
Selfish Desires





story by (oraclefox) - 

Long flowing hair, fair and flawless complexion and a charming personality; that's just some of the things about me that everybody desires to have. I'm also smart if I do say so myself. I mean, I am at the top of the class after all.

In fact, I have everything that anyone could yearn for. What else could I want more?

"Hey are you even listening?" My best friend Taehyun frowned at me and I smiled at him assuringly.

I also have this guy by my side all the time. He's my best friend-slash-childhood friend. We met during elementary. He was a loner and nobody liked him too; I didn't know why. I didn't bother paying him any attention that time. His black hair was always covering half of his face so he seemed hard to approach.

Our so-called friendship started when our classmates abruptly blurted out things at him when we were having our break in the classroom. A peaceful day was shattered when all those antagonists opened their rude mouths to Taehyun. But in a way, I’m also thankful for that. Without them I wouldn’t have met him.

"You're Mom left you that's why you're being such an emo, aren't you?" One guy accused. I was quietly seating in my seat reading the new release of Teen Vogue when the whole class suddenly went quiet. They were all focused at Taehyun and the crude guy now.

"Right! Right! My Mom told me that his Mother left his Dad for someone younger. How pathetic!" The girl in front of me chided in laughing; half of the class snickered with her. My eyes widened at the drama transpiring before me. I was taken aback at how impudent these people can be despite the fact that someone just got their Mother snatched away from them. Where is the humanity here?

Taehyun was sitting two tables away from me. I stared at his back that was facing me with pity. He kept quiet even though they were already bullying him but I could see that he was pissed and hurt. He was trembling so lightly that I think only I noticed it. That moment I knew that I wanted to protect to him from everyone. I have to protect him from everyone.

So I took a small step towards him; but before I could even reach him another loser again as if they can't get enough of it. "My Mom said that his mother is a !" Everyone howled in laughter as if the subject wouldn't hurt him. What child even knows that word? I am appalled.

And with that, Taehyun just snapped. He punched the guy across the nose and threw his books towards those that were laughing at him. He even took the chair he was sitting on and threatened to throw it at them. And the sad part about it was, he was tears were flowing from his eyes but some were still snorting at him.

"Stop it... stop it..." He kept muttering between sobs. Despite that our classmates still laughed and threw horrible words at him.

"You're a crybaby!" My hand immediately met the boy's face the moment his mouth finished talking. I was so infuriated that I found myself screaming at them.

"Stop it all of you! You're all such bullies. You should be called criminals!" I wailed whilst putting my arms around Taehyun protectively, not caring whether he was uncomfortable or not. They all gave me incisive looks because I just ruined the fun for them.

"I'll always be by your side, don't worry." I promised. I'm still keeping that oath until now. Actually, I'm keeping it for the rest of my life.

"You weren't really listening you liar!" Taehyun snapped me from my reverie. He was glaring with mouthful of food in his mouth. He was so cute.

"Right. Sorry, sorry." I chuckled and looked out at the window of his classroom. Although we’re both juniors we were separated by section which .

“As I was saying—“

“Taehyunie!” Taehyun was cut off when a girl I often see around the halls draped her arms around his neck. She gave me a pointed look as if saying to back off. I wasn’t even surprised. A scene like this is already normal when your best friend is as popular and handsome as Taehyun. Puberty was too good to him. He was small and limpy before, but now it's the total opposite of it.

She is obviously flirting with him and starting to get her hopes up but with Taehyun being slow, he probably regards her only as a friend. Poor her. But no worries, she is only an extra-character after all. 

In the end, him and me are going to be together. There's no doubt to that.

You see, it's already apparent that we are suitable for each other since: one, we are childhood friends. We've been together for like, forever. I know every inch of his personality-- and maybe even his body. Well, I did saw his little birdy once when I accidentally entered his bathroom when we were around 8 years old. 

And two, I did promise to protect him didn't I? When I made that oath, I knew that love would come to this relationship. No matter what happens, Taehyun would end up with me and we'll live happily ever after like all the fairy tales that ever existed on Earth.

"As I was saying Areum, I," he touched the girl's hand, "got a girlfriend."

"Oh okay." I smiled at the girl. I guess she really is her girlfriend; my bad. "Nice to meet you." I took my time to finally take in her appearance and wasn't shocked that she's pretty. Her lashes are long (they're probably fake) and her lips are red and plump. Her long cascading hair falls perfectly around her shoulders. She's giving off this innocent vibe but I know she's anything but innocent. I've heard rumors.

Even if she's Taehyun's girlfriend she wouldn't be that much of an important character though because I'm the heroine here and Taehyun would definitely be mine in the end. He's my hero, no one else.

author's note.

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thatgeeks #1
Chapter 4: I fell in love with this fanfic,I can't wait to read the next chapter and I'm really curious of what will happen to Taehyun and herXD!! Fighting~
itzmeashleyy #2
Chapter 4: u go girl ;)
Chapter 4: I'm guessing Taehyung isn't really a doctor kkkk.
Taehyun is such a jerk at the moment though. He's so annoying!!
Chapter 3: Urgh... sunhee is annoying me to death!!! I honestly hate her so much!!! I love the main girl though. Her personality is awesome
itzmeashleyy #5
Chapter 3: reality always slaps hard... good luck for college btw :)
Chapter 3: I'm liking the main girl so much! Good luck on college!
itzmeashleyy #7
Chapter 2: ooooh drama time!!! can't wait to see what happens next!!
Chapter 2: Omg Sunhee is really annoying me... Fighting Areum! I also love Areum's character, she is so cool haha
FutureMain #10
Chapter 1: /Claps vigorously/