Chapter 1

Operation: Moving Out

As I lazily look for a drama to watch on Netflix in my laptop like any other day in this dreaded and boring holidays of mine, I begin to wonder if my life really is worth telling about to my future grandchildren. I let out an unamused laugh at myself for even thinking that I’m going to have grandchildren, or even children for this fact before actually having a boyfriend. I let out a bitter and loud cry (not crying for real though) for being so bored out of my will.

Then I hear someone running to my room, my door abruptly opening right after with a loud bang, “WHAT HAPPENED?! IS THERE A FIRE?!” my father panics out loud as he runs into my room with a pair of metal chopsticks, looking around my room for any signs of danger while pointing out his chopsticks at every direction he looks at.

Feeling like a zombie I slowly sit up from my bed and stare at him, “What are you talking about? There’s not fire.” I say to him in the most dead-est way possible, not even knowing if that’s a real word.

“I heard you shout so I thought there was a fire, or a burglar, or something…” He confesses.

“Wow dad, thanks for trying to protect me against danger with chopsticks.” I reply sarcastically.

I’m pretty close with my dad so I hardly show any formalities with him. And since he was born from American parents, he never really cares about Korean traditions like my Korean mother, whom I’m not as close with unlike my older sister, Kim.

“Layla, can you please refrain from making such a ruckus in this house, you know your father worries a lot about safety. So stop cooping around in your room and get out more. Do something useful with your holidays, like helping me with chores and all.” My mother yaps on and on from the kitchen. I block her out though, laying back down on my bed with my index finger also back to scrolling on the mousepad.

“Don’t worry about her mom, she’s just going through her teenage phase where she feels like there’s absolutely nothing to do in life. It’s normal and I think you should leave her to hibernate in her cave.” My sister Kim says in a matter-of-fact way as she walk into the kitchen towards mom to grab some food she cooked.

I thank my sister internally for understanding me. She’s older than me by like eight years so most of the time she’s there to have my back but she can also be a pain in the for thinking most of the time that since she’s the older one, she knows absolutely everything. I don’t know why she’s still living in this house when she’s twenty-six years old and earning a fairly high amount of money from her current job. I also question why she’s not married yet because she and her boyfriend have been together for ten years and yet they have no plan of binding their relationship with a ring on their fingers.

“Yeah honey, don’t bother our youngest too much, maybe she’s just tired.” My dad defended, walking out of my room while closing the door as he went and back to the dining table to finish his meal before going to work.

It feels amazing to have my sister and my dad to defend me all time when my mom and I have arguments because she’s the one that causes so much drama in this house. I mean, every little thing I do she judges me for it. She’s always giving me silly advices on my problems I don’t even need advice on it from her. But when I do need advice from her she tells me to do whatever it is I want to do, so ironic of mothers. My mother is very biased towards my sister only because she’s accomplished all the things my mum wants for her like she has successfully graduated from the highest ranked university in Korea with a PhD at such a young age and has also won many awards from different competition, unlike me who my mum sees as her child that gets low grades and has achieved nothing in her life.

I know I’m not like what most parents living in Korea want because of my low achievements but I am trying, and with my last year in high school almost ending I plan to miraculously boost my grades up from an average  C to A++. And from laying around in bed to joining different activities in school and to participate in school events. But first I need to get out of my laziness and to also get out of my routine of sleeping at 3am in the morning and waking up at 12 in the afternoon and also eating irregularly with so much snacks in between.

“I am not going to let my daughter laze around my house and do nothing all day! Layla get out of your room right now and make yourself useful for a change. Go buy the groceries or something, I can’t stand you being so fat!” My mum rants out as she barges in my room, placing her hands on her hips.

I let out a groan as I force myself to get off my bed and into the bathroom to take a hot shower. After drying off and dressing in warm clothes I take the money that my mum placed on the kitchen counter before I head out of the apartment complex and into the cold city streets. Having to take the bus to get to the closest mart (only because I don’t want to walk in the 9 degree weather even during the day) I stare out the bus window and let my thoughts run wild in my head. Thoughts like what course I’m going to take during university, or what I’m going to do after I completely all my studies, or what my boyfriend will be like or who it’s going to be.

Noticing I’m almost at my stop I press the button signalling the driver to halt at the next bus stop. As I walk out of the bus some guy rushes towards the same entrance I exited from and crashes onto me, causing me to fall on the cold hard ground. Looking up I notice it’s the guy I’ve like since middle school, Mark Tuan. He’s the bad boy of my school and is the guy that swoons all the girl over and whom the guys are jealous of. Mark Tuan has such defined features such as perfectly carved jawlines and nose, the rebellious piercings on his ears, killer smile and beautiful dark brown eyes. And his hair, oh his hair was so gorgeous and luscious no girl would be able to resist going up to him and just touch his uniquely coloured pinkish-red hair. Not to mention he's a exchange student, a smart one too. 

I stare at him for what seems like forever until his eyes set on me who’s on the floor staring like a total fool. “Uhhhh do you need help getting up or?....” He asks as he extends a helping hand towards me.

I stare at him for a few more seconds until I come to my senses, ignoring his extended hand and getting myself up without his help, “I’m fine… Umm… sorry for bumping into you…” I say stuttering every word.

“I think I was the one that bumped into you, sorry for that. But I have to go, the bus is going to leave without me.” He says as he smoothly gets into the bus after letting out a small chuckle. I think I almost fainted when he did that.

I let out a girly giggle, “O-okay, bye.” But he doesn’t hear me because the bus doors close and leaves before I can even reply.

Slumping my back I drag my feet towards the mart to buy the things my mum wanted me to get for her. With every item I get off the shelves I think more about my encounter with Mark. How much I regret acted in such a stupid way in front of him. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!



So this is the first chapter looool if there are any typos please do not mind them for I will/might correct them later on.
uhhhh I hope you like it and look forward to reading more of this in the fututre which will hopefully be very soon hahahahahah 


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