
Talk With Kkamjong? [EDITING]

  I'm sorry Kyungsoo, i cant go with you.  I already have appointment with someone else): i'm really sorry -Chen

Chanyeol is taking me to the zoo! He act like a kid when he see all of the animals that he pass. btw sorry i can't hang out with you - Baekhyun


Kyungsoo throw his phone harshly to the sofa besides him. "Yes Do Kyungsoo, just accept the fact that now you're alone and you doesn't have a boyfriend while your friends has" Kyungsoo close his eye and take a deep breath, yeah he's going to spend this long holiday alone. He turn on the TV lazily; in fact there is nothing interesting. He glance at his phone besides him, hoping someone ask him to hang out. Kyungsoo shook his head; it's impossible someone messages him in a day like this (moreover he's on a holiday too). Kyungsoo take his phone and quickly open the Google. 'Ways to avoid being bored'


Feeling bored over the holidays? Here's a list things you can do to make the most of them.

  1. Read an Amazing Book

"Nah, i always do this everyday ..."

                2. See a Good movie 

"Hmm, yeah .. well Okay maybe i can find a good movie and watch it later"

        3.Get a pet

"Hell no. I can't let my pet poop somewhere in this floor ew. no, i want my house to stay clean"

         4. Listen to good music 

"Right, Kyungsoo ... why don't you just listen to good music and write a poems about your loneliness?"

        5.Download a popular artifical intelligence conversation program


"Conversation program? Is this exist?" Kyungsoo close all of the tabs and search for 'artifical intelligence conversation program'. "Hmm, simsimi? chatterbot? oh! What this? Talk with Kkamjong?"  Kyungsoo eyes wide and quickly tap the application name. "What is it?" 



    is super advanced chatting robot named kai. Teach kai a good words, when Kai said a bad word speech buble to report it. Everybody be happy with Kai! No one feel bored anymore, because Kai will listen to all of your problem,story,anything~ Have fun!


"Interesting. Let's try" Kyungsoo tap the install buttom and wait for a few second untill it's finish. Kyungsoo open the application, fill the nickname that he want (he doesn't really understand this so he write Kyungie instead of his full name), and PUFF! appear a cute-chibi-boy saying 'hi' to him. "Well, okay .. this is nice. Just like chatting with people" said Kyungsoo start to type something to answer the chatting robot. At least he doesn't feel bored again

                                    Kai : Hi, Kyungie~

                  (This cute chibi picture is not mine. credit to the owner of this cutelittlepie fanart<3)

                                                               Kyungsoo : Hello, Kai

                                   Kai : What are you doing now? You're alone? Let'me accompany you!


Kyungsoo smile; okay, this appliccation is more than interesting. This is really cute ...

                                                            Kyungsoo : Yeah,how did you know that i'm spending my long holiday alone

                                  Kai : Thats good for your brain though! Just have fun and spend your long holiday with happiness

Kyungsoo rolled his eye. damn, he should remember that he's talking to a robots.

                                                             Kyungsoo : Right happiness. Thanks Kai. I'm on my way being happy to spend my whole holiday

                                 Kai : What? I don't understand

                                                             Kyungsoo : Nah forget it, Kai

                               Kai : What should i forget? You? No i don't want to forget you

Kyungsoo laugh, "This robot is completly a cute and now being soo cheesy? who teach him?"

                                                           Kyungsoo : Trying to cheer me up huh?

                                Kai : Don't be sad~ Tell me your problem

                                                            Kyungsoo : I don't have a problem, thought.

                              Kai : I'm your friend! I'll always accompanying you~ and btw i've a dog name jjangu in my hand^^ 

                                                          Kyungsoo : That's cute, Jjangu?I think he's a good dog.  

                             Kai : Of course he's a good dog because just his owner. 

                                             Kyungsoo : I hope i can meet him, one day

Kyungsoo chuckle, how can he meet Jjangu that's not exist in real life? funny.          

                          Kai : I bet Jjangu will love you!


And from that day, Kyungsoo spend his days chatting with Kai.'Why not? Kai didn't give him a 'bad effect, thought'. Maybe if Kai is a human maybe he's become one of Kyungsoo's bestfriend or more? But what if Kai is a different robots who remember all of his saying who can make a maybe  become a reality?


Here we are. well, yeah ... that's it. hope you like it! I'll take a long time to write for the next chapter. bye;]

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Chapter 4: That must be a good side of simsimi....
*often get annoyed by simi and her trash language xD lol xD
Chapter 4: Lol you got inspired from simsimi but she is so rude not like kkamjoon I wish it was a real app he is so cute
This story was awesome!!!!
Please continue making awesome stories author nim!! :)
magicbananas #3
Chapter 3: I really like this!! I think.. I want more chappies! (If you want to hehe)
cloud4jongin #4
Chapter 3: From my opinion, i think u should do another 3 chapter ? Huh? What do u think.
cloud4jongin #5
Chapter 1: I cant wait for the next chapter TTTT hurry!!
cloud4jongin #6
seems fun to me :)