
Forgetting Love.


We were half way through class when the teacher decided to be suddenly spontaneous and chose one of us to answer a question. I shut my eyes praying that he wouldn't call my name.

"Song....Nari." The teacher announced. . I bit my lips and stood up. 

"Yes?" I answered. 

"What is your response to the way you see music?" He asked. I thought back to when Mark and I first met...

"I see music as a time machine. All these centuries have gone by yet music is still around. Though it has evolved, it can still take people to all those different decades that it once existed in... Yet it still exists today in our generation." I replied. The professor began to nod. 

"I like that answer, its different... New. Thank you Miss Song. You may have a seat." He complimented. I sat down. I hope he doesn't remember that same answer from that summer. 

It was 3 pm and the professor dismissed us. I quickly grabbed my things so I wouldn't have to run into Mark. I made it 2 feet away from the door when the professor stopped me. 

"Miss Song, may I see you for a bit?" He asked. I walked over to his desk. 

"I liked that answer a lot, tell me... Where did you get your inspiration from?" He asked. I paused. 

"Someone I once knew told me that, I guess the words just stuck with me all these years." I smiled. 

"Alright, well I expect good things from you Miss Song. You are dismissed." He said. I bowed and quickly left. 

I had just turned the corner when Mark and his friends ran past me. For a second as he passed I forgot to breathe. I stared at the back of his fading figure. Suddenly he turned around, and for 3 seconds... I thought I had died. I don't know what it was about him, I always forgot to breathe when he was around... And everything was always in god damned slow motion for some reason. 

Those 3 seconds ticked by and he turned back to his friends. Not saying a word to me, not even smiling. I blinked back the pain in my chest. 

I went to find Areum for our next class together. 

"Nari!" I heard Areum call from down the hall. I smiled as she came skipping towards me. 

"What's up?" I asked. She grinned. 

"Guess what?" She asked as she nudged me.

"Just tell me Areum!" I laughed. 

"I WAS INVITED TO A PARTY TONIGHT!! Want to come with?" She asked happily. I nodded. How bad could this party be?


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EverydayJackJi #1
Chapter 3: I'm already hooked on this, pls update soon :)