriends. Why now? Sunhee is just a supporting character, isn't she? Then why is she improving? She's stealing my position as the heroine!

author's note.

I was supposed to post this yesterday but I thought it needed some editing. So anyway, what do you think? Please post your comments down below. I'd love to hear your thoughts about this. Constructive comments are very much appreciated since I want to improve my writing. Subscribe and upvote are also loved.  See you in the next chapter! 






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thatgeeks #1
Chapter 4: I fell in love with this fanfic,I can't wait to read the next chapter and I'm really curious of what will happen to Taehyun and herXD!! Fighting~
itzmeashleyy #2
Chapter 4: u go girl ;)
Chapter 4: I'm guessing Taehyung isn't really a doctor kkkk.
Taehyun is such a jerk at the moment though. He's so annoying!!
Chapter 3: Urgh... sunhee is annoying me to death!!! I honestly hate her so much!!! I love the main girl though. Her personality is awesome
itzmeashleyy #5
Chapter 3: reality always slaps hard... good luck for college btw :)
Chapter 3: I'm liking the main girl so much! Good luck on college!
itzmeashleyy #7
Chapter 2: ooooh drama time!!! can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 2: Omg Sunhee is really annoying me... Fighting Areum! I also love Areum's character, she is so cool haha
FutureMain #10
Chapter 1: /Claps vigorously/