Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

Do you remember?

We were little children and became the beasts and faeries of the forest, fighting back the forces of unknown evil.

Do you remember walking home, hand-in-hand from a long day at school, longing to scramble to the table for the ice cream that would be waiting for us?

Do you remember?

The scar on my foot was from when I cut it on a rock while jumping in the river to save you from drowning.

Do you remember the day when you fought back the bullies at school for me, because they teased us for holding hands while walking home?

They never bothered me again, but we didn’t hold hands again from that day onward.

Do you remember?

You were sleeping over at my house, lying on the floor after watching a movie.

We lay on the blanket, side-by-side, and you confessed to me that you liked a girl in our class.

That was the first time you broke my heart.

Do you remember when I comforted you after you broke up with your first love? Alcohol flowed through our systems, and a dark bruise appeared on my neck the next day.

Do you remember?

We were always close, but you curled up next to me, lying on the cover of the grass beneath the blanket of stars and we held hands—your fingers, slotted with mine--for the first time.

You leaned in, and time froze.

Do you remember when we moved—far, far away from anyone and anything—to chase our dreams?

I chased you, my guiding star, to the ends of the world and across the seas.

Do you remember?

It was raining at the park, and I got my knee wet when I kneeled down and asked if you could be the one by my side from now into eternity.

You showed your bunny-teeth, eyes alight, and replied, “yes.”

I slipped a ring onto your finger as you placed a bracelet around my wrist.

Do you remember, dear, we met at the end of the aisle to whisper promises of forever?

I hope you do.

Because when we’re old and gray, our memory fades, so I pray that these things are never taken away

From us.

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Chapter 1: "Do you remember?" Ouch.. :(( Xiuhan. Yah. I almost cried, haha. I love this. :)
Chapter 1: Sobbing. I adore this.