Deep Breaths.

Forgetting Love.


After class Areum and I returned home and got ready for the party later. No doubt there would be drinking and a lot of people, knowing the types of parties that Areum often got invited to. I put on some high waisted shorts and a sleevless band tee. I put on some light makeup, re did my high ponytail, and put on my Chucks. I checked up on Areum, who was obviously digging through all of her clothes to find something to wear. She ended up in a short skater skirt and a crop top halter and pointed flats. We grabbed our purses and headed for the party. When we got there it was already 10:30 and everyone else had just arrived also. I knew several of the people, none that I knew too well, but enough to know of eachother's existince and to say hi to eachother whenever we saw eachother. I sat down next to Areum as we chatted with a few of our peers. 

"Nari, did you want a beer?" Areum asked as she got up. I nodded. Areum got up with a few others to go and grab the beers. I took out my phone to make it look like I was less lonely. 

"So Nari, how was first semester for you?" Asked one of the guys I was sitting by. 

"It was okay, I did better than I thought I would so that's good. You?" I smiled. 

"Good, that's good. I did good too!" He replied. I smiled. Struggling to find somewhere in my memory bank what his name was. He was in our year... It starts with a J, I'm sure of it. Jin... no it was like Jr. or something... Right?

"Your name is Jun... Jinyoung, right?" I asked. He showed a bright smile and nodded.

"Most people just call me Jr. but you know, Jinyoung works too." He laughed. I smiled. I looked around for Areum, and then I saw him. He and his group of friends had just walked through the door. 

"HEY! JR!" One of the friends called. I darted my eyes to Jr. Who was sitting next to me... , they were heading towards us. I tried to look away from them... Escape plan A! 

"I'm gonna go look for Areum, they might need help." I said to Jr. I stood up but he grabbed my arm. I turned around in shock. 

"It's fine! Sit, they had like 3 people go to get beer, they'll be fine, I'm sure of it." He smiled one of his million dollar smiles. I nodded and sat back down. I guess plan B it is... Avoiding Mark at all costs.

Jr's friends and Mark came over and sat down. I just made sure to stare at my phone and never look up. That was until Jr decided I needed an introduction. 

"Nari, these are my friends! Guys this is Nari!" Jr. exclaimed. I looked up and immeadiatly locked eyes with Mark. I quickly darted my eyes at Jr. He introduced me to all of them, some of which were freshmans in college still. 

"Nari, this is Jackson."

"What's up honey?" Jackson winked. I laughed and he suddenly had a dissapointed look on his face. 

"This is Bam Bam." 

"Hi Noona." Bam Bam smiled. I blushed a bit, I wasn't use to being called Noona. 

"This is JB, Youngjae, Yugyeom, and Mark." Jr. introduced. I smiled at all of them and then glanced at Mark. 

"NARII!!" Areum returned with the drinks. She handed one to me and to Jr. 

"Oh, Jr. Are these your friends?" Areum asked. Jr. grinned and nodded. Areum turned to the 6 guys. 

"Hi! I'm Areum! Sorry I didn't grab you guys any drinks!" Areum exclaimed. 

"That's okay! I'll go get it!" I beamed. I stood up and made my way towards what I hoped was the kitchen. Anything to get out of that awkward atmosphere with Mark. I made it to the kitchen and found the beer. 

"Okay, six beers..." I reached into the cooler. 

"Need help with that?" A voice asked. I froze. I could feel him getting closer. My heartbeat began to quicken, and my temperture began to rise. I composed myself and slapped on a fake smile. 

"No I'm good!" I smiled grabbing the six beers. I attempted to swerve my way around Mark but his stuck out his arms stopping me. Damn this small kitchen. I looked at him, trying to conceal my fear and excitement. 

"You're not going to say hi?" Mark asked in that deep voice of his. My breath hitched. 

"...You're not going to say it first?" I challenged. He smiled. Oh god how I've missed that beautiful smile of his. 

"Hi Nari." Mark grinned. No. That bastard, he knows when he says my name like that it makes my knees weak. I grinned a very fake and obvious grin.

"Hi Mark." I replied. 

"Let me help you with that." Mark said as he grabbed 4 beers out of my hand. He turned around and walked back towards the living room. I watched him walk away before following. I handed the 2 beers to the remaining guys without beers and sat down next to Areum. She handed me back my beer. Suddenly our lovely host came waddling over. 

"Guys! Oh, and Girls! Lets take some shots!!" He announced. We all laughed, it was obvious he had been going around taking shots with everyone. He looked over to me. 

"Nari, my sweet, sweet Nari. Take a love shot with me please?" He pouted. I laughed. I stood up and took the shot glass and wove my arm around his. 

