Let's Go!

Just Date Me Already

I sit behind my laptop buried in work and files on both sides of me.
“I mean honestly Mark it’s tiny things we all have to deal with in our lives. You have to deal with Jackson, Mino, me, and a little bit of Jimin. While I have to deal with myself and Yugyeom.”
“None of those things are little. And in case you haven’t noticed Yugyeom’s a problem for me too!”
“He is?” JB looks at me surprised. I raise one of the many files. “Right, right. I’ll pay you for that. I understand how you feel. Doing work that isn’t yours and all.” I twist my head to the right.
“It’s good to be home,” I say sarcastically. He moves to the desk and puts his head right over my laptop.
“Something else happened at Jeju, right?” he asks me. I look at him for a brief second then look away.
“Oh come on Mark! I know something did. So Jimin kissed Jackson so what? That’s on set he’s an actor deal with it. And I know you can. Something else happened and it’s bothering you.”
“Oh? How do you know that?” I ask him.
“Your lips look like you tried to eat them. Meaning you my friend spent the entire week in Jeju chewing them.” I touch my lips. I’ve been chewing them? What about my tie?
“Don’t worry about it,” I wave him off.
“Ah Mark you’re no fun!” JB complains.
“Now you’re beginning to sound like Jackson,” I mumble. Yugyeom enters the room with two cups of coffee.
“Black for Mark hyung and caramel frap for JB nim,” he says and hands us each our coffee.
“You know they say people who drink black coffee have black souls,” JB says.
“Ha-ha. I guess that’s me,” I mutter.
“Yugyeom this isn’t a caramel frap. Heck it’s not even a frap. It’s freaking hot chocolate!” JB yells.
“Oh no. I must have picked up the wrong coffee,” he says.
“Or ordered wrong,” JB says. 
“Can’t you do anything right?” I ask.
“Um I can bake cookies!”
“Not in the job description,” I tell him.
“Okay don’t mind him Yugyeom. Gosh Mark something did happen.”
“Mino showed up.” I finally confess.
“Oh gosh while you two were at it?” he asks.
“N- no. I-it was just things were going so well then one night he showed up.”
‘So your last night there was-.”
“Amazing,” I finish.
“Then what the heck Tuan!? Why are you so upset?”
“Because Jackson claims to like me. He claims to like me a lot but he’s still with Mino. He refuses to share a bed with him now. But he still kisses him goodbye he’s still going on dates with him. He’s still with him.”
“Which shouldn’t matter since well, you don’t want to date him.” He sips his hot chocolate and I frown at the laptop. “Oh gosh really!?” he yells.
“Really what?” I ask.
“You want to date him now?! SINCE WHEN!?” he asks. I shrug.
“Since Jeju?”
“WHAT!?” JB jumps up and down and walks all over the office. “Are you serious!? Yugyeom act surprised with me. But I’m really surprised so don’t think I’m messing with you, Mark.”
“Okay,” Yugyeom says. He also starts pacing the room with a ‘shocked’ face. “Ah Mark! You’re absolutely surprising!” They go around the room yelling and screaming and I just block them out completely so I can continue to work.
“Does Jackson know?” I hear ‘Jackson’ and that’s when I focus back on the two.
“Kind of?” I answer.
“Kind of?! How does he kind of know?” JB asks.
“My word!” Yugyeom comments.
“I told him I love him,” I shrug like it isn’t a big deal. When in all truth it was. I remember my whole body shaking and the nervousness flooding over me. And the fact that I just. .  . said it. Yugyeom faints and I’m honestly not sure if that was on purpose or not. JB stands there with a very wide mouth. I continue typing and about ten minutes later JB is out of his trance.
“YOU WHAT!?” he screams. I jump out of my skin. The scream was so loud Yugyeom woke up. “Are you insane!? How could you? Why would you? And him! Knowing this he’s still with that overconfident wanna be famous-.”
“You seemed to like him a lot when he signed those contracts,” I interrupt.
“Yeah who wouldn’t he was basically handing me over a fortune! Now that we’re in an all out love war I’m on your side meaning I have to hate him now.”
“That’s reassuring.” There’s a knock on the door. I walk to the door and it’s Jr. I stare at him mouth wide open. I look at JB his expression goes from surprised to happy, very happy. He quickly walks up to Jr. and hugs him tight.
“How was your tour?” he asks Jr. Jr. laughs.
“Good. How are you?”
“I missed you,” JB says pressing his face into Jr.’s shoulder. Jr. kisses the back of JB’s head.
“I missed you too.”I honestly don’t know what’s going on between these two. JB doesn’t let anything on besides the fact that they still keep in touch. Even though 1 Jr.’s always on tour. And 2 he hates mentioning JJ Project. The two move from the door closing it behind them. I throw a binder on the floor to remind them that people are still in the room before they do anything I don’t want to see. 
“Oh let me pay you back,” JB says. He puts a hand to his pocket. Jr. grabs it. 
“No, think of it as a gift.”
“That was a lot of money Jinyoung.”
“Doesn’t matter. Keep it.” He kisses JB’s cheek. JB holds his cheek. “Um I wanted to tell you something.”
“In person?” JB asks. Jr. nods his head. There’s another knock on the door.  
“I’m not getting it,” I tell them. Yugyeom stands up rushing to the door. In the process he bangs his head against it. Bambam walks in with his arms folded.
“It’s not time to dye my hair again is it?” I ask.
“Your hair is dyed?!” Yugyeom asks in shock.
“Yugyeom I’m Asian of course it’s dyed.”
“It just looks so natural on you,” he says.
“No, they sent me up here because we can hear a lot of screaming downstairs,” Bambam says highly upset.
“What? We’re that loud?” JB asks.
“We? You mean you,” I tell him.
“Are you guys going to shut up now or do I have to stay here for a while?” Bambam asks.
“Well that depends. Is Mark’s life going to get anymore surprising or not?” JB asks glaring at me.
“That’s it,” I tell him. “You okay there Bam? You seem really upset.”
“I lost two customers due to your yelling. That’s a lot of money.”
“I’ll pay you back,” JB says waving a hand at Bambam.
“When did you become so rich?” I ask.
“Mark it’s been over a month since Jackson’s movie came out and I’m still getting a lot of dough from it. Don’t worry your check comes in next week or this week. I don’t keep track.”
“That’s why I’m here,” I remind him.
“Right I’ll pay you for this too,” he adds. Another knock and Yugyeom hits his head on the door again. Is he doing that on purpose?
“Hello my name is Youngjae.” The person says. I slap myself in the face. 
“Again?” I ask.
“The guy comes like once a week,” JB mutters. It appears to be true because Yugyeom and Youngjae greet each other like long lost friends and Bambam eyes the two. Yugyeom looks around the room and smiles.
“The six of us should get together and form a kpop group!” he says randomly.
“Nah nobody’s into even numbers anymore. Try again,” JB says tossing his cup into the trash. I stand up and start packing up my stuff. “What are you doing?” JB asks.
“Going home,” I tell him.
“But it’s only 8 PM!!” he complains.
“Yeah. And I’ve finished three fourths of the work. More than expected. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow.”
“You’re doing something today,” he says eyeing me coyly. 
“Maybe,” I shrug.
“Oh Mark. What will I do with you?” 
“Just pay me.”
“Here,” he says. He hands me a roll of money. “Make sure you pay tonight and tell me all about it tomorrow.”
“As if. And you weren’t suppose to actually pay me!”
“Think of it as indirectly paying him.” I shove the money in my pocket. I’m not even going to count that.

