Chapter 1

Comfort Me
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[CONTENTID1] Chapter 1: A Bit of the Past

"Promise me you won't leave me like everyone else did"[/CONTENTID1] 


Eunbi's Point of View

Afternoon came sooner than I wanted it to, but finally I finished all my classes for the day. Exhausted from the classes, I headed towards Minseok’s apartment, hoping to get a little rest before he finishes up with his classes. Opening the door to the apartment, I set my backpack down next to the sofa before collapsing on the sofa to get some rest. It was raining lightly and the weather was quite warm. Listening to the relaxing sounds of raindrops, I ended up falling asleep on the couch before I knew it.



“Hey Rinny! Do you want to go get bubble tea with the rest of the guys today?”

“Sure! Let me just pack my stuff together and we can go!”


“Hey Luhan! You promised to get bubble tea with me today so let’s go!”

“What do you mean you can’t?”

“Oh, I see. You can’t let her wander by herself. Go ahead; I’m pretty sure we can get bubble tea another time!”


“Why did you do that?! Are you crazy, Moonri??”

“You’re such a and . I don’t get why we were friends in the first place.”


Once again I stood in the middle of the same road I’ve seen too many times for my liking. A road that had changed my life for the worst. Through the countless times I’ve been on this road, no matter how many times I wanted things to change and to avoid such a horrible incident; my body would just refuse to move. Implanted in my spot, I waited for the same thing to happen as it did countless times before. Soon enough I heard the sound that I was all too familiar with, the sound of a truck honking. Closing my eyes, I hoped that this recollection would pass quickly and I could move on…



My eyes snapped open as I felt a light shake on my shoulders. The familiar figure of Minseok stood in front of me looking at me with eyes full of concern. “Are you okay? You were crying in your sleep,” he said as he held my face with his hands and wiped away the tears. “I’m okay, it was just that dream again,” I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his chest. He knew full well what I was talking about and simply embraced me as he caressed my hair. “It’s okay. I am here for you now and forever,” he gently said.

“I’m really exhausted from today’s classes,” I mumbled as my eyes started to slowly close from the nice warmth that his body was emitting. “Then I’m guessing we’re not going to go hang out with the rest of the guys today?” he asked softly as he continued to softly my hair. “Not today, I’m just really tired…” I said starting to trail off as I slowly fell into dream world once again.

“…Just promise me that you won’t leave me like everyone else did…” I whispered.

Third Person Point of View

Minseok stared at the girl in his arms and a soft but sad smile spread across his lips. He was beyond thankful that god had given him a chance with the girl of his dreams, but he was upset with himself that he couldn’t have protected her from the incident that changed her life. If only he was able to take her away before the whole incident occurred, she wouldn’t be the broken girl she wa

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