Getting Over Wang. Attempt #2

Just Date Me Already

Two months and three weeks have gone by since I broke things off with Jackson. He hasn’t called or came to my house and I haven’t either. I miss him, badly. Suho walks into the office. He loosens up his tie and sits down in one of the sofas.
“Rough day?” I ask.
“Agh it was unbelievable. Now that the drama’s over there are too many photo shoots and interviews going on,” he tells me.
“How’s he holding up?” I ask.
“Jackson? Well very well. It’s unbelievable that he can do anything with such little sleep,” Suho fills me in. I smile at this. As far as I know Suho knows nothing about me and Jackson being a thing.
“Ah Suho back already?” JB says walking in with Yugyeom.
“Yes sir! Suho here reporting for duty!”
“Oh sit down. Relax I know you’re tired.” JB looks over at me and then sits across from Suho. Yugyeom goes straight for the extra room to organize things.
“In three days you’ll be off until Jackson accepts his offer. Any plans?” JB asks.
“None at the moment,” Suho replies.
“Are you two close?” 
“No sir.”
“A reason for that?”
“He’s always tired. Makes me wonder if he ever sleeps.” JB and I exchange a look. “Anyway I have to go home now and feed the kids. Bye bye.” Suho gets up and leaves. At first I really thought he had kids turns out he has like 11 brothers who he takes care of all the time and he’s not even the oldest. The handsome lady killer who I kicked out? One of the brothers.

The next day. Jackson and Suho come to the office. JB needs to give Jackson a prep talk and this time pay him in person. Jackson comes in with a bright personality. At a first glance he doesn’t look tired as Suho said but if you pay attention you can see the heavy make up under his eyes meaning one thing. He has some serious bags.
“Ah Jackson! There’s my money maker. Have a piece of candy,” JB says handing Jackson a chocolate bar. He stares at it for a second and looks up at me. We make eye contact until he looks back at the bar.
“I believe I get paid today,” he says. His voice slow and he pronounces everything like it’s his first time speaking Korean. I stare at him confused even JB looks confused.
“You do my dear boy. We all do. Someone call me santa because I have big gifts.” Jackson takes a bite of the chocolate bar. A smudge shows on his face. A smudge I yearn to wipe off for him. But Suho comes along handkerchief in hand and wipes it for him.
“Ah Jackson I told you to aim for your mouth,” Suho says as he wipes it away. Jackson just stands there like a good little boy. He turns to Suho and speaks to him in a different language. My first instinct is that it’s Chinese. But I speak Chinese. Then I realize it’s Cantonese.
“Ah yes,” Suho replies.
“Have a seat Jacks. We need to talk,” JB says. Jackson winces.
“Please don’t call me Jacks,” he tells JB in his foreign voice.
“Alright Mr. Wang.” Yugyeom walks in.
“I’m getting coffee. What do you guys want?” he asks. “I know Mark hyung wants black JB frap. Um Jackson?” Yugyeom says blinking his eyes multiple times like some flirty fan girl. I could punch him for that.
“He prefers a chocolate milkshake,” I tell him before Jackson replies. Everyone looks at me.
“You do? You never told me!” Suho complains. Jackson says something else in Cantonese and that shuts Suho up.
“Okay Jackson I don’t know if you just forgot how to speak Korean or what but I’m not going to get into that. After today is your break, vacation whatever. I took a good look at my paycheck today and you deserve a prize my boy. Is there anything you want?” JB asks. Jackson sits up and smiles a little. It would have been a bigger smile but he just looks so. . .  broken.
“A jacuzzi,” he says. At least I know he’s repairing himself.

“Well that was awkward,” JB says. I shrug.
“Could have been worse,” I tell him.
“All these months and he still wants a jacuzzi?” JB says shaking his head. “Insane.”
“He seems hurt JB. Badly.”
“He got paid today. I’m sure money cures all pains.” I frown at him “You’re not doing too well either hot shot. Dye your hair your roots are coming in and you look horrible, face and all. You can’t even tie a tie anymore.”
“How did you know this was a clip on?” I ask.
“I didn’t,” he says. “Yugyeom told me.” Suho walks back into the office after taking Jackson to the car.
“Suho I didn’t know you speak Cantonese,” I tell him when he enters.
“I don’t,” he says. “I speak Mandarin.”
“Well I’m learning Cantonese for Jackson’s sake. The first time we met he was ready for work unlike what you told me. And he told me to learn Cantonese.”
“Does he eat?” JB asks
“He refuses home cooked meals. Either eat out, pizza, or instant noodles.”
“And his boyfriend?” Yugyeom asks.
“Boyfriend?” Suho asks in return.
“You never saw a guy in his bed? Or around him?”
“The only people I see Jackson with are the actors on set.”
“Odd,” I mutter. “Is he doing another tour?”
“The Losers aren’t doing anything right now. I know I checked.”
“The Losers? That rookie group? What do they have to do with anything?”
“Nothing,” I dismiss him.
“Anything else odd about him?” JB asks. Suho seems to think about it for a while.
“As I said he gets few hours of sleep. He’s up when I leave his house after a long day of work and he’s awake playing video games when I get there. I think he plays all night. And he drinks while he plays.”
“Thanks Suho. You can go home now.” Suho nods and heads home.“He saw your video game collection,” JB says to me.
“He has.”
“Hmm he doesn’t speak Korean in his free time. Doesn’t sleep or eat home cooked meals. You messed him up bad,” JB says. I frown I can feel my whole body feeling down.
“I know.”
“He’s messed you up just as bad. I’ve never seen you so buried in work before. Aren’t you doing everyone in the entire office’s work now?”
“Not everyone. I’m not doing the ladies at the front desk’s job.”
“Mark I caught you transferring the contact info for them just yesterday.”
“Okay yeah I do everyone’s job. I just need to focus on something JB if I don’t I’ll just have a mental breakdown.”
“Oh the things love can do.”
“Love is such a bad thing.” I take a deep breath and get back to work.


Another sad day in the daily life of Markson. The next chapter will have extras where we get a little insight on things! I won't say what exactly but look forward to them. Comment! If we can get more than five comments I'll upload the next chapter tomorrow.

Oh! Congrats on 10 millions views for Just Right,  IGOT7!

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!