
Talk With Kkamjong? [EDITING]


"Jongin-ah,can i ask you a favor?" ask Kyungsoo while waiting for the bus. "Yeah sure? why not?" Jongin smile. "Well, as you can see ... you're now 'one' of my friends and ... wouldyouliketocomewithmeonadinner?" Kyungsoo ask still in the same expression (probprably with his flat expression). "Dinner? tommorow?" answer Jongin (Kyungsoo thought Jongin will freak out when he ask him to get a dinner). "Well, actually with my friends. T-they .. well they want to meet you! They're expecting me to meet a new friends. so, if you can join the dinner it will be nice! It was a faith to meet you ... " explain Kyungsoo nervously. Jongin nod, "Haha! I'm really happy to meet you too Kyungsoo hyung (after having a short conversation on the cafe, he knew that Kyungsoo is older than him). So where is it?"."Oh yeah! On Vivapolo at 7pm!" answer Kyungsoo  with a smile plastered on his face. Then the bus come. Kyungsoo walk to the enterence. "Wait, you don't--?" Jongin chuckle, "Nah, i'm just accompanying you. Can i've your number?". "Sure, its-xxxxxxxxxxxxx" answer Kyungsoo. "Okay, see you!" said Jongin happily.





Kyungsoo sigh in frustated. It was the day. And he doesn't sure about Jongin; it's not like he doesn't tell anything to Jongin and trust him as one of his friend. But he just think the 2 couple will ask something that completely out of his mind. "Just relax, Do Kyungsoo..." Kyungsoo as he drink the tea slowly. But no he can't relax. He doesn't want his money is out from his pocket to buy all of the stuff that couple want! Then why don't he just chatt with Kkamjong? Maybe that robot can make him relief.


                            Kyungsoo : Actually i was really surprise that you can help me Kai. Thank you so much ! Without you i can meet Jongin in Kkamong Cafe :)

                         Kai : It's not a problem Kyungie~ It was a pleasure to help you. Jongin? 

                          Kyungsoo : Yes Jongin ... he's a nice guy and also  he's really friendly! thanks god he didn't freak out when i ask him for a dinner today 

              Kai : Is he handsome? 

                            Kyungsoo : It's not really a matter if he's handsome or not. at least he's a good listener and yeah! He's completely a good friend for me! 

                   Kai : WHy Kyungie doesn't want to tell me if he's handsome or not! Tell me! D:

                     Kyungsoo : FInd, he's handsome. Really handsome. hot. i think a lots of girl want to be his girlfriend. Btw he has a same name dog with you Kai!

                  http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/327/6/b/exo_kai_chibi_png_by_sooyounglover-d6vf7dj.pngKai : Oh really? That's good! 


Kyungsoo smile a bit. at least he doesn't really worried now. suddenly there's a message from Baekhyun ;


                                                  Don't late baby soo~ And remember ... if you lost this bad you must buy us we want in 2 months! :9 see ya! - baekliner


Kyungsoo bit his lower lips. Now it's all depend on Jongin if he can answer Baekyeol question properly he will be free from this bet! He tap the back sign and continue chatting with the robots.


                  Kyungsoo : I've a dinner at Viva polo with Baekhyun and Chanyeol < my annoying friends. I bet you don't remember. But i also go there with JOngin.

            Kai : Who's annoying friends? 


"Right, a robot can't remember ... He's a robot Kyungsoo not a human" mumble Kyungsoo while typing for the next answer.


                     Kyungsoo : Forget it~ I think i should prepare before i go there. Wish me luck 

         Kai : Bye Kyungie~ See You Soon


Then Kyungsoo close the app and quickly went to his room the change his cloth. Wearing a black sweater and jeans.

(well just imagine he's wearing this sweater. 'cause he's really hot no. cute here;A;)




 Already done he lock his apartment door and walk to the bus stop. Glancing at his clock it's near to 6.35pm and he should arrive at leas 15-10 minutes before 7pm (he have motto that he should not late if having an appointment). "Kyungsoo hyung!" his eye wide when he heard a familiar sound, "jongin". He look up but only meet by a black sedan that stop in front of him. The door car wide open, then step Jongin wearing a black plaid shirt with a snapback around his head.

