
Forgetting Love.


I stared out at the sidewalk infront of me. The cement painted by the rain that was drizzling down. I stood under my umbrella and before I knew it, it hit me. 

His light brown eyes. His dark soft hair. His gentle smile. His deep voice

"Hi Mark..." I whispered. 

The memories lasted only a moment before leaving me again. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. I blinked a few times then continued on the sidewalk.

I made my way across the bridge, taking the long way home. I wanted to walk in the rain a bit longer. I wanted to take in all that I could of this depressing weather... 

Truthfully... I just wanted to see him again, once more in my thoughts. 

The night we stopped speaking to eachother was a lot like tonight... Dark, dreary, and depressing.  

I would tell you all about the little rendevous we had, but it would take a lifetime to form the words that could describe it. Lets just say, falling in love was not what I had in mind that summer...

But... He's back home now. On the other side of the world where I can't see him, hear him, or feel him. That's how it is suppose to be... That's how has to be. 

I opened the door to my home. The lights were off, the only stream of light was from my bedroom. I guess I forgot to turn it off before I left this morning. I slipped on my slippers and dragged myself over to the couch. I laid down on my back and stared up at the ceiling, letting the rain sing me to sleep.


"YAH! What time did you get back that you're still sleeping out here on the couch?!" My roommate Areum shouted. I opened one eye.

"I got home at 11, I was just too lazy to walk to my room." I whined. 

"Aish! We're going to be late if you don't get up now!" Areum threw my towel at me. 

"Okay, okay! I'm getting up!" I dragged myself to the bathroom and washed up. 

"Oh god..." I said looking into the mirror. I had forgotten to take off my makeup last night, and now it was smeared around my eyes, making me look like a panda. I washed up and quickly changed into a pair of highwaisted skinnies and a cream crop top sweater, threw my tornado hair into a high pony and grabbed my jacket, shoes, and backpack.

I could smell the toast that Areum had made for breakfast waffing through the air of our small home. I grabbed a piece and left the comfort of our home for class.

Today is our first day back on campus after the first semester. I could already feel the homework and essays piling in my backpack, and I haven't even been to class yet. 

I parted ways with Areum and walked towards class. I caught on to different conversations as I got closer to the classroom. Girls gossiping, guys shouting, other guys laughing.

I stopped dead in my tracks. That laugh, it was familiar... It sounded... just like him... I crept closer to the doorway and poked my head in.

There he was... In the back corner of the class joking around with his friends. I felt a jolt of pain in my chest. I quickly returned to the safety of the hallway where he couldn't see me.

Why the hell was he here? Didn't he go back to California? Why was he in my class? Why does my chest still hurt. Why does my face feel wet? 

I brought my hand up to my face. Sure enough they were tears. I swiftly wiped them away and gathered what I could of my courage and walked into the classroom. I chose a seat in the middle, far enough away from him and far away enough from the front, where the teacher certainly wouldn't call on me. I took my laptop out and started it up. I could hear his voice in the back. I slightly grinned...

"Hi Mark." I thought to myself. 


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EverydayJackJi #1
Chapter 3: I'm already hooked on this, pls update soon :)