I get to Jackson’s house and just walk in. Sometimes it’s just automatic for me to use my key and get in other times I consider knocking. The first thing I see is a pizza box sitting on the table and then Jackson’s feet hanging over the couch.
“You ate without me?” I ask. I walk around the couch to find him sitting upside down. He looks over at me and lies down on the couch.
“You’re here?” he asks. I bend over and plant my lips on his.
“Yeah. Hi Jacks,” I tell him.
“How was work?” he asks. He smiles up at me.
“Work was work. And your day off?” I ask.
“I need another one,” he says.
“You have another one,” I remind him and sit in the armchair.
“Another one,” he says. His eyes sparkle as he says that.
“And what would you do with one more day?” I ask.
“Spend it with you.” I sigh with a smile on my face he’s so cute. I can’t help but shake off the feeling that it feels like we’re dating. I wish. I guess we’re unofficially dating.
“What are we doing today?” I ask. He shrugs and seems to think about it. “Wanna go drinking?” His eyes light up.
“Let’s go to the club,” he suggests I raise an eyebrow.
“Don’t people go to the club to meet people?” I ask.
“Not all the time,” he says. And sits up. “Let’s do it hyung!” he says. I roll my eyes.
“Fine,” I mutter. “But I can’t dance.” 
“Don’t worry I’ll help you. But first things first. We need to take you home or buy you an outfit.”

He ended up buying me something. It’s the first outfit Jackson has ever given me and it’s something I’d probably never wear again. Black skinny jeans that are so tight it looks like someone spray painted my legs. And a loose v neck where the V is really wide. Jackson wears baggy jeans and a button down shirt that’s messing all of the buttons. I didn’t know you could buy such a top. We get into the club easy. The bouncer just picks us and a few ladies out of the crowd. Jackson holds my hand as we make it through the overcrowded area and right to the bar. He orders two of something I didn’t catch the name of and hands one to me. His head moves really close to mine.
“Love shot,” he whispers in my ear. He wraps his arm around mine and we down the drink. I wince this is one really strong drink. “Another?” I see his lips form the words. It’s incredibly hard to hear anything he’s saying with the music booming through the room. The stereos are as tall as the building and there’s one in every corner. I’m very glad my only experience of clubs were from video games and television. Jackson seems like a pro here. He orders all of these unknown things and shares them with me. If something’s too strong he’d split it between us and if it’s weak he’d mix it with something else. I start to feel a bit tipsy when he guides me to the dance floor. Hot and sweaty bodies press against mine and a lady eyes me like she’s interested. I ignore her and keep my eyes on Jackson. He starts jumping along the beat fist in the air and everyone else follows. Some girl comes over and whispers in his ear. He smiles at her and nods. Next thing I know he’s signing her stomach with a sharpie. I just move side to side so I don’t look lame standing still. The girl looks over at me and says something else to Jackson to which Jackson replies with a head shake and then points at himself.
When I thought I couldn’t feel anymore, hot Jackson faces his back towards me and presses his body against mine.
“What are y-.” He starts to move his hips. He moves them in this slow addicting motion that makes an amazing feeling move through my body. I place my hands on his hips to pull him real close and follow his motions. I knew his hips were amazing but not this amazing. I bend my head back enjoying every movement. I can feel my tight pants get even tighter. A roll of pleasure moves around me and I moan in Jackson’s ear. My head rests on his shoulder.
“Mark hyung,” he whispers teasingly. He bites down on my ear seductively. And that’s all I need to just blow.


Ummm yeah so that happened. Hope you guys liked my small attempt at being dirty. Oh JJ Project!! That was my secret couple. I'm sorry I didn't have Navi. But yeah! Comment tell me what you think. Markson had a pretty good time here. Should my next story be a dirty one?

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Zico01 #1
Chapter 20: Awhh 대박 this was perfection I love this story soooooo much, so sad it had to end though :(
workluvaffair #2
Chapter 19: "Save up for me Mark." ..... WHY ㅠㅠ how can I get past this line at work!! I am not prepared to go to the next chapter because this is too good to end! :(
workluvaffair #3
Chapter 18: I was absolutely not expecting that JJ Project part! Hopefully you branch out to a JJP fic as an extension haha.
workluvaffair #4
Chapter 14: Dang, this is my second/third time reading this chapter and I still get the feels! Good job. ^^
Marzially #5
Chapter 20: This was amazing! It kept me awake till almost 5am! Thanks
Chapter 20: I found this story yesterday and read in one! It was amazing, I really enjoyed reading ^^ I don't have favotite chapter, but I have to say I LOVED Youngjae's character!! When he appeared, I was laughing so hard xDD And Yugyeom was a cutie pie ^^ And of course I liked all of the other characters too, even Mino :D Thank you for sharing this story with us ^^ ♥
Chapter 20: The ending makes me cry tears of joy. Wow!! This story is so good!!! I'm probably gonna reread it again tomorrow.
Mautjezwik #8
Chapter 20: Chapter 20: I read this fanfic in one day because I was so addicted!! Thank you so much for this story! the last chapter is the best end of all fanfics I have read so far.. I would love some extras! Anyways, thank you so much for this. I loved it!
Pandabearsareawesome #9
Chapter 20: Omg!!! I loved this!! And I love the 'it's not hard' reference . I cracked up at that. I'm sad it's over, but hopefully you'll make a new markson fanfic. I would love extras! Anyway, great story I loved it!