          "I don't know you live around here?" Kyungsoo stare at Jongin.  He chuckle, "Not really ... it's just passing this street is nearer hyung". Kyungsoo mouth shut. "So, let's go there together!"Jongin take a grip on Kyungsoo wrist and lead him to the front seat. And quickly run back to the driver seat. "Woa, i don't know you're rich Jongin" said Kyungsoo said plainly, eye staring on the street. "No, i'm not rich" answer Jongin. "So ... just like what i said that my friends want to meet you. But first i'll tell you their name. The one that have a brunette hair name Baekhyun and second the tall one with a yoda ear name Chanyeol" explain Kyungsoo eyeing the boy who's younger that him who already drive. "Okay, Baekhyun and Chanyeol. anything else?" Jongin nod in understand. "Well, i think--you know they will ask you a question. i'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable" Kyungsoo answer shortly. "You keep saying sorry, hyung. It's okay! i'd love to help you kyungi-- Kyungsoo hyung!" Then the car filled with a comfortable silent around them.         




"Kyungsoo! You're here!" said Mrs.Park when Kyungsoo enter the restaurant. "Annyeong haseyo~" Kyungsoo bow. Jongin who's walking besides him stop and follow him to bow. "Ah, i think i never see him? Who's he?" ask Mrs.Park smile to Jongin. "O-oh, he's Jongin" Kyungsoo smile and then turn his head to Jongin, "Jongin-ah, this is Mrs. Park. Chanyeol mother". "Ah~ So you're Chanyeol mother! Nice to meet you, Mrs.Park!"JOngin smile. "Aw~ Nice to meet you too Jongin. You're really handsome! So, Baekhyun and Chanyeol are already on the private table. You can go there" answer Mrs.Park. "THank you!" said Kyungsoo. "Woa, private table? Really?!" said Jongin excitedly. Kyungsoo chuckle, "Yeah .. of course. I never expect that this two will arrive on time. They usually late". "Really? Maybe they don't want to wait to see me, hyung~~" answer Jongin. Kyungoo rolled his eye. Sometimes he realize that actually Jongin is really childish.

              "Kyungsoo!!!!" a loud shout from his 2 idiots friends while waving at them. "Ya~ Hyung, i already meet them when we first met remember?" Jongin whisper. Kyungsoo can feel a hot breath on his ear. "U-uh! Y-yeah!" Kyungsoo scratch his neck nervously. "Annyeong haseyo!" Jongin bow at them. "So, you're ..?" Chanyeol ask excitedly. "Kim Jongin or you can call me Kai" said Jongin. Kyungsoo eyes shot open when he heard Jongin sentences. . if Baekhyun remember about their last time conversation ....


"I swear, Kyungsoo tell me what happen to you! Or ... Do you have a boyfriend?! Without telling me?!" Baekhyun move closer. "Please ... you know me" Kyungsoo fake laugh. "Really? Huh?" mock Baekhyun then take Kyungsoo's phone from his hand. "Byun Baekhyun!" yell Kyungsoo. "Ow..ow.. What happen?" ask Chanyeol who has a snack in all of his hand. "Kai? Who's Kai?" ask Baekhyun. "So, you've a boyfriend DO-yah!!" Chanyeol start to smile creepiily. 


