Helping Her

Snowy Love

"Seung Ho oppa~ Say "ah" " Hyemi said.

"I can eat by miself" Seung Ho said.

"Don't be like that!" Hyemi said.

You only stare at them, you sigh. "Umm... Why am I here in the first place?" you thought.


"Seung Ho oppa~~" Hyemi said.

"Let's go eat~~" she continued.

"Nah, I already ate earlier" Seung Ho said.

"Ah~~ Please oppa~~" Hyemi said.

Seung Ho sighs, Hyemi stares at Seung Ho with her "please" look. Hyemi pulls Seung Ho's arm. "Umm... Should I stay here or should I leave them alone?" you thought.

"Come on, oppa~~" Hyemi said.

Seung Ho sighs and then turns his head around and then he stares at you.

"I will go if Shiro can go as well" he said.

"Huh?! Why?" Hyemi said.

You look at Hyemi and Seung Ho. "Yeah, why should I?" you thought. "And he won't stop calling me Shiro, won't he" you thought. You sigh, Hyemi stares at you and then pouts, she is showing her evil stare at you.

"Hyemi wants to go with oppa only!" Hyemi said.

"Then I won't go" he said.

Hyemi pouts again and then said...

"Okay! She can come too!" Hyemi said.

You sigh. "They won't hear my opinion about this huh" you thought. Seung Ho grabs your arm and then he said...

"Come on, Shiro" he said.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" you said loudly.

You follow Hyemi and Seung Ho. You know that Hyemi doesn't want you to come with them, she pouts again and you sigh. "Why this is happening to me" you thought.

--End of flashback--

"Let's go to that shop next!!" Hyemi said.

Hyemi pulls Seung Ho's arm and you follow them. You enter the shop. It's full of cute stuffs. There are also many people there. "These stuffs are so cute! The people in here is cute too. Unlike me..." you thought. You shake your head and try to think positively. You explore the shop and you found a hair clip. It's a chicken hair clip.

"So cute!" you thought. You don't bring your wallet so you can't buy it. You sigh. "I could buy it later I guess" you thought. "But there's only one here and the shop is full of people..." you thought. You shake your head. "I must think positively!" you thought. Not far from there, you see Hyemi and Seung Ho. They look like a couple but Seung Ho doesn't seem to like being around her. You go toward them.

"Ah, Shiro" Seung Ho said.

Hyemi pout and she doesn't seem happy. She bites her lips. "Really? Did I do something wrong?" you thought.

"Come on oppa! Hyemi is bored! Let's go~~" Hyemi said while pulling Seung Ho's arm.

Seung Ho sighs and you follow them. You stop for a while, you feel that Seung Ho stared at you earlier. "It must be my imagination" you thought. You run toward them so you can catch up with them. Time passes and it's already 4 PM.

"I need to go back. See ya" Seung Ho said.

"Ah, you couldn't stay longer?" Hyemi said.

"No, I need to go now" he said.

"Okay, bye oppa" Hyemi said.

"Bye shiro" Seung Ho said while patting your head.

"Stop calling me that!" you said.

Seung Hos walks away and then Hyemi stares at you.

"Unni" she said.

"Huh? What's wrong?" you said.

"You know Unni, I like Seung Ho oppa" she said.

"So can you help me?" she continued.

"Wh...What?" you said.

"You don't have any romantic feelings for him right? So can you?" Hyemi said.

"Umm... I don't know" you said.

"So are you saying that you like Seung Ho oppa?" Hyemi said.

"No!" you said.

"I don't have those kind of feelings to him" you continued.

"So why won't you help me?" she said.

You stay quiet, you think for a while and sigh. "Why do I feel that she is looking down at me?" you thought. You stare at her and then said...

"Okay, I will help you" you said with a forced smile.

"Yey~ You're so kind, Unni~~" she said.

You look at her and sigh. She smiles at you, you know it's not a good smile. You force to smile again. "I don't know why... But why do I feel irritated?" you thought.


--Chapter 7 : Helping Her--



Sorry for the slow update, guys!

I will try to update faster!

I hope you enjoy this chapter :D

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KpopLifeMusic #1
New reader here.... and i like it..... please update soon okay??? :D
leficklerabbit #3
just continue... but im totally fine with anything, as long as your writing. ^^ kekeke~! please update soon~! :)
BlackLullaby #4
@Loveyoseob : I will put chapter 9 first then I will be on hiatus. Well, please wait for me :D
leficklerabbit #5
HAITUS TILL JANUARY? I'll try to survive that period of time author-nim, BUT UPDATE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!! ^^
leficklerabbit #6
My guts tell me We should kill Hymei.... Why... >< UPDATE SOON~<3
Dooblie #7
Oooo: <br />
I have a baddd feeeliiinnngggg~~~ guuuhh~<br />
sigh. Hyemi, that girl... If she does something to Shiro Ima slap her!<br />
Update soon!
Omg. I somehow recalled the only anime I've ever watched "Lovely Complex" xd<br />
When Koizumi met the girl (I don't remember her name) and she's all cute and then BAM! LOL. <br />
Omg. Update soon :] Your story makes me smile a lot <3
leficklerabbit #9
Dooblie #10
woot. <br />
Really like this fic <3 and the interaction between the three! <3