
You've Got To Be Kidding Me!


Days had passed.
I had already changed my handphone number, my workplace and my address.
Though, I still keep Junsu and the other three informed about my whereabouts.
They had promised me they would not spill a word to Jaejoong.
I was watching the TV when I received a call from Junsu.
"(_____)-ah, I know it's no longer any of your business anymore, but Jae hyung.." He trailed off.
"W-What.. Happened to him?" I became worried.
"He slit his lower arm. We were out just now and when we came home we found Jae hyung unconscious in his room with blood all over his arm. Apparently, he carved your name into his lower arm. He's in Seoul General Hospital right now."
I hung up and took a taxi to the mentioned hospital, not forgetting to bring the package.
I ran up to Junsu, who was waiting for me at the lobby.
He told me to take a deep breath and calm down.
It was then that I realised I had been crying.
He led me to Jaejoong's room where he was sleeping.
"Junsu Oppa, can you.. Give me sometime alone with Jae?"
"Sure thing."
I waited until I was sure he had left the room before going to Jaejoong's bed.
I gently took his injured hand and silently sobbed to myself.
"Jae..Oppa.. Why did you do this to yourself? Why can't you see that I'm doing this for you? All these time, I sacrificed everything I had for you and this is what you repay me with? Slitting your arm like that?" I cried harder.
"Oppa.. You know I'm doing this for you.. You know I love you too much to let you go, but I have to.. I have to so that you could enjoy your life as a free man again. I remember when we first met you were a playboy and had a hard time being loyal to just one girl.. I was already expecting for you to get tired of me and now, I'm letting you go. After five years of being tied down to me, you're finally free Oppa.. You don't have to tell me where you are, what you're doing and when you're coming home anymore.. I love you, so much.."
He shuffled in his sleep trying to get to a better position.
His injured hand resting on his stomache, laying straight on the bed while his head was facing away from me.
I regained my composure before continuing.
"Here are the divorce papers. Just sign them and tell Junsu to pass them to me. If that's all, then this would probably be the last time I'm meeting you. Goodbye Jae, you'd always be my one and only love." I whispered into his ear.
I slowly brushed his fringe away from his eyes before gently kissing his forehead.
I took my time coming out of the room.
"(_____)-ah.." Junsu immediately stood up from his seat.
"You can go in now, Jae's still in slumber so don't wake him up. I left the papers with him. Thanks Oppa.. I don't think this could have worked without your help. But, was this supposed to be included?" I asked Junsu.
"Not really, this was not exactly what I intended."
I nodded and walked away from Junsu, from the room, from Jaejoong.
[[Jae's POV]]
"Jae..Oppa.. Why did you do this to yourself? Why can't you see that I'm doing this for you? All these time, I sacrificed everything I had for you and this is what you repay me with? Slitting your arm like that?" She sobbed.
'No..(_____)-ah.. Don't say that.. I'm sorry..'
I thought as (_____) talked, thinking that I was still asleep.
I had been awake the moment I heard her voice telling Junsu to leave the room.
"Oppa.. You know I'm doing this for you.. You know I love you too much to let you go, but I have to.. I have to so that you could enjoy your life as a free man again."
'No.. I don't want to be a free man, (_____)-ah.. I want to be with you..'
"I remember when we first met you were a playboy and had a hard time being loyal to just one girl.. I was already expecting for you to get tired of me and now, I'm letting you go. After five years of being tied down to me, you're finally free Oppa.. You don't have to tell me where you are, what you're doing and when you're coming home anymore.." 
'I wasn't 'tied down' to you during those five years, I had a great time with you.. I want to call you and tell you where I'm at, what I'm doing and when I'll be home.. I like the feeling of knowing you're at home waiting for me.. Can't you see that?'
"I love you, so much.."
'And I love you too, so much more than anything else in this world, even my life..'
I turned away from her, so that she wouldn't see my tears.
"Here are the divorce papers. Just sign them and tell Junsu to pass them to me."
'Divorce papers? (_____)-ah.. Why?'
I felt her shifting nearer to my ear.
"If that's all, then this would probably be the last time I'm meeting you. Goodbye Jae, you'd always be my one and only love," she whispered into my ear.
She brushed my bangs away from my face and kissed my forehead.
I felt my tears slowly roll down my face as I heard her leaving the room.
I opened my eyes and shifted in my bed to sit up straight.
I stared at the divorce file in my hand.
My fist tightened around the brown packaging of the the file.
I raised it in the air and threw it at the wall opposite the bed in anger.
The room door opened once again and Junsu came in.
"H-Hyung.. You're awake.."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what, hyung?"
"About (_____)! Why didn't you tell me you knew her number and her whereabouts?! Why?!"
"Do the rest know too?" I asked after calming down.
"Yeah.. You were the only who didn't know.. She made us promise to her not to tell you."
"Thanks, Su.. Thanks.." I said, my voice full of sarcasm.
3rd Chappie Upp~!!! (And Down. XD. Get it? SHINee's Up And Down. XD)
Ohh, and I've counted.
I think. 
I fail at math. *shakes head*
Well not really, I got a B4(63/100) overall for my End Of Year Examinations. Yay me~~~!
Hahas, anyways chyeah.
miia186             ShiningDbJr<3
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redblossom07 #1
Chapter 5: omg! i love this hahaha!
smart junsu is smart hahahaha!!!!
lmurillo78 #2
Loved your story..I'm glad it had a happy ending... :)
loved it!~
leedictator #4
Haha, I love Su ~! He`s such an adorable dork XD This is a really good story! I loved it (:
butterfly555 #5
wow junsu is really smart for doing that and also love the last line about junsu lol
Woah , Junsu's very smart ! Haha , really good story ! :D
saranghaenix3 #7
This was a really great story. Great job :D
Awh really really good story!! Ah junsu is really smart ahaha. Your a great writer as well, gonna check out your other stories ;D
SNhamizah #9
it is niceeeeeeeee :)