"I think i saw you before?" continue Chanyeol. "Yeah! We meet when my dog escape from the dog lash" answer Jongin. "Yeah, remember the dog that approaching me?" continue Kyungsoo. Chanyeol smile widely, "Please please... take a sit!". In otherside Baekhyun stare at Jongin sharply. "Kai? Isn't that name is the one who chatt with you Kyungsoo?!" said Baekhyun surprise. "EXPLAIN TO ME DO KYUNGSOO. YOU SAID THAT HE'S ONLY A ROBOT?!! I KNOW HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Baekhyun cross his hand. Kyungsoo shook his head, still trying to be calm. "It's not like what you think, Byun. Kai is not only a name for robot. and to explain that J-jongin ... his friends ... like to called him Kai" said Kyungsoo.  "I don't believe you Do Kyungsoo~" mock Baekhyun. "Whatever" Kyungsoo mumble. Jongin laugh at the side. "Oh, shut up you two! Now let's start asking Jongin a question!" said Chanyeol. "Question?" repeat Jongin. "Uhuh, to check if you're really know Do Kyungsoo really well" continue Chanyeol. "Chanyeol, i think he's Kyungsoo boyfriend! I think we lost?" whisper Baekhyun. "Don't think like that first! What if he and kai the chatting robot unfortunately having the same name? Just start asking him a question, baek!" whisper Chanyeol. "Hello, i don't want to be here just seeing you guys whispering something dirty?" Kyungsoo said sarcastically. "Haha, Kyungsoo hyung~ don't be like that!" Jongin pat Kyungsoo back. "Okay! Let's start!" said Baekhyun while glancing at kyungsoo. 

                  "What major that Kyungsoo entered for his university?"

Kyungsoo let out a relief breath, yesterday he told Jongin about what major he's entering. His eyes on Jongin, "Well he's entering Music major" answer Jongin easily.

                 "Okay, great answer! Right ... Now, do you know his favorite colour?"

Jongin chuckle, "Isn't it too obvious? He almost wear anything in black!". Kyungsoo nod, "thanks god .. you're right even i didn't tell you. you're clever Jongin."

               "Next question ... What is Kyungsoo favorite food?"

Kyungsoo breath hitched. Oh damn. He doesn't tell that! Chanyeol smirk in full of victory. Jongin mouth shut then his eye become wide like remembering something. "H-he like spaghetti! a few days ago he made a spaghetti for his own around 11pm" answer Jongin. Kyungsoo eyes become wide. more wider than the usual. wait. how can he know that? Baekhyun mouth gasped in surprise. "Don't say that you guys live together?!" said Baekhyun. "No! NO!" they answer in the same time. Kyungsoo glance at Jongin that know smiling at him. "dont worry" mouthed jongin. 

               "How did you fugging know that Kyungsoo made a spaghetti for his own around 11pm?!" ask Chanyeol in disbelief then he shook his head. "Okay, continue to the next question. Kyungsoo is like to watch 1 movie this week. no, this month. what movie is that?" 

"Oh, come on... why do you ask something like that?" ask Kyungsoo start to feel worry. "In fact if he's really your friend then he should know almost everything! Just like us~ Right baekkie~~" said Chanyeol. "Yes baby!" answer Baekhyun excitedly. "It's Bourne Legacy" Jongin answer shortly. Kyungsoo turn his head. "God, how did he know?!" thought Kyungsoo. suddenly he remember ... the day when he feel bored while spending his time chatting with Kai in Talk with Kkamjong app.



             Kyungsoo : It's almost midnight ... But i can't sleep. Robot doesn't sleep right?

      Kai : Of course, robot never sleep Kyungie~ It was one of my purpose; to accompany everyone in the morning even in the midnight!

             Kyungsoo : That's good.

       Kai : Kyungie~ why don't you watch something interesting?

            Kyungsoo : Right, lately i like to watch Bourne Legacy! I should watch it again:)

      Kai : The one who made me also like to watch Bourne Legacy. Okay then, enjoy your movie!

end of flash back


Kyungsoo shook his head in disbelief while glancing at Jongin who's now laughing at Chanyeol and Baekhyun expression, "Nah... it can't be. Kai is Kai. not a human but he's a robot. except the one who made him". "Oh my god, we loose!" the brunette boy pout. "Woa, Kyungsoo ... it seems like you tell everything to Jongin!" Chanyeol stare at Kyungsoo still in shock expression. "Uh, y-yeah.. of course!" Kyungsoo smile sincerly. Jongin smile at him. "I don't think you guys only a friend. Kyungsoo, if he's your boyfriend just tell us! don't lie!" mumble Baekhyun, eyes on the food. Chanyeol nod; mouth still chewing the pork, "Yeah! Jongin, so you're Kyungsoo boyfriend? Tell us the truth! Don't act like you guys just newly meet each other and etc etc".

