Chapter 3 : Into Your World

Meteor Love

Baekhyun opened his eyes and turned at me. “Juniel, what did you wished for?”

My eyes was still closed but I smiled. “Something.”

He pouted. “Can I know?”

I opened my eyes and giggled. “Andwae. No no no. I won’t tell.”

I turned to look at him and I gave a soft squeak when his face was so damn near.

He pulled back and chuckled.

Is he teasing me? Damn you oppa. 

“Ahahahaha, did I shocked you?” He grinned.

I gave him a hmp and turned back facing the sky.

Baekhyun oppa was still grinning at me and he too faced back the sky.


“Did you-” Both of us were about to ask a question at the same time. We stopped and looked at each other. We smiled releasing out a small chuckle.

“Ladies first.” He said.

I shook my head. “Nu-uh. You first.”

He blinked his eyes and grinned showing that he agreed to what I said.

“Remember how we met? How we know each other-How we stumble upon each other?”

Yes.. Yes I do. 

It was one night during school holiday.

Jieun invited me to tag along with her to a concert. Her favourite band’s concert.

Somehow, she didn’t manage to made it. But she already handed my ticket.

So I’m by myself. Full with loneliness and boredom. Hoping and expecting this concert will turned out great even without a companion by my side.

When the entrance door was opened, it’s a raid.

Rather than getting myself being squeezed, I just waited and let other people dashed in.

Couples of minutes later, I started to have this feeling of someone’s watching. More like staring.

I looked to my right and I saw this guy not letting his eyes of me.


Our eyes met. He then smiled at me.

My heart skipped a beat and shyly I replied his smile. Then I dashed through the crowded entrance.

I managed to find my seat. Thank god Jieun got the one with a seating number. I rather stay home than standing at the rockpit.

Currently for the first few hours, I enjoyed myself. Thanks to Jieun, I’m also a fan of the band now.

During one moment where the screen releases a teaser, I was thirsty. Very. I screamed a lot.

But very smart of me, I didn’t prepare any drinks for myself. Because that was Jieun’s part.

As I just gulping my saliva, a figure of a guy came closer and sat beside me. Where the seat was supposedly to be Jieun’s if she was with me.

Casually I turned to see and my eyes widen when it’s the same guy that smiled at me before.

“May I?” He asked.

I cleared my throat and gave him a nod.

As he sat down, he offered me a drink he brought with him. It’s cold too.

I hesitate at first but he was pushing the water towards me so I just accept it.

I gulped it slowly not showing that I’m in desperate mode needing that.

He drank his as he watches me.

Then he began. “Are you a fan? You like ‘em?”

“I.. uhh.. just became one. I’m still new. They’re okay.”

“Aaaa I see. You’re alone?”

“….. My friend invited me. But then she couldn’t come.. So yea.. Urm, how about you?”

“I’m alone too. None of my friends could come. They were too busy. But I’m okay, since I’m kinda a huge fan of this band.”

I nodded. And then silence took it’s place.

But as time passes, we forgot our awkwardness and enjoyed the concert together.

When the concert’s over. We went to have late dinner together. Just the two of us.

The same Fullhouse L oppa brought, we had our dinner there.

He escorted me home where unnie was worriedly waiting at the door. Until now, she still teases me being with a mysterious handsome prince. She didn’t get see his face.

When school’s re-opened, I jaw-dropped when I’m witnessing him being with the popular boys. He was the new student and he’s my senior. 

And by rumors spread, I get to know his name.

Byun Baekhyun.


Now that brings back the memories. I thought.

It’s getting late. Baekhyun oppa stood up and offered me a hand. “Let’s go. It’s almost 2am.”

I nodded and reached for his hand.

He pulled me up and our face were only few inches away.

We both blushed and pulled away quickly. God I can’t believe he was blushing! Cute~ 

Arrived at the gate, I was about to thanked him before I get off his car when he caught my lips.

I was astonished but I like it. It was a soft kiss. 

I could feel our heart beats wildly. We both longing for a longer kiss.

Then I could feel his tongue making it’s way into my mouth. Yummy.

My hands were already around his neck and his hands were around my waist.

He groaned and I moaned.

“You are my angel, Juniel.”

“And you are mine.”

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meow15 #1
Chapter 4: I'm confused much.. There's lot of question running in my head. Why Baekhyun loves Juniel all of sudden? Is the concert and their little time really affect his feelings that much? Or Baekhyun knows Juniel before the concert? Or Baekhyun is not even real, like meteor's? Oh well, okay. I shall wait for your updates.
Chapter 2: Cute~ My two biases together! >< I loved this so much! ^^