Chapter 5

The Incompetent Idol

"You did it! You did it!" cheered his friends as they patted Sungjae on the back, who was breathing heavily in relief.

"I never expected this moment....." said Sungjae, "I thought I was going to go home!"

"We thought it would have happened, but maybe it was magic! Come on, let's go grab some dinner! Let's see what's on the menu!"

"Yook Sungjae," called Mr Shim, "Please step forward,"

Sungjae complied, hurrying to do so.

"What, may I ask, is in your mouth?"

"I thunnuh...." mumbled Sungjae.

"Maybe you'll find it easy to talk if you take that out of your mouth," he said as he held up a dish.

Sungjae spat out a chunk of pink gunk with saliva and drool surrounding it.

"Goodness gracious!" said his form teacher as he pulled a hilariously repulsed face, "What in heavens is this garbage?"

"It wasn't garbage," chuckled Sungjae, "It's just chewing gum,"

"Well, I hope this is a lesson to you. Write down one hundred lines - I must not chew gum in class,"

"Yes, sir," sighed Sungjae as he headed back to his seat.

"Thank you. Now, first of all, well done to all of you for passing your very first test. Your hard work has all paid off. But of course, this doesn't end there. Because of course, you have got more hard work to do. You have midterm exams, and a final exam at the very end of your senior year, in preparation for your KHD. If you want to become the K-pop star you ever dreamed of, you need to work hard, study hard, and of course, co-operate. The only person standing in your way is you, because you can defeat your fears and overcome obstacles. Because this is a moment of a lifetime. Understood?"

"Yes, sir,"

"Good. Now Kim Myungsoo, you may lead on,"

"Yes sir, stand up. Bow,"

"Goodbye, sir,"

"Sit down,"

"Good. Now I'll see you all tomorrow,"

"Well that was fun," said Minhyuk. "Japanese is surprisingly not that hard to learn as most people say. It sounds so much like Korean! Shillehamnida, sureishimasu. Tokuni, teukhi,"

"Yeah," said Eunkwang, "Only the kanji gives me the creeps. What was the onyomi and the kunyomi for the kanji for "one", again? And how do you write it?"

"Don't worry," chuckled Sungjae, "It's just one straight vertical line. The onyomi is ichi, and the kunyomi is hito,"

"Oh, thanks! Hey, Sungjae, you seem super good at this stuff! What about for sun, root, Japan, two, three and so on?"

"Here," said Sungjae, "Let me help you,"

"Hey," said Eunkwang, "We can all definitely help each other out! Sungjae, you can help us with Japanese, and I can help you with vocals! Each one of us should think about a particular subject to specialize in so we can all help each other out!"

"Wow," said Hyunsik, "Hakyeon IS amazing,"

"Wow, Hakyeon!" said the dance teacher, "You definitely have been preparing those moves that I taught you! And you have molded it in with some of your original moves too! Have you had any past experience in b-boying or ballet by any chance?"

"Yep, in both actually,"

"Hey, you should join our dance club! You'd be amazing!"

"Thank you!"

"You should join the choir!" said the vocals teacher, "Eunkwang and Eunji, you definitely have exceptional vocal ability,"

"Thanks!" said Sungjae.

Sungjae sighed as he walked to the dining hall with his friends. 

"What's the matter?" asked Changsub.

Sungjae only continued to sigh.

"Something must be wrong," said Ilhoon as he wrapped an arm around his best friend, "Come on, you can tell us,"

"I don't know if I'm good enough,"

"But you are!" said Minhyuk, "You even passed the test! It was a bloody hard thing to even do, what else would we expect?"

"It's just that you, Eunkwang, have such exceptional vocal ability, and you Hyunsik, have amazing dance ability that you were even recommended to join the choir and dance club. I just don't know if I'm good enough at anything,"

"Don't feel bad," said Hyunsik, "They were only suggesting. Besides, I don't even know if I'll be able to compete with them in the club either. Just join whatever you want anyway. The companies will definitely like people who have tried a lot of new things. After all, when we write our resumes and application forms, what other better idea than to participate in a prestigious K-pop school's choir and dance club?"

"If you really want to join the choir," said Eunkwang, "Just come. Just experience what it's like and I'm sure it will be fun,"

"Let's just not worry too much and just get some food," suggested Ilhoon, "I'm starving!"

"Oh, sweet!" said Sungjae, as he gazed at the menu, "We'll have ramen on Fridays from now on!"

"This is so cool!" said Peniel, "I want the Shin Ramen!"

"Me too!" said Sungjae.

"The Samyang ramen is my weakness!" said Minhyuk.

"The kimchi one will do for me," said Eunkwang.

"Jal meoggessumnida!" they all chanted in unison as they sat themselves down and prepared their ramen with their dinners as if they were a family, before digging in.

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