The start of the Uno game

The One and "Uno"nly

"Guys! Uno!" Chanyeol shouts shuffling the deck.

"Do we always have to play games with a punishment involved?" Sehun askes situating himself at the table.

"Are you saying a six person game of Uno would be nearly as fun without the fear of a penalty?" Chanyeol raises an eyebrow at the maknae, who nods slightly. 

"True, it wouldn't be as fun. I guess I have just seen Kris one too many times." Sehun shivers dramatically then laughs.

"Well M is back in China so that won't be a problem." Chanyeol begins dealing cards to people as they sit around the table.

"So what's the penalty?" Baekhyun asks as they go around clockwise laying down cards.

"We should wait until it's down to just two people to decide. Make it a more personal punishment." The five other members all look at Suho.

"Umm..hyung? You okay?" Kai asks. Suho just nods and smiles.

"You sure? That was a very Satansoo thing to say." D.O. punches Baekhyun in the arm before the words were even fully out of his mouth.

"I just think that will make us all a little more competitive. Healthy competition is good for the dynamic of a group." They all nod at this answer, being that it sounds so much more like the Suho they know.

"Sounds like good incentive to me," D.O. agrees, "play well or risk having a punishment set by the person who knows your secrets."

They game goes on how Uno games do. A few friendship ending colour changes made and skip cards are layed down and "oh you"'s thrown around liberally. The game eventually dwindles down to two players. Kai and D.O.

The group now out of cards sits watching and the punishment is announced.

"The loser has to kiss the....umm...not loser?" Baekhyun says.

"That seems unfair." D.O. stares Baekhyun down.

"How so?" Chanyeol grins.

"It's a punishment for both of us. And wait, isn't it supposed to be personal?" D.O. looks at his other members in confusion. Kai shoots a look at Baekhyun, his tan face blushing. D.O. misses it, but the others didn't and the four "winners" laugh. Baekhyun laughs the hardest, since he was the other one who really knew why they were laughing. D.O. sinks into his chair, feeling like he has missed the joke....again.

"What do you think about the punishment Kai?" Suho asked.

"It is a punishment to both of. It's not fair, but no punishment would be. We are playing Uno not holding a court case." Kai keeps his eyes down on his cards. "But the person who has to do the kissing has it much worse than the person being kissed because they have to worry about accidentally hitting the other person with their face. The non-kisser just has to sit to sit there.

"Then the penalty is settled." Sehun claps

"What ever," D.O. says straightening back up in his chair, "because I'm going to win anyway."

"Oh you are so on!" Kai laughs laying down a draw two.

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Please update soon :D
yrwlcmfrthvnm #2
I heard that this apparently ACTUALLY happened!! That they were playing Uno and Kai had to kiss D.O! I didn't know if you wrote this about that but keep up the good work Author-nim!!!! < 3
yousra19 #3
Chapter 4: Keep writing!! Its soooooooo good!!!!!!! Can't wait for the next chapter ;)