"One, Two, Three!" He Cheered as we took our shot. I could feel the alcohol burn as it slid down my throat. Everyone began to cheer and shout.

"Areum! Your turn!" Our host cheered. They too took a love shot. This went on for another 10 more people before he said he had to puke, so someone escorted him to the bathroom. We all laughed. He was the most wild among all of us. 

I took another shot with Areum and Jr. It was only 3 shots but I could feel the effects settling in. Everything was fuzzy and warm. I took another swig of my beer. I looked over to Areum who was taking more shots with Jr. and his friends. I glanced over at Mark who was drinking his beer and staring at the people taking shots. He suddenly looked at me. Like a deer in the head lights my eyes got huge and I turned my attention at Areum as Jr. was making his way over to me. 

"Nari, my sweet, sweet Nari. Take a love shot with me please?" Jr asked trying to imitate the host. I laughed. I took the shot glass and took a shot with Jr. 

"One more! With Mark! You two barely took any shots!" Areum exclaimed. I looked at Mark. Both of our faces reading the same expression. We both took the glasses while Jr. poured vodka into both of our glasses. 

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" They all cheered. I looked at Mark, both of us hesitating. I wrapped my arm around his, sending chills all through out my body. We took the shot. It took me another 5 minutes before I felt the effects of all the shots. I could tell everyone else was pretty much wasted. We started getting loud and someone turned up the music. Some of us were dancing and swaying to the music. Areum and Jr. had gone off to lord knows where, and most of the other guys were dancing. I sat back on the couch and closed my eyes. 

I felt a figure sink into the spot next to me. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was. I always knew when it was him. I opened my eyes and looked over at him. I was in shock when I saw that he had been staring back at me. I looked away and sat up. 

He put his arm behind me on the couch. 

"Nari," He said in that seductive low voice. I gulped and looked over at him. 

"Hmm?" I asked. Trying so hard to hide everything. 

"Nothing." He smiled and laid his head back. I smiled. I had forgotten how cute he was when he was drunk. The guys came back to sit down and we all took a few more shots. Jr. and Areum had also returned and joined in. It was bout 1 am now, and some people had gone back home. But there were still a few of us left. Mark and I kept making eye contact through out the night, and I began to think that the others realized that also.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Jackson suddenly asked. Mark and I looked at him. And everyone else was looking at us also. I looked over at Mark.

"No." We both replied. 

"Don't lie, I know when there's something going on, I can sense it." Jackson grinned. 

".... At one point in time yes. But not anymore." I said. 

"Ouuu! so you two know eachother then?!" Jackson shouted. 

"Were you guys in a relationship or something Hyung?!" Yugyeom asked intrigued. Mark smiled.

"I wouldn't call it a relationship." Mark said as he took another sip of his beer. Like a dagger to my chest I felt the pain. I bit back the tears that were threatening to burst.

"....Oh? And what would you call it exactly?" I asked him.

"It was nothing more than a summer fling." Mark replied. He was taunting me... I could see it in his eyes. I bit my lips, fighting back the tears. I stood up and walked towards the back door that lead to the yard. 

I took in a deep breath. Letting out some staggered breathing. 

"That bastard." I cursed. I sat down on the stairs and looked up at the stars. I felt a tear stream down. Before I knew it, a bunch more began to stream down. I quickly wiped them all away. 

Not here Nari, Not in front of him. I kept repeating it to myself in my mind. I heard the door behind me creak open.

"Nari?" Areum's voice echoed through the yard. I turned around. I grinned.

"Hi Areum." I smiled. 

"You okay? I saw what happned back there." Areum asked. I nodded. 

"Is that who I think it is?" Areum asked. I nodded again. Areum knew about almost everything that had happened that summer.

"That hoe..." Areum cursed. I laughed. 

"Areum!" I laughed. She wrapped her arms around me. 

"It's okay honey, it'll only hurt for a little bit. You'll get over it soon." She said as she embraced me. I nodded. Hugging her back.

"Shall we go back in?" Areum asked. I smiled. We both went back inside and sat down. I could hear the guys mumble when we returned. 

"See! You idiot, you hurt her feelings!" JB said to Mark. I smiled at JB's actions. I smiled as I sat down. I avoided looking at Mark the rest of the night. 

Around 3 am we left, the guys escorted Areum and I back to our home. We bid our goodbyes to everyone before heading in. 

"Nari!" Mark called. I turned around.

"Hmm?" I asked. 

"About earlier..." Mark mentioned.

"Forget it. We were nothing. I get it. Get back safely Mark." I smiled and headed into the house, not giving him a chance to say anything. 



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EverydayJackJi #1
Chapter 3: I'm already hooked on this, pls update soon :)