the story

EXODUS ( unfinished )
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his name is kris , he is the general of the angel army , he was known for his strength , leadership , and his will to fight for good , he together with his older brother yunho lead the army of angel to win every single time , they work together , they have the same goal , they have the same thinking that is up until he was given the order , the order to exterminate them....




when kris was still training together with his brother they have heard about the rumors , it is said that their creator made a mistake he has transferred some of his power to the creatures that he was making creating them as powerful as the angels but they are not immortal like angels , they are made to be a sinner , they are made to be at his mercy , but the creator cannot undo it now so he scattered them all over the world making sure they will never meet again to create chaos , he will just have to wait until those creatures die but it did not happen the power has been passed on for generations and generations until the creator cannot do anything about it.. and the creator knows that if those creatures get together there will be war.



so kris trained hard so he could protect everything he loves but that all changed when he watched

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i dont think its good.. please tell me if i should continue or what...thanks!!!!


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yomiyomiyomi #1
Chapter 4: Am I too late to give a review? TT
Well, you should continue your story. Don't be afraid not to post the next chapter just because you're thinking no one might appreciate it. Write for yourself. Don't pressure yourself pleasing others. :)
As for this story, you might want to really lengthen each chapters more and capitalize letters if needed (if the word is a proper noun). And don't hesitate to put more spaces (by spaces I mean the type of spaces when you hit the 'Enter' button) and always remember to use proper punctuation marks because the readers might get confused if you stumble it up all together. ;;A;;
Learn to use other verbose words and always remember your main plot because there are some instances that a story loses its meaning as it goes on further. My advise for you is to read more novels and fanfictions while writing this story. ^^ It'll also help you finding your very own writing style.
I hope my review helped, though. ;A;
Please don't hesitate to post a message on my wall or to PM me something. I don't bite. ;u;