Hug Me


At the dead of the night, Chanyeol felt the smaller body next to his move and thrash little by little. Next came the whimpering sound and the quivering weak voice. Groggily, he opened his eyes and saw small tears forming on Baekhyun's beautifully closed eyes. Chanyeol swung his long arm around Baekhyun's slender body and pulled him closer, whispering to him 'It's okay. I'm here. It's okay.'


Slowly, Baekhyun opened his eyes and saw Chanyeol smiling at him. His boyfriend kissed his tear stained face and combed his hair back to land a kiss on his forehead. 'He's still feverish.' Chanyeol thought when he felt Baekhyun's hot skin under his kiss. Like a puppy, Baekhyun snuggled even closer to his boyfriend's bigger build and allowed himself to be rocked to sleep. 


This is already the fifth time that Chanyeol woke up that night. Whenever Baekhyun gets sick, nightmares haunt him all night long. He can't get any decent sleep and it only hinders his recovery all the more. It's already the fever's second day on Baekhyun. Last night, Chanyeol asked him to just sleep at his place, fully aware that nightmares will never leave his lover alone. But Baekhyun refused, saying that it was only a cold and he'll get better the next day. But in the following day, Baekhyun failed to show up to class and Chanyeol, after being completely distracted all day with the unanswered messages, left school early to get to his place. There, he found his boyfriend in a worse condition than yesterday.


Baekhyun was on his bed when Chanyeol came barging in. He saw his boyfriend's worried look as he approached. He tried speaking but he managed to croak at best. His throat was so dry and he felt so hot and cold at the same time. His vision was getting blurry and it was hard to focus on Chanyeol's face.


"Don't talk." Chanyeol said when he tried to apologize for not listening to him yesterday. His boyfriend disappeared for a while and came back with a basin and a towel at hand. Carefully, Chanyeol started wiping his face, his neck, his arms, then the rest of his fevered skin. It cooled him enough to relax but not enough to put him to sleep.


Chanyeol noticed Baekhyun's blood shot eyes and he knew that the fever is only part of the reason. 


"Did you get any sleep last night?" Chanyeol asked after fixing his pillow and changing his sweat soaked shirt.


Baekhyun simply shook his head and mouthed 'nightmares'. Chanyeol started wiping Baekhyun's face with a dry towel, cursing himself for being too soft on his boyfriend last night. He knew better than to trust Baekhyun to make it through the night while he's sick. He'd seen his insomnia attacks more than anyone, besides his family, and he still gave in to Baekhyun's plead of staying alone. Now he fully regrets it. It was true that it was just a cold. Was. Now there's no doubt that it had developed into a flu.


"Can't you sleep now?" he asked softly, as softly as his deep voice can grant him. Again, Baekhyun simply shook his head. 


"Did you take your medicine yet?" he asked again.


"N...Not yet..." Baekhyun said in that broken dry voice of his. Chanyeol tried his best to understand what Baekhyun is trying to say in order to avoid his sick lover from straining himself too much.


"You haven't eaten yet?" When Baekhyun gave him the nod, he quickly took his feet to the kitchen and whipped out a simple porridge. He fed him and gave him the flu medicines then settled him back on the bed, but Baekhyun's eyes refuse to close.


"Try sleeping a little Baek." he pleaded. But his lover just gave him that pitiful look and shook his head.


"I'll be here. I promise. I won't leave." Chanyeol said as he clasped Baekhyun's beautiful hands in his.


"Hug... me." Baekhyun managed to say after much effort. Chanyeol pondered for a bit. Baekhyun's bed is obviously not made for two grown boys and he's sure that his lover won't be anywhere near comfortable with the two of them there, but Baekhyun's look was so desperate that it left him no choice but to climb in next to him.


