
One Shots

You wake up suddenly, and after familiarizing yourself with your surroundings, you recognize the voice that woke you. 
"No, please no, no no no no no!" You follow the noise to the living room finding Sunny on the couch, her knees held against her chest and her head down. You can hear her sniffling in between her cries of 'no'. 
"Sunny?" You say cautiously, walking towards her. "What's wrong baby?" She looks up at you, her face stained with tears. 
"N-nothing,'s not important," she says quietly. 
"If it wasn't important, you wouldn't be having a panic attack." She cringes at the words 'panic attack', but doesn't respond. "Did you have another dream?" She nods, tears falling from her face. 
"I-In this one, my sister...." She bursts into tears, and you sit next to her, wrapping an arm around her. 
"There, there. It wasn't real, okay?" You rub her arm comfortingly. "It was all your imagination. You haven't been to Kuwait in years, remember?" 
She turns to you and wraps her arms around you, sobbing into your shoulder. You can make out a muffled 'No'. 
"Well, you haven't, and neither has anyone else in your family. Not to mention, the war's over. So there's no way any of that dream is real.  Okay?" She nods weakly, and you rub her back. "It's all going to be okay. I promise I'll always be here." She looks up, and musters a quiet "You will?" While looking up at you. You smile and kiss her forehead. 
"I will."

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Chapter 4: please update soon
Chapter 4: I love it!!! DANDYUUUUUUUUUUUU
Chapter 3: Really cool one-shots! Great job NERD!