
One Shots


"Ugh" Sighs Taeyeon, dropping her grocery bags at the door of her one-room apartment. She collapses on her unmade bed, looking up at the ceiling. 
If I don't find a better job soon, I'm leaving the city. Everything's either overpriced or trying to violate me. She thinks to herself. She decides to put on her pjs, so she stands up and takes her shirt reading "McDonalds" off. She slides out of her pants and turns to her dresser. To her horror, her blinds aren't down, and all the people in rooms across from hers can see her. Not only that, but the girl she has developed a crush on is staring right at her. She covers herself with her hands even though she still has underwear on, and rushes around looking for the remote to move the blinds down. She finally finds it, and when she turns to move down the blinds she sees the girl is gone. When the blinds are down, she hits herself in the head for forgetting to check them. She slips on some sweatpants and a Molang shirt, and starts carrying her groceries to the kitchen. Suddenly, she hears a knock on her door.
What is it now? She thinks, walking over and opening it. She goes wide eyed as she sees the girl from across the courtyard standing there. 
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry for forgetting to shut my blinds. It escaped my mind, and it'll never happen again." She says, bowing at the girl frantically. 
"Nah, it's alright man. I actually came over to tell you you're pretty hot. And to give you this." She says, handing the blushing Taeyeon a small piece of paper. "Seeya." She does a small wave and walks away without another word. Taeyeon unfolds the paper and her blush grows as she reads it.
"Sunny: 999-120-0515"  


The next day after work, Taeyeon is eating dinner in her kitchen. As she eats, she looks around at her messy apartment. Her eyes land upon the small piece of paper, and she sighs. She stands up and holds it in her hands, debating on whether or not she should call.
She did call me hot. But what if she thinks I'm being too forward? I mean, I only met her last night. But she did give me her number. 
"ing hell I'm gonna do it." She says to herself, picking up the phone and dialing the number. 
"Hello?" The voice of Sunny escapes the speaker. 
"Uh, hi. This is Taeyeon...the girl from yesterday." She says cautiously.
"Oh hey! Missing me already?" Sunny says, and Taeyeon blushes.
"N-No! I just..."
"I gave you my number and you didn't know what to do so you kept picking the phone up and putting it down and now you're regretting this call?"
"H-How did you-"
"Look at your window."
Taeyeon grabs the remote and moves the blinds down.
" I can't see your pretty face."
"Well you still can if you want..."
Taeyeon immediately regrets her words.
"Okay! On my way!"
Sunny hangs up, and Taeyeon starts pacing around the room. She gasps as she remembers the mess. She rapidly makes her bed and stuffs some of the mess in the closet. She hears a knock and panics. She rushes over and opens the door, panting.
"You know you didn't have to clean, right?" Sunny says. "I can see your whole apartment through the window, remember?" Taeyeon collapses on the ground, defeated. Sunny chuckles and walks in, closing the door behind her. Taeyeon gets up, following her to the kitchen.
"D-Do you want anything to eat or drink?" She says, and Sunny turns to her.
"Hey, she talks! I'm fine though, thanks." Sunny says, and Taeyeon nods. "There is something I want, though."
"Oh, what's that?" Taeyeon asks, and Sunny smirks. She wraps her arms around Taeyeon's neck, and Taeyeon starts blushing.
"A kiss, if you'd please." She says, and Taeyeon slips out of her arms. 
"Um...we just met yesterday. We've only talked for maybe five minutes at most. I barely know you." She says, and Sunny frowns. "Besides, I'm saving my first kiss for SoonD."
"SoonD?" Sunny asks, and Taeyeon's eyes widen as she realizes she said the last sentence out loud.
"Uh...she's this musician who never shows her face. She's really popular on YouTube and she makes really pretty music."
"So you're saving a kiss for someone who you've never seen?"
"I respect that. So she could be really ugly and you would still kiss her?"
"Yeah. She has a really nice personality and she's kind to everyone." 
"There needs to be more people like you in this world, Taeyeon. I need to be more like that." 

The entire conversation after that was super awkward, and after a while, Sunny leaves. 
Just in time. SoonD's livestream is about to start. Taeyeon thinks, getting on her computer. Once a week, SoonD has a livestream of her making music. 
SeeYouSoon-D Entered the chatroom.
SeeYouSoon-DHey guys, who's in the chat today?
SoonDisMyLoveIn the house!
SeeYouSoon-DHey Dis!

A smile grows on Taeyeon's face as she hears SoonD's voice starts to explain what she's doing.
"Hey guys! Today I'm working on an acoustic piece, so I'm going to do something a little different. You, my loyal fans who watch this stream every week, will be the first to see my face."
SeeYouSoon-DOh my god. Oh My God. OH MY GOD!
SoonDisMyLoveHOLY .

The screen goes black for a second, then a video stream comes in. Taeyeon sees an empty room with a computer chair facing the camera. Then, from the side of the camera comes a face. Sunny's face. 
"SUNNY?!" She yells out loud, running from her computer out of the apartment. She rushes to Sunny's apartment and knocks loudly. 
"One second guys, someone is at my door." Sunny says, knowing exactly who it is. She opens the door and Taeyeon tackles her, pressing her lips against Sunny's. 
"Why didn't you tell me?" She says once they part.
"Because your kiss wouldn't have been that good." Sunny says, and Taeyeon helps her up off the floor. Sunny takes her to the computer screen and pulls her into the camera shot. 

"Hey guys, this is my girlfriend, Taeyeon."

AU idea from thegraeaesisters on Tumblr: "See I did not mean to leave the blinds open and change but now that you’re staring at me…” AU

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Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 4: I love it!!! DANDYUUUUUUUUUUUU
Chapter 3: Really cool one-shots! Great job NERD!