I'll Be Jekyll, You Be Hyde


Dear Hyde,


Will you be crazy when I turn to insanity?

Can you hold me tight and tell me my anxiety isn't real?

Have you been in my place before? Do you understand?

I want to say those words, but I'm afraid that you'll take my heart and lock it away. Lock it away where I'll never find it again.

Please just let me fall, don't worry, I'm not fragile. I won't shatter when I crash against the frigidly cold floor.

Sure, there might be bruises and cuts, I've had my far share of those.

But, my most important question is this:

Will you still be mine, will you still be with me when I'm not fully me? The times when me isn't me. 


-  Jekyll


Name: Bae Byul

Age: 21

Diagnosis: Anxiety, Insomnia, Fear of Attachment, Has Shown Very Violent Tendencies for Unknown Reason

Seeking Treatment: Refuses



Name(s): Kim Jongin, Kai

Age: 21

Diagnosis: Dissociative Identity Disorder. Becomes aggressive, violent, and impulsive when feeling threatened such as when someone is attcking him or simply gets too close

Seeking Treatment: Attempts, but acts hopeless



Name: Oh Sehun

Age: 21

Diagnosis: Morbid Smoker, Denies Almost Everything, Fears Leaving Home

Treatment: Books Have Been Sent with Hopes of Comments or Questions Written, but No Books Have Been Sent Back. When he Does Leave and Comes, All he Talks About is Someone or Something Called "The Star".


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