            Kyungsoo cough nervously. "We're not dating! Why you guys so stubborn! Right Jongin-ah?" said Kyungsoo as he turn his head to Jongin who's eating a chicken happily. Baekhyun and Chanyeol stare at Jongin. now all of them focusing on Jongin. "i thought, you're my mate hyung" said Jongin. "jon-jongin!" Kyungsoo confusedly stare at jongin; hand hitting his shoulder. "Why are you saying that! They're not joking! W-we're not even dating, i am not your mate or whater--- it is!" Kyungsoo whisper in panic. "THat's it! stop acting. Congratulation Kyungsoo!" said Baekhyun happily. "You're chosing the right mate!" Chanyeol clap excitedly. Kyungsoo mouth shut, palm on his forehead. in the other side Jongin seems to enjoy it, "Thank you guys!"




"Hey, Jongin ... Are you playing at me?" ask Kyungsoo coldly after they entered the car. Jongin turn his head, "What do you mean playing at you? I am not".  "But, you tell them that we're a- mate! we're not even a mate. you know?" said Kyungsoo. "You don't like it, if we're a mate?"Jongin ask in a serious tone. Kyungsoo sigh,"It's not like that. But,doesn't you feel uncomfortable and annoyed with it? what if----". Jongin stop the car and park on the side of the street. "Look, hyung ... Stop mumbling about it" cut Jongin, he looks really upset right now. "I don't know if you feel the same or not, but i don't feel annoyed and uncomfortable about it" Kyungsoo hum in response, heart flutters because of the younger sentences. because it's good to know jongin doesn't feel annoyed with it. Before Jongin saying something, Kyungsoo already bombard him with a question.

                 "Jongin, how did you know that my favorite food is spaghetti  ? and i eat it on 11 pm?" 

                 "And my favorite movie is Bourne legacy?"

                "Why you tell them that they can called you kai & why is your dog have the same name like 'Kai' have?"

                "Is it just fortune or you're just lying? And if i don't get wrong. you've a hobby to make a game or programs?"

Kyungsoo stare at him in Confusion, "This is crazy but ... are you the one who make Talk with Kkamjong?". Jongin shut his mouth then he take a deep breath. Giving KYungsoo the sweetest smile that he ever see. "Yeah, you're right. I am Kai." said Jongin. Kyungsoo eyes wide open. Jongin chuckle, "Don't look at me like i'm a ghost! Shouldn't you thanking for me?". "oh my god i can't believe it. so after all of this time, the one who answer my chatt is not a robots?! a-and You read my conversation with your robot?" ask Kyungsoo. "Yeah, it's hurt when you say that kai is only a robots and doesnt exist!" Jongin pout. "I've really owed you! and I am really sorry to make you doing something like this just because of m--" but only cutted by Jongin lips. "YOu shouldn't say sorry. I regret to help and chatt with someone like you hyung~" he continue, chuckle at blushing Kyungsoo. "And by the way about the mateproblem; i think it's not only a word but we also should do it in reality ... Do you want to be my mate?" continue Jongin. Kyungsoo smile brightly, "It was a pleasure to be your mate mr. Kkamjong" as he kiss passionately the younger lips. Now he doesn't feel regrets to download that application. 



The END. 

           after a long day/ months finally i can finish this :D I hope you enjoy this fic. and sorry i think the  story ending is really lame& boring!  comment!

                    Sorry if i write a lots of mistake! I am still learning thought. THank you so much! Bye bye.





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Chapter 4: That must be a good side of simsimi....
*often get annoyed by simi and her trash language xD lol xD
Chapter 4: Lol you got inspired from simsimi but she is so rude not like kkamjoon I wish it was a real app he is so cute
This story was awesome!!!!
Please continue making awesome stories author nim!! :)
magicbananas #3
Chapter 3: I really like this!! I think.. I want more chappies! (If you want to hehe)
cloud4jongin #4
Chapter 3: From my opinion, i think u should do another 3 chapter ? Huh? What do u think.
cloud4jongin #5
Chapter 1: I cant wait for the next chapter TTTT hurry!!
cloud4jongin #6
seems fun to me :)