Chanyeol tried to position himself as best as he could in Baekhyun's small bed, giving the other as much space as his big long body can grant. But his sick lover had no plans consuming the space Chanyeol provided because he just snuggled closer to him, squeezing his smaller build to his boyfriend. A few minutes later and Baekhyun was breathing heavily at Chanyeol's neck, his hot breath an obvious indication of his fever, but at least he had managed to fall asleep, or that's what Chanyeol thought. After a while, Baekhyun started thrashing in Chanyeol's arms, whimpering and quivering. Chanyeol tightened his embrace and kissed his forehead, whispering 'I'm here. I'm here.' Then Baekhyun will open his eyes to see Chanyeol's face and confirm that he's still indeed there.


Baekhyun only managed to sleep an hour at most before he starts thrashing again. Chanyeol felt so sorry and helpless. He's fully wishing that the insomnia attacks will stop getting in the way because there's no way for Baekhyun to recover quickly if he can't get any proper rest. 


"Chanyeol... hug me..." Baekhyun pleaded when he woke up for the sixth time and Chanyeol complied. Every time Baekhyun will open his eyes, Chanyeol makes an effort to show him a smile to comfort him. At least with his presence there, Baekhyun is willing to be rocked to sleep because he's sure that if his lover was alone, he'll just quit sleeping altogether like what happened last night.


After the sixth time though, Baekhyun had managed to sleep the rest of the night and Chanyeol was more than happy to see his sleeping face. His fever was mostly gone by the next morning but Chanyeol forbids him to go to school yet.


Meanwhile, Chanyeol went to school because at least one of them needs to go and take down some notes in class. Afterwards, he made a short stop to his dormitory to pick up some clothes. This time, he's determined not to leave Baekhyun for another night if he still have the slightest hint of his fever. It might be just an acute insomnia but it still worries him that Baekhyun isn't getting any proper sleep. He also stopped by the supermarket nearby to replenish the kitchen for healthy foods and some fruit juices.


He arrived back at Baekhyun's place and was wishing that he'll see him sleeping in the bed but his boyfriend just lied there with his sleepy eyes, but certainly awake.


"Why aren't you sleeping, Baek?" Chanyeol asked when he reached the bedside.


"Can't." was all the answer Baekhyun gave him. Chanyeol just sighed, he doesn't need any more explanation to understand the reason behind it. After preparing a simple meal, feeding him and making him take his medicines, Chanyeol checked his temperature by resting his hand on his lover's forehead. 'Still a bit feverish.' He stared at Baekhyun's face for a while then asked, "Do you want to sleep?" 


Instead of nodding or saying yes, Baekhyun searched for Chanyeol's hand and said, "Chanyeol, hug me."


Akira: I intended to make this as just a oneshot XiuHan fic but the other couples are bothering me... GAH! Please just forgive me and enjoy reading ^o^


P.S. I might write about the rest of my ships hihi >o<

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Chapter 2: holy mother of fluff what the hell my heart has been filled with rainbows
aprilboy20 #2
Chapter 1: this gives me feels...... i am regaining my xiuhan fells because of this fic
Chapter 1: if only i can have my own luhan too to tuck me in my bed. seriously, i keep on tossing around my bed just to get some sleep but the heat is too overwhelming. i even find myself awake every 2am-3am..
Jdragon2006 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww! so cute!
Mi-ssingkoala #5
Chapter 1: Omg I actually teared up as I read this. This is so simple but really sweet and it tugged at my heart. It's hot all year round here in my country and my body clock is so screwed up that I can't sleep before a certain time (which is like 3-4am) and this is doing for me and my health. And studies too. Now I wish I had someone to go for walks with me when I can't sleep too ;-; maybe my sleep cycle would be back to normal.. >< thanks for writing this author, and it's good to see your stories again!
(PS. I miss xiuhan so much my heart hurts </3)
Chapter 1: So cute me too how i wish to have someone to wlk with during my insomnia specially dese days,anyway dis was so cute n i miss xiuhan so so much
VintageBlack #7
Xiuhaaaaaaaan <3
Summer is almost ending though :'c only a month and it's the start of school again ;A;

Waiting for this :D
i feel you (both for writing XiuHan & the summer here) XD the heat is too much really that i wanted to submerge myself in ice cold water everynight XD i wish i could go for a walk at night like XiuHan will do ㅋㅋㅋ