Walk with Me


For the last three hours, Luhan had been seated and faced his Chemistry book at his study table. He usually start studying as early as he can so he can free his late night hours. He'd started to nod off while holding his pen when his phone buzzed near him. Before checking his message, he looked at the small clock on his table. It was 11:15 p.m. Luhan doesn't need to check who the sender is because there is only one person who would message him at this hour of the night.


He opened the message sent to him by his beautiful lover. As always, it contained three short words of request.


Walk with me?


Luhan smiled as he reread the message sent to him by Minseok. It was short and simple but it was enough for Luhan to feel how vulnerable his strong lover is and it made him happy that now, Minseok relies on him at these times.


He'd been getting this message at least once a week and thrice a week at most. Minseok is already sensitive to the change in temperature in the first place, so extreme heat or extreme cold could easily disrupt his sleep. It had been extremely hot lately and it did nothing but worsen Minseok's insomnia attacks. 


Minseok didn't message him this often before because he didn't want to be too much of a burden on Luhan. But one day, he came to school looking really weak and unwell. Luhan already had the rough guess that Minseok had the short end of the stick ever since the summer started three weeks ago, but what displeased him was that his lover didn't tell him anything about his difficulties. After the class finished, he pulled Minseok to a nearby school bench and interrogated him, Luhan refused to do this conversation in class because this is a matter that needed to be talked about seriously.


"What time did you sleep last night?" Luhan asked. He intended to use an angry tone but seeing Minseok's state, he just couldn't muster the will to be. Instead, his hand instinctively went to comb the not so tidy hair that falls on Minseok's forehead.


"Around 4 a.m. I guess." Minseok replied in a low husky voice with the obvious mark of exhaustion etched in every word. He looked so tired that Luhan just wanted to send him home and sleep the day away but they have their next class in the next hour and two others after that.


Luhan's hand went to comb the rest of Minseok's hair at the back of his head before softly asking him. "What time did you wake up?" His eyes were full of concern while looking at the unattractive bags that decorate the underside of  Minseok's beautiful eyes. Minseok rubbed one of his sleepy, tired eyes, letting out a yawn before answering his boyfriend.


"Before 6:30." And he let out another yawn, his eyes tearing up slightly at his sleepiness.


"How often?" he asked again.


"This is the second time this week." Minseok answered honestly.


Luhan felt the weight in his chest and pulled Minseok in an embrace. In return, his lover hugged him back, snuggling closer to Luhan and resting his head on the curve of his shoulder.


This just confirmed Luhan's suspicion. He's well aware about Minseok's insomnia. The extreme changes in temperature affects his lover so much that he can't sleep properly at night. He knew this summer is hotter than ever before and the season is not being very nice to Minseok's health. He let Minseok lean on to his shoulder so he can take a short nap before their next class.


While Minseok slept comfortably next to him, Luhan tried to think of ways he can help his lover. Minseok won't be able to survive the next few days if he have to function with less than three hours of sleep. He peeked at his lover's sleeping face and felt the heart stabbing pain when he saw his tired face. 'How long since his insomnia attacked?' He cursed himself for not opening the topic earlier. He vaguely knew that Minseok isn't getting enough sleep but he tried to be patient and wait until his lover tells him about it.


At 10 minutes before their class, he unwillingly shook Minseok awake. He would've let him sleep longer but Minseok won't let him off if they were late. Minseok let out a stiffled yawn and lightly rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Luhan carefully took both of Minseok's hand in his and stared directly at him.


"Minseok, when your insomnia attacks, call me or message me, okay?" he pleaded, squeezing Minseok's smaller hands to deliver his message.


"I can't do that to you, Lu. It's better if only one of us is burdened by this." Minseok argued back. Luhan let out a small smile. This is one of the reasons he fell in love with Minseok. He's just too nice like this. He refused to burden anyone as long as he can help it. But this time, Luhan wished that Minseok will just let himself be taken care of.


"You're burdening me more with how you look." Luhan said as he brushed his hand on Minseok's cheek and let his thumb trace those dark bags under his eyes. "Promise me you'll at least message me. If you don't I'll stay up the whole night." Yes. He's not playing fair, but there's no other way to make Minseok give in to his request.


"Oh, Lu..."


"I won't take no for an answer. You know how stubborn I am, Kim Minseok." Luhan threatened.


Minseok looked at him with pleading eyes, but this is something Luhan had decided on. He intends to help Minseok in any way he can and for him to do that he needs to be by his side when it happens. After a good few seconds, Minseok released a heavy sigh and nodded. Luhan smiled and gave him a peck on the forehead.


"You promised, okay?" Luhan confirmed.


"Yes. Yes. I'll message you." Minseok said in a surrendering tone.


They decided that if at 11:00 p.m. and sleepiness still refuses to find its way to Minseok, he's going to message Luhan about it, then the both of them will think of a way to get Minseok sleeping.


That night, Luhan received his first message regarding Minseok's insomnia attack. He wasn't sure how Minseok will tell him about it through a message so he was looking forward as to what the message contained. He opened it and found three short words.


Walk with me?


It had been three weeks since they made that arrangement. Like what Minseok requested in his messages, they indeed walked for a while under the dark starry night. Sometimes, they'll walk slowly for a few hours and at other times it's as short as less than an hour. They'll circle the university or go by the 24 hour convenience store or just buy some food at the street. Minseok chose to walk around because beside loving the stroll, he told Luhan that it would be a great way to get some air and freshen up, plus walking will tire him out somehow, just enough to make him sleepy.


Ever since they did this, Minseok's condition had been improving. The latest time he went to bed was 2:00 a.m. and if they're lucky, Luhan can tuck him in bed by 12:00 a.m. Although, Minseok's request to stroll around still comes as often as twice or thrice a week, at least he's not staying up late enough to get those heavy eyebags.


This night, Minseok sent him the very same message he sends every night his insomnia attacks, but the 15 minute delay bothered Luhan. Before he can type a response though, his phone rang and he accidentally answered it without seeing who the caller is due to his surprise.


"Hey Lu." Minseok's voice spoke from the other line.


"Minseok! I was just about to message you. What's with the 15 minute delay?" Luhan asked.


"Well, you always fetch me for our evening walks so this time I'll be the one to get you. I'm here outside."


Luhan stood up and peeked at his window and Minseok is indeed there, wearing a comfortable shirt and shorts that reaches just above his knees. Luhan slipped on his sandals and hurriedly went outside to meet him.


"Where do you want to go tonight?" Luhan asked as he took Minseok's hand and intertwined their fingers.


"I just want to walk around the campus." Minseok answered, already pulling Luhan to start their stroll.


They walked slowly while chatting. There were still a lot of students outside, either partying or just walking around like they are. Luhan kept a close eye on Minseok, trying to detect the faintest hint of exhaustion on his face but he looked nowhere near that. Luhan worried that it might take longer than usual before Minseok can sleep tonight. But when they reached one of the school bench near the grass field, Minseok leaned on him, his head on Luhan's shoulder with their hands still together, and he knew that it's time to go back.


"Wanna sleep at my room?" Luhan offered. This won't be the first time that Minseok slept in his room. At nights when it's just too hot to bear, even after having their usual stroll, Luhan will insist that Minseok sleep at his place, where there is better airconditioning, because he worries that when the other gets back in his own dorm, he might not get to sleep right away because of the heat. 


"But then you'll have to sleep on the couch again." Minseok answered.


"Minseok, it's okay. Please, just let me spoil you during these times." Luhan said. He brought Minseok's hand to his lips and gave it some butterfly kisses then snuggled his face to it. In the end, Minseok agreed and both of them started walking back to Luhan's dormitory.


"Summer's almost over." Luhan commented as they drew near his place.


"Yeah. All this heat will soon be gone." Minseok followed up.


Luhan knew that it's too selfish of him to wish that summer will stretch just a few more weeks because despite all the worries the summer brought him, their late night walks had been something to look forward to. He loved walking hand in hand with Minseok around the school, or the look in his eyes when sleepiness finally finds its way to him, or those stifled yawns that he tried so hard to restrain. All of those will have to leave together with the summer season. He should be glad that Minseok's sleeping pattern will return to normal after this but somehow he can't help feeling sad about saying goodbye to his lover's short messages during insomnia nights.


"We can still take walks sometimes, if you want." Minseok said next to him. Luhan looked at his side and despite the dim light of the night, he saw Minseok's pink flushed face. A smile stretched across Luhan's face before wrapping his arm around Minseok's waist and pulling him in for a sweet tender kiss. It's a good thing that the night blew a whip of cold wind because the heat of summer was amplifying the heat of their bodies wrapped in each other's arms.


When they parted, Luhan smiled at him without bothering to let Minseok leave his arms. "I really should be tucking you in bed right now." He landed another peck on Minseok's lips and touched their foreheads together.


Minseok chuckled and answered. "Yeah, you should be."


Slowly, they covered the remaining distance to Luhan's place. Both of them smiling while their fingers remain locked in each other's grasp. And Luhan is being extremely happy, thinking that next time it might be his turn to message Minseok their three words of late night strolls.


Walk with me?


Akira: Hah... It's been such a long time since I last wrote some XiuHan fluff and it feels really nice >o< Been a really long time since I also left some A/N. ^o^ As I said in the foreword, this story is inspired by my own insomnia episode nights. Oh how I wish I also have someone to walk with every time my insomnia attacks. Anyway, thank you for reading :) please subscribe, upvote and leave me comments :) I love you all :) <3

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Chapter 2: holy mother of fluff what the hell my heart has been filled with rainbows
aprilboy20 #2
Chapter 1: this gives me feels...... i am regaining my xiuhan fells because of this fic
Chapter 1: if only i can have my own luhan too to tuck me in my bed. seriously, i keep on tossing around my bed just to get some sleep but the heat is too overwhelming. i even find myself awake every 2am-3am..
Jdragon2006 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww! so cute!
Mi-ssingkoala #5
Chapter 1: Omg I actually teared up as I read this. This is so simple but really sweet and it tugged at my heart. It's hot all year round here in my country and my body clock is so screwed up that I can't sleep before a certain time (which is like 3-4am) and this is doing for me and my health. And studies too. Now I wish I had someone to go for walks with me when I can't sleep too ;-; maybe my sleep cycle would be back to normal.. >< thanks for writing this author, and it's good to see your stories again!
(PS. I miss xiuhan so much my heart hurts </3)
Chapter 1: So cute me too how i wish to have someone to wlk with during my insomnia specially dese days,anyway dis was so cute n i miss xiuhan so so much
VintageBlack #7
Xiuhaaaaaaaan <3
Summer is almost ending though :'c only a month and it's the start of school again ;A;

Waiting for this :D
i feel you (both for writing XiuHan & the summer here) XD the heat is too much really that i wanted to submerge myself in ice cold water everynight XD i wish i could go for a walk at night like XiuHan will do ㅋㅋㅋ