Operation: Moving Out


I lazily lay on my bed as I scroll down through a variety of different shows on Netflix from my laptop. It's getting harder and harder for me to find a good show to watch because I've practically watched all of them, from 4 teenage girls in Pretty Little Liars to teenagers turning into wolves in Teen Wolf. I'm a typical girl who loves her teen fictions and romances but never seems to catch a good man herself. I've had so many crushes on guys during my eighteen years on this earth and yet I've never had the courage to go up to them and tell them how I feel, it's frustrating really. But what can you do when you're shy as a turtle hiding in their shells. All my life so far has been a series of plain boring and dullness; nothing exciting, nothing adventurous. But I plan on changing that from now on. Why? Because I'm moving out of the house my family and I have been living in since before I was even born; a fairly average-sized apartment to fit a family of four in the middle of Gangnam. The place we were moving to was America, because my father is an American man who originally created his own company back in America and has expanded to Korea because his wife, my mother had connections with people who could potentially increase the success of my father’s business.

Enough of all the explanation of my father’s success and back to me. I have lived in Korea since I was born and I don’t want to leave this place without saying my proper goodbye. And so I am planning on creating a big long list with the things I’ve always wanted to do in Korea. And that included confessing to the most handsome guy I have a huge crush on in high school. 



Hey guys! I started a new fic which hopefully doesn't end up like my previous one that I have now deleted.... because I couldn't finish it. Enjoy this one with anticipated hopes of success in completion.... huehuehue

It looks like a very weak description of the story but please give it a chance to read hehe....

Actually it's a really crap intro to my story but basically this story is going to be about an 18-year-old girl named Layla who has a very successful dad in the field of business and so he decides that the family should start living in America because he wants to extednd his established company name to America where all of his relatives, as well as his wife's are living. Anyways Layla disapproves of this but can't exactly protest, and so she tries to make the most of the remaining 6 months she has left with a little (or a lot) help from her freinds Taehyun, Jimin and Jessi. A bunch of things happen which was to what she least expected which includes reuniting with her ex boyfriend, scandalous secrets and cute confessions.

I hope this sums up my story but uf anything gets added I'll try to let you guys know in advance unless you'd rather not have me say anything at all and just surprise you guys hahahaha 

PLEASE leave any comments below, talk to me, tell me your name hahahahaha (that's a song)

There will be a lot of typos and grammar mistakes and most likely some words missing here and there because I seem to think ahead before I completely type it down hahahahaha Don't worry! When I finish writing up all the chapters I will go back on them to proof-read and correct for a better quality story hehehe

AND!!! also don't forget to always read my comments after each chapter because well, you know, that's where I'll be posting anything about the future of this lol
I've written a lot now so I should stop but please please pwease comment below just so I know at least someone is reading